HELP!! How long did it take you to like running?



  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    It took about a month i think. i joined a running group and that helped a lot with motivation to get out of bed on a Sunday morning to do a long run. Knowing that I have a long run with the group on Sunday, motivates me to go out during the week on my own
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Haha, I read some article that said it takes between 3 - 6 months to really start enjoying it. Means you have to hang on for half a year before you enjoy it (I hope not).
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I didn't really enjoy running too much, until I ran one day, and I felt like I could just keep going forever. It was that "runner's high" feeling of floating effortlessly over the ground, and after that, I was hooked. I don't remember at what point that was, but it was a few months, maybe two or three, into running regularly for at least 30 minutes at a time.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Has not happened yet (and it never will). But I do love to walk and hike.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Oh, and you will hear a lot of talk about the dreaded 10 or whatever they call it...but it is so true. Once you get past 10 minutes, it is like you get a second wind and POW....


    This is so true. I hate running every time for the first 10 minutes and then I love it. The couch 2 5K is a very popular program, but it didn't work for me. I would psych myself out with the increase each week and so I stopped. I have found that Easy 5K / Easy 10K by Jeff Galloway works better for me. The intervals between walking and running are totally controlled by you and the focus is more on distance and endurance building. I am doing the Easy 10K right now and I love it. I notice progress almost every run. I do 2 minutes run/1 minute walk and I am up to 6 miles at an 11 minute mile. It's harder to psych myself out with this program because the goal isn't to ever not walk some intervals, and that is just a better fit for me because I don't feel like I am not really running if I have to talk walk breaks.
  • Mizzou91
    Mizzou91 Posts: 249
    I don't like it. I just do it. Just like i don't LIKE going to work but i still do it. But i feel great after. And what better way to check out the hot guys that are also running. You look like a chump if you're just walking by checking them out. If you're running tho--yeah, they're checking you out too :wink:

    This is true. We like checking out runner girls. Hot legs, nice butts. LOVE that my wife is a runner. :wink: As for when I started to like running, I'm not sure that I would classify what I feel about running as like. I would classify it more as that kid we all knew growing up who always told us what we couldn't do. Bull. I'll show you EXACTLY what I can do and I'll kick your rear while I'm doing it. Finishing a run faster than the last time or going further than ever before is a phenomenal feeling.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Not until I got incredibly bored on the elliptical!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :happy: i do it but i dont like it...yet...mabie in 20lbs i will
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I started to enjoy it around week 3 of the C25K program. I was craving to go back out and run, and I have never been a runner or cared to ever run in my life.
    I am still over overweight, but running came to me pretty easily. The day I ran my first 20 mins on the program I burst into tears. And I screamed for delight when I ran my first 5k 10 days ago. I have signed up for a 5k race in three weeks and I cannot wait to go out there and be "official:)
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    When I completed my first mile without stopping. Or dying.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Like it??? I've been doing it for years and I still don't like the actual running part.

    THIS. Except I HATE IT. I figure it's a necessary evil. :grumble:
  • hilary619
    After I was able to run for 20 minutes straight, I was able to enjoy it. I really enjoy the benefits! Since I started running, I dropped 30 lbs. Been running now for almost 5 years. Signing up for 5Ks is a great motivator. Honestly, the first mile of each run is tough and I hate it---but then you get a pace, and you're good. Off you go! Good luck! Keep us posted.
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    The first race I ran was a half marathon I trained for it starting January this year & completed it march 18 in 2:05 i have never ran more then two miles im a row before January !!! Now I'm addicted I think
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    While I wouldn't say that I have found that inner love of running, I have very much enjoyed doing events like Warrior Dash and the Pittsburgh Sprint Triathlon. For me, it helps to have the obstacles or variety of events to make things interesting. Now I'm shooting for something longer and crazier, Tough Mudder. For me, having event goals helps me to keep on track with my workouts and motivates me. It all comes together, then, to help me try to keep in shape. Having said that, most runners I know (marathoners) have had knee/injury issues. I do the amount of running that helps me to keep on track with my event goals, but I don't want to get to the point that I am plagued by injuries. I like having varied workouts, as with the P90X, Insanity and swimming to keep things in balance.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    about 8 years of steady running.
  • LetsDoThis103
    As I neared the end of Couch 25K I started to really like it. Today I put in 4.27 miles! If you are not a runner and need to build up to running, I HIGHLY recommend Couch 25K - I loved it and it really helped make me a runner!

    Same here. The second to last week of C25k is when I realized I was actually looking forward to running each day and actually enjoying the runs.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    When I completed my first mile without stopping. Or dying. :smile: I started running (again) last June. Love it now.

    ^ This. It felt so good to actually go an entire mile without stopping.
  • VTMudRunner
    VTMudRunner Posts: 11 Member
    I am a running coach with a specialty running store in town. I think what helps is running with other runners especially if you are new. If you have a running store near you stop in and talk to them. Get plugged into a group. I love encouraging newbies. I lead the walk 2 run groups and I so love to see them go on to the longer 5k and 10k groups. Some of them now are faster than me and run longer miles than me. :smile:
  • losethechalupa
    losethechalupa Posts: 51 Member

    I am on week 1 and repeating day 2 of this program.

    I like you dream of running and I am taking on this challenge. I hope to one day love it too. Good luck!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I am in the 9th week of the Couch to 5k ( program and have really enjoyed it since about week 4 or 5. I have never been a runner, but have found it is a great stress reliever. And I like the feeling of accomplishing things I haven't before and competing with myself.