Other mommas trying to shed baby weight?

hi all
I am a 34 yr old mother of 2. My second is just 3months old. I put on 55 lbs during my last pregnancy and am now determined to lose it. The first 25 came off easily, the next 10 fairly easily with Mfp and exercise and now I've reached the tough part....the last 20 lbs...
Anyone else in the same boat as me? I would love the support....


  • adf4
    adf4 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I'm 34 and a mother of 4...my youngest is 3 and it seems so hard to get this weight off! You can add me if you want to! :)
  • missyh1
    missyh1 Posts: 18
    I am also trying to shed those last 10 pounds of baby weight...except the baby is 2 years old.

    After baby #2, I was successful in finally losing all the weight when he was 3.5 years old. Three months after meeting that long-awaited goal I was pregnant again!

    So here I am once again. It's a lot harder to lose the weight at 36 than it was at 27 (with baby #1).

    Good luck! You can do it!!
  • lnfisher79
    lnfisher79 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 32, almost 33. Mother of 2, but my kids are 14 years apart! My first I was so much younger and lost the weight instantly. I was actually skinnier 6 months after I had my first than I was before I got pregnant with him. This time around...I gained 40 lbs after the pregnancy...and I was already 20 lbs overweight. Getting older sucks! This time around my little guy just turned 12 months...time to finally get serious about this weight loss. It has been hard. I started in Jan 2012, now it's march and I've lost 5 1/2 lbs. Slow going, but getting there. The difference for me, getting in the necessary exercise. I had a fairly good diet to start, was just too sedentary. But it's changing.
  • Shyster2005
    Shyster2005 Posts: 35 Member
    Me! Me! Me! I am still trying to lose the baby weight from #1 and he's 5. Feel free to add me.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 36 and just had my first child 2 months ago. I gained 37 pounds and lost 22 in 5 weeks, but have been stuck with the last 15 for 3 weeks now with no budging despite me starting to get out and walk everyday again like I did before giving birth. Definitely need some motivation from other moms... I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe, but my hips and thighs are so different now! They immediately grew within 8 weeks of being pregnant and seem stuck now...
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi! I am a 26 yr old momma trying to shed baby weight!! I gained 35 lbs while pregnant with my son who is now 2 years old. I actually lost all of that now plus some. BUT I had to do fertility treatments in which I gained 20 lbs before I even conceived so I'm still about 15 lbs from reaching that original weight. I am new to MFP but the success I've had keeps me motivated to continue moving forward!!
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Here Here.... I have a one year old..... still trying too loose the weight put on during pregnancy....
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 32 and a mommy of 2. I am not trying to lose anymore, but want to lower my body fat. Add me if you like.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hello there! I am a 21 year old mom of a 2 year old little boy. :) I have about 30 some odd pounds to shed still!!
  • ohnobaby
    ohnobaby Posts: 2
    Yes!! I had twins and even though I lost a lot of the weight, but when I started to gain weight later it all went to my stomach. It is so exhausting even thinking about how this weight will ever leave. Even with the increase in exercise I cannot feel it in my stomach even when my legs ache from walking. I cannot wait for the day to feel stomach pain (lol). My partner ran track for years and has told me that doing sit ups right now is not the best way to reduce my stomach fat becasue it will replace it with muscle too soon. He says that cardio is the best way to decrease the extra weight for now.
  • ShaylaWaruk
    I am a mother of one to a 2 year old girl:) I was over weight to begin with prior to getting pregnant; but really wanting to lose the weight. I go to the gym every morning before work, except for Wed. My main "evil" is the food-need to stop putting bad food in my mouth!!! I am working on this daily and hoping to get a better handle on it. I am also hoping this site will help me to achieve my goals.
  • theNurseNancy
    I have an almost 2 year old son :) The last 20 lbs as well! It's tough but we can totally do it!
  • joby22
    joby22 Posts: 3 Member
    I had my first baby almost 8 months ago. I am 33 and I gained 52 pounds and it initially came off very slowly. I had heard from friends that if you exercise too much or diet too much your milk will dry up. I guess I used that as an excuse. I had to buy size 16 jeans and work pants and that was the final straw (usually 8-10). I really started running and getting serious about losing the weight 4 months ago and have now lost 59lbs and am at my pre-wedding weight, but would love to get to my college years weight. I am a firm believer in running. I started off saying I will NEVER run more than 2 miles and now I regularly run 6 and am doing a half marathon in 3 weeks. I started MFP 3 months ago and it has made all the difference. The exercise component is key as I don't lose much weight just staying under my colorie goal without exercise. I am also lucky that my gym has child care and my husband is supportive of me hitting the gym after work 2x/wk. I also have exercise equipment where I work and can hop on the elliptical during work hours.

    Good Luck!!
  • kileykasper
    kileykasper Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a 26 yr old mommy, she's 4 months. I gained 85lbs during my pregnany, still have 45 more to lose.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 32, mommy of 2 (2 and 3.5). Feel free to add me.
  • MammaSki2Boys
    Hello, I'm 27 yrs old and a mom to 2 boys (1 1/2 and 4 1/2). I gained 65 lbs with my first one and 75 lbs with my second one. I lost all the weight but still flabby in the stomach area so i'm looking to start focusing on toning and lowering my bf%
  • merricker
    merricker Posts: 7 Member
    Yup! I'm 32 with 2 kids (4 and 1). Both pregnancies brought weight that never magically disappeared the way I somehow thought it would. Ha! I'm finally doing something about it, and trying to learn to make physical activity a permanent part of my life along the way. Feel free to add me.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Yes! I'm 41 and still trying to lose the baby fat. My youngest just turned 9 years old. Ha! :laugh:
  • Danielle_CSCL
    Danielle_CSCL Posts: 20 Member
    I am I have about 20lb to go till I am back to pre pregnancy weight you can add me if you want some extra support. I have 2 girls 2 1/2 and 10 months .