people who have had success by upping their calories!



  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    This is a great thread, I am learning so much!
  • robinrainville
    robinrainville Posts: 20 Member
    So that link is telling me to eat 2400 on workout days. Not happening! Can't do it.
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    anyone?(: i recently decided to up my calories and wanted to see success from other people..if you have pictures i'd love to see your progress but if not then just comment your story!(:

    i got the idea from this thread:

    if anyone else wants to do it with me.. friend me and we can support eachother!(:

    Check out this group - has all the info and support you need - be sure to read the stickies.
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    I was just wondering if anyone could help me out,
    for the past two-ish weeks i've been eating more,
    used to eat under 1000kcal, now i'm eating around 1200+kcal(working on upping that) -

    I've had no progress? I've put on 1lb.
    Does my body just need more time to adjust or ..?

    It can take up to a few weeks for your body to 'adapt' for want of a better word. Hang in there and give it time.
  • Jen8np
    Jen8np Posts: 50 Member
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im working on upping mine as we speak. I was originally around 1300 but bumped to 1540 last week, and had a gain. This week I am still at that 1540, but I am eating back all exercise cals so Im around 1900-2000 with that.

    My BMR is about 1809 and TDEE is about 2800 so I still have a ways to get until I am eating 20% less than TDEE. Its not easy to all of a sudden "train" yourself to eat more when every other diet mentality out there is to basically starve yourself.
    I should mention I am hardly ever hungry when I do eat what I have been, but the weight has not been budging much at all. I run 3 days a week and two days at the gym so I know I need to eat more. its a work in progress right now:)
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    I eat a ton of calories. Right now, I'm a little under maintenance calories - 1800. Each day I am "allowed" to eat at least 1800....and I also eat back my exercise calories, so I eat roughly 1800-2400 calories a day.

    I started MFP eating 1750. Er, wait. I started on 1450 or something...for like a day or two. it was too little and I upped it to 1700 shortly after that.

    I started last July...and I have lost 30+ lbs.

    These photos are from July to November - after losing 25 lbs eating ALOT - a total net calories of 1650-1750

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was just wondering if anyone could help me out,
    for the past two-ish weeks i've been eating more,
    used to eat under 1000kcal, now i'm eating around 1200+kcal(working on upping that) -

    I've had no progress? I've put on 1lb.
    Does my body just need more time to adjust or ..?

    It can take up to a few weeks for your body to 'adapt' for want of a better word. Hang in there and give it time.

    Thank for the link - it was really well written - clear and understandable
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you so much :)

    I've adjusted my counter as suggested (to very active 1lb loss a week) and will see what happens :) I've never actually 'dieted' before so I'd rather get it right the first time and not yo yo over the years to come.

    (Recap: I eat 2000 a day and do my exercise as normal to get to my BMR of 1600 and that should still facilitate my weight loss?)

    Thanks again ^_^

    Correct, whatever the daily net goal was is your daily eating goal, exercise that day or not.

    Now, if you change your routine in a big way permanently, such that one of the other activity levels is more correct now, than time to recalc.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks for the help. Right now the only exercise I do is walking/hiking. I walk 25-30 miles a week on my days off. I do not count any walking I do at work etc.. Should I be not eating any of the calories for my walking and hiking? I just want to succeed with both being healthier and lower in weight!

    If walking is slower than 3mph on flat, meaning pretty easy, it is just increased daily activity - and that is exactly what the deficit is coming from, so no you don't need to log or eat that back. Mainly fat burning at this pace.

    If it is a workout because your breathing is labored and heart rate really gets up there - that is a workout and deserves feeding. That's not mainly fat burning if that much effort.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks for the help. Right now the only exercise I do is walking/hiking. I walk 25-30 miles a week on my days off. I do not count any walking I do at work etc.. Should I be not eating any of the calories for my walking and hiking? I just want to succeed with both being healthier and lower in weight!

    If walking is slower than 3mph on flat, meaning pretty easy, it is just increased daily activity - and that is exactly what the deficit is coming from, so no you don't need to log or eat that back. Mainly fat burning at this pace.

    If it is a workout because your breathing is labored and heart rate really gets up there - that is a workout and deserves feeding. That's not mainly fat burning if that much effort.

    Thanks! I so appreciate any input on this. I do not want to overeat, nor do I want to under eat. so, my question now is as follows. When I walk it is usually at 3.5 to 4 mph, hiking is up and down hills cross country so the speed is variable. I usually do the 25-30 miles in 3-5 days. I do breathe hard, my heart rate is up and I sweat profusely. So, do I skip eating any calories earned from that?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks for the help. Right now the only exercise I do is walking/hiking. I walk 25-30 miles a week on my days off. I do not count any walking I do at work etc.. Should I be not eating any of the calories for my walking and hiking? I just want to succeed with both being healthier and lower in weight!

