

  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    My MIL is wonderful and sweet. My own mom is a head case, and my MIL told my now husband when I moved into the neighborhood that I was going to need a friend, and that he should be my friend. <3 He was awkward and shy, and a few years older, but we fell in love. She's always been a supportive person, and sometimes a little too intrusive, but I love her very much.
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    I haven't spoken to my MIL for 2 years since she was rude to both me and my husband (her son), she then threw us out of her house. Everyone present at the time agrees that she was out or order but refuses to apologise so neither my husband or I or our 2 children have had any contact. Even before this event she was always nasty to me and didn't like me, but as I don't value her opnion it never bothered me, but it got under her skin.
    Her loss as she is missing out on her son and 2 wonderful grandchildren.
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    let me just say i packed my crap and moved to another state to get away from her evil. she runs on hate and advice i could ever offer is to look at inlaws before saying i do.
  • UnderConstructionLuis
    My MIL is a bit of both....good and bad. I should have known better what i was getting into when she said to my then fiance that, " you spend to much time with him." Yep....i should have known. This is all my opinion.....she's a manipulator. She's been single for over 4 years and all she wants to do is spend time at our house. It's a bit much. No privacy if you ask me. My wife chalks it up to, " she only has me." I say she needs friends and to date. She's an attractive woman too. She takes advantage of my wife. Always says, " when u were growing up i did this and that for you." So now she thinks my wife should be there for her at the drop of a hat. She tries to correct us in dealing with our 4 year old son. My wife continues to do so much for her which i know is not helping the issue. Gosh, i can go on and on.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I'm very lucky...mine is great (she's actually thanked me for taking good care of her son, and minds her own business). A lot of my girlfriends are not so lucky, so I know enough to appreciate a good one!!
  • p0stdramatic
    My mother in law passed away in January of 2009. I never thought I would miss her as much as I do. We had a love/hate relationship with each other. She was someone that a book could (and probably should) be written about. She was an alcoholic and she died from liver disease. She was also absolutely bat**** crazy lol. She was Cajun French and also one of the most fun people I have ever known in my life (and did I mention crazy?). The holidays have been absolutely depressing since she's been gone, and will never be the same. Once I met my husband, his family became my true family. Since my mother in law passed away, we never see anyone except one of his brothers.
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    I'm divorced and I get long better now with my ex mil than before! I even went to Hawaii for a memorial service with her when no one in her family would go! I really think a lot boils down to communication, I didn't think she liked me when I was married, I think sometimes the son gets in the way! Lol
  • wave143j
    wave143j Posts: 74 Member
    My MIL pretends to like me when my husband is around but reality is not so pretty. I don't hold up to the impossibly high standards she expects and feels her son deserves. We've been married for 17 years. My SIL hates me as well.

    As for my FIL and BILs, there couldn't be three more loving people in the world. Must be just the women in the family.
  • kristymccarrick
    used to be a nightmare omg
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    I have learned the hard way not to speak ill of my MIL... especially if I have had too many drinks and am around people I do not know well.

    SOMEHOW.. she found out I thought she was overly controlling and the most cheap person I have ever least no one really thought that was news... nor when they found out my opinion of her cooking skills....:laugh:

    Hahaha too funny, love it! I hope I'm not posted about when my sons marry! Lmao
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    She's OK, but thank goodness we live three hours away. She has three sons and one daughter and the only child who counts is her daughter. At Christmas one year, she told me that there is no one she loves more than her daughter: my father-in-law and husband were right there. Wow! I lost all respect for her then.

    I could go on and on about the things she's said, but to what purpose? I've come to the realization that she's not malicious, she's just clueless about the impact of her words.

    I tolerate her out of respect for my husband and father-in-law. They are two of the sweetest men to walk the face of the earth and the last thing I want is to hurt them.
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    I have been blessed to have had two mother-in-laws that were both great. I'm still in contact (allbeit rarely) with my ex mother-in-law from my first marriage. My husband and I lost his mom last summer from breast cancer. She was the such a wonderful woman (and we shared a common hatred for my husbands ex-wife). lol. She's very much missed.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Mine is a PITA. I'm glad that we live 11 hours away, but it makes the visits here seem to last an eternity because they stay with us and are around 24 hours out of the day with no break. She's overbearing, nosy, rude to me and doesn't respect anything I have to say about any subject, especially concerning our 2 sons.
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    My MIL has Major major issues....I care about her, but she makes liking her very difficult. My husband cant stand her, so I rarely see her and when I do she usually wants something, ANYTHING as long as she's gaining and your losing. But pray for her regularly.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    She and I are really close. I say she is the best thing I got out of the divorce besides the children. She does some things that I don't like, but all in all, I really love her!!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Ive met her once in 11 years..she lives in maine..sept of last year she decided she'd move out her to help our her youngest son, my BIL...she met my kids and niece, they became attached..she decided the altitude was too much for her and she couldnt breathe...when in reality she wanted to run away from of the drama from the BIL, she was warned about before she got here. she moved back to maine march 1st...good riddance...too bad my kids got attached to their g-ma only to have her move away.

    One good thing is it makes me admire my SO much more to see what he had to grow up with and still turned out to be such a wonderful dad!!!
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    She is the devil...doesn't talk to me nor my Wife, and was trying to play favorites with the grandkids.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Mine is awesome, we had a few awkward moments but now I love her.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    My mother in law is so juiced up on various meds she is a basket case.
  • Tinman42
    Tinman42 Posts: 59 Member
    My mother-in-law is wonderful - such a blessing! My parents are very busy with helping my single brother with his kids and so I don't always like to burden them with things. Thankfully, my in-laws are always there when I need them - whether I ask for their help or not!! My family actually lived with them for a time and it was a much more wonderful experience than I ever thought it would be.

    I thank God every day for my mother (and father) in-law!!