Get toned fast

Hey Im leaving for MAUI in 1 month, and I just need to tone up a little bit in my stomach area. What are some ideas that come with fast results


  • healthychic
    A little bit of cardio, (30 minutes a day) maybe 4 times a week if you have belly fat to lose. And if you are already thin and just want toning I would say get a workout ball (20 bucks at walmart) and do crunches on the ball. About 50-100 a day and make sure you keep your abs tight while doing crunches. You will see better results on the ball than on the floor, I guarantee it!:happy:

    -Danielle:flowerforyou: good luck!
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I read recently that in order to engage all the muscles in your belly area, a good exercise is to use a medicine ball and do a twisting throw to a partner. Back and forth, but then again, you need a partner to do this.
  • banji_scott
    Hey thanks........I already do cardio bout 5 days per/wk 45 min and crunches, but haven't tried the medicine ball yet I will definatley go get one prob tomorrow hehehe thanks again
  • clk238
    clk238 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey- do you lift weights? Looks like we might be in the same boat-- At a good weight (maybe a few lbs to lose) but want to tone up! I have found weight lifting (and I mean really doing it right- i keep a chart with the exercises i do and the weight i lift and reps, and mark it up after every exercise, and try to increase weight when it gets easy..) has REally helped. The change in my body is amazing, and I continue to drop lbs. I huffed and puffed at spin class and on the treadmill for hours a day, and never got anywhere as far as making a significant change in how my body looks/feels. Once I started a lifting regime, the results ahve been phenomenal. I'm a firm beliver that you can't spot reduce(ie more situps=flat abs), but i also know that if you're working out your entire body, muscle burns more cals than fat, and extra muscle/tone anywhere is always a good thing. I lift 4 times a week: 1 day legs, 1 back, 1 biceps and triceps, 1 chest and shoulders. Sometimes i throw a second leg day in there if I'm not sore, and i do abs every other day.. I really only do about 30 mins of intense cardio 3-4 days a week, with some light cardio for warmup/cooldown (about 30 mins total) before and after the lifting. my arms and legs have never looked better, and the belly/thigh problem areas are coming along as well- i really think the gain in lean muscle has helped to burn off some of that belly fat. now that I have more muscle tone, I'm burning fat in my sleep!

    Also- Don't worry about bulking up- I've been at it for months now, and all that seems to be happening is losing fat off of everywhere, and revelaing tone underneath... Lifting is the way forward- i think if more women did some REAL lifting (not just throwing around the 5 lb dumbells) weight loss would be a much simpler process.

    good luck!!! :)
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    try planks
  • getfitter2009
    I totally agree with clk 238. The body quickly adapts to running, stair master etc. After a few weeks the body will adjust to the level. What you can do is increase the cardio, but then again there only so long you can run for. I've gone from 15 mins interval training - 60 mins interval training in 4 weeks. This cardio is good but i think anymore than an hr for me will start to cause stress on my body.
    I also lift weights 4 times a week (2 in the gym and 2 body Pump/resistance training classes which is an excellent workout).

    Regarding your belly fat, you can do 1000 sit ups a day, but if you have a layer of fat you will never see that six pack. To lose the fat layers you have to burn maximum calories. I work on my abs by doing SQUATS !!! i know it sounds weird, but by using your leg muscles you are using the biggest muscle mass which in turn burns more calories than using all other muscle groups (ie chest, back, arms etc). So carry on with your stomach exersises, but incorporate more squats (with or with out weights).

    I try to keep my Stomach - squat ratio about 40% stomach exersizes and 60% Squats.
    Lastly as Kristi said Planks and core work out exersizes are also brilliant to burn belly fat.

    I hope this helps good luck and have a great holiday !!!!!!!