    If walking is slower than 3mph on flat, meaning pretty easy, it is just increased daily activity - and that is exactly what the deficit is coming from, so no you don't need to log or eat that back. Mainly fat burning at this pace.

    If it is a workout because your breathing is labored and heart rate really gets up there - that is a workout and deserves feeding. That's not mainly fat burning if that much effort.

    Thanks! I so appreciate any input on this. I do not want to overeat, nor do I want to under eat. so, my question now is as follows. When I walk it is usually at 3.5 to 4 mph, hiking is up and down hills cross country so the speed is variable. I usually do the 25-30 miles in 3-5 days. I do breathe hard, my heart rate is up and I sweat profusely. So, do I skip eating any calories earned from that?

    That is a workout then.

    If you don't use a HRM for calorie estimate, then the calorie burn tables for walking, which normally are accurate at flat speeds, are no longer correct. You are burning more.

    So, even if you use the tables for walking 4mph, and eat those calories back, you are actually burning more than typical.
    Don't worry about the extra though.

    My sister just left Medford - I'd love to walk there too.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I have been fascinated reading this thread, but am still a little confused. I am 5ft 3 and weigh 150lbs my goal is 120lbs. not only do I want to lose weight (the healthy safe way) but I want to tone up my wobbly bits and be able to see some muscle definition (but NOT be muscly/bulky I want a soft yet defined body) I currently do at least 30 minutes a day of 30DS (on day 6 of level one) plus at least 2 times a week I will do Zumba for between 20 - 45 minutes plus most evenings I do some work on my arms with weights (only 2.5lbs weights) plus ab work. I have been fighting with the same 2-3lbs for the past few months now, so need a kick start, and thought this may help IF I know what to do properly.

    MFP puts me at 1200 a day, but when I work out my BMR is states 1360. I have also worked out my TDEE I was not sure what activness to put as Mon - Fri I am sitting at a desk all day, so I worked it out for little or no exercise and that was 1743 (*0.8) 1394, light exercise was 1990 (*0.8) 1592 and moderate was 2243 (*0.8) 1794.

    In all of your opinions what would you recommend I do? Apologies if this is a repeat of what somebody else has asked, I am pretty new here and getting slightly confused lol Jen x
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    I got these results in 2 1/2 months by eating 6-7 meals, and 1700-1900 cals/day on average. My first couple of weeks I tried that 1200 calorie stuff, and I've never been so cranky and miserable. I'm 5' 7", and I've lost 3 lbs since the "during" picture (currently 149), and I will lose about 15 more. I will do it by EATING and training hard. Others may choose a different path and that's fine, but I feel FANTASTIC eating like this, and I can maintain this forever! LOVE IT!!


    Is that 1700-1900 net? And how much do you burn each day? You look absolutley amazing!!! Look art the muscle!!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I've upped mine, set my goal to 1 lb a week rather than 2 lb a week and have lost 4 lbs in 3 days with a change in diet too (Paleo).

    Obviously some of this is bloat etc but I'm much happier with my satiety level!
  • i dont understand this. Why does consuming more calories make you loose weight faster? x
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've had success! no good pics to share YET...

    Tried to lose weight without MFP at 600-1200 calories a day... bad! Lost/gained the same 5lbs for months.
    I started March 2011 at 1200 calories/day. I lost those 5lbs pretty quick, about a month!! :)
    Stalled out. Even steven on the scale.
    Didn't lose any more weight til June or so, when I bumped to my BMR (about 1400). Lost 2-3 more lbs.
    Stalled again :( just itty bitty tenth of a pound losses here and there.
    Didn't lose anything from October til February!!!!!!!! AWFUL!!!! I did lose inches, thankfully, or else I might've given up - are you taking your measurements, people??? :P
    Bumped cals again! Now I set my MFP goal to 1/2lb a week, so I'm eating about 1530...
    This month I had my BIGGEST LOSS EVER at 2.6lbs in one week - not too shabby for a girl with only 20lbs to lose.

    P.S. I DO eat my exercise calories. Most of them, anyway - I usually try to leave a cushion of 100cals in the green in case I've been estimating things wrong.

    P.P.S. I've lost about 8" around my waist, 2" around my hips, 2" around each thigh, 1.5" around each upper arm, and 1.5" around each calf since last March. And I've only lost 14lbs. So it looks wimpy, but it is a BIG change. please please please start taking measurements if you have not already!!