Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Wow did not realized how tired I am, Sorry for all the spelling errors
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good Monday.....or so I hope so. :smile: Its been a sluggish start...I am just really tired for some reason and cant shake it. I did this yesterday too. Ahhhh:yawn:
    But starting off okay.. I have a dr appt tomorrow to have them look at my knee as well as my right shoulder. I seem to always be hurting myself. I injure easily. But this time my injuries dont seem to want to ease up. My knee hasnt actually been bad lately but it was when I was running and so due to that I havent ran in a long time and I am wanting to sooo bad. So before I do, I want to get clearance that nothing is torn or damaged. If nothing is there, I will just take it real easy and heat and ice alot and stretch ALOT!! My shoulder on the other hand....i really think I have hurt it. It hurts to put my bra on or to sleep on my right side. ouch!
    So I will let you all know how that goes. I really want to get back into running. I havent gain any weight...but no loss either. But I think I have put on an inch in the mid section. I want to get back into it so bad. i have tried to walk at home but its hard. We have had the worse rain weather the last week and its still coming. But Thurs. I am going to six flags and so lots of walking there. Hoping to help myself out there :bigsmile: I am taking my daughter....she is going to love it! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!! yippee.
    My weekend was good though. Sister came up with her 2 boys from Florida and I had the family at my
    house for dinner and dessert. I ate too much but boy it was yummmy and I enjoyed the company.
    Well I will get back to work.
    Jacque.....sorry about your daughter andher surgery...praying for her! look great!!! you have really done an awesome job. And your right...we are all stuck and need to try something different. I will hopefully get the motivation to do so. glad to hear your son came home. Its so amazing how much you miss your child when they are away. Hope you two get in some great time together. I too want to do the C25K...but let me get the clearance from the dr. I may just be a few days behind you.
    love you all
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    kit-be careful, hope all goes well at the doctors. Not doing to bad so far today, just had lunch and fixin to take a short walk before gettin back to work.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey i posted in that last weeks one as well:) I never even saw this one!:bigsmile:
    so not MIA just lost!:) :laugh:
    I went to the doc on friday (Down 1 pound)
    so he put me in for a same day surgery tomorrow, which was so not expected! I was not ready for this option! (Like a biopsy thing taking a look around and taking out some bothersome lumps to see if this stops the pain) but they put you under
    so i am nervous, never broke a bone or anything in my life so this is new. Needless to say witht he scary paperwork that I had to fill out I decided to eat whatever I darn well pleased this weekend which is a total NO NO!!! But who knows I could die tomorrow, and I want to go out busting buttons:laugh: :laugh: Im saying this as a joke, but you never know:laugh: So I ate and ate and ate:bigsmile:
    Nervous, but ready to gert this show on the road! Im tired of sitting here in pain and nothing to be done for it. Im ready to change my body and lifestyle, but I CAN NOT do that while in aweful pain everyday! afraid which way to move just in case i pull on that spot.
    :bigsmile: I love you all and will updat tomorrow! OK
    Keep my in your hearts all:):bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I know you are scared, surgery is never a light subject. But I will be praying for ya if you write back the time you are sceduled I will pray at that time. I remember my biopsy and then my later surgery it was all so scary but I got thru them and you will to. It ok about the food, you will need calories to heal and why you are recovering don't stress out about food, you can pick up when it's all done.remember the paperwork has to by law to put the wors case senerio in it so you are aware. Update us when you can don't push yourself :heart: praying for ya
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey, sorry for posting so late peppers....left early this am w/oldest ds...he donated plasma, i did groceries at 3 stores, and then he had to get reg and title for an atv he is selling. gone like 5 hrs....:ohwell: he was a big help tho. youngest ds starts football camp today and he has not done a thing all summer, so he has been moaning around all day...

    jacque, i will post the site again, and if you cannot get to it, here is the FIRST week......
    3 times this week ( at least a day OFF between workouts )
    start with a 5 minute brisk warmup walk, then
    alternate with a 60 minute jog, then a 90 minute walk. for a total of 20 minutes.

    also, please enjoy your "you" time. you so deserve all the pampering. relax and take care! :heart:

    kitn ~ hope everything gets better with your knee and shoulder. i occ'l have aches and pains too that just come from no where it seems. for 2 days now, i have had a little tender spot on my R ankle a little concerned when i start the couch to 5k later. i know for me, when i increase my aerobic activity, it has always helped my tummy. and joggin just seemed to melt it off quicker! oh my, have FUN at 6 Flags!! what a great time...your lil girl will have a blast! :happy:

    Miss V ~ your feelings are quite understood while you go thru this....try to stay positive and know that we all here are praying for you and hoping for the best. soon it will be over and you can jump back on when you feel ready. and i did not know until a couple of days ago that you have lost 75 lbs!! was this thru MFP or something else? that is so great girly! can you share any tips or offer any advice for us here? you are so pretty and am proud of ya! take care and know that we are all thinking of you...:heart:

    oh, and i think if it is ok w/ you all i will just do a posting of beginning wt, current wt and goal wts instead of a chart. let me know what you would look somethink like this..
    kellya ~ start 210.4 cw 185 goal 155
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Thanks kel, I appreiciate it,
    I like the posting idea you have, that looks good to me.
    Thanks for the site again and I will start today with ya
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin SHGP!!

    well, shortly after i posted yesterday, and lacing up my shoes to start the C25K, i had a the most wonderful surprise....a very close friend of mine was knocking at my door!! she lives in NJ and was back visiting family!! so the next 5-6 hrs, we spent visiting and catching up, and dh brought home Subway's so i didn't have to cook! :tongue: so, i will have to start my program today, which is fine cuz i can still get in the 3 workouts by Sat.

    today is my appt that has been RS twice, so keepin my fingers crossed i get to see Dr. school starts 2 wks from 2morrow. soon, i will be bringin my bus home and gettin it ready to roll...gettin a little excited to see the kiddos again!

    while i was shoppin yesterday i almost bought some hummus, never had it before and i guess i just wanted to know what all you guys use it on, if you have that is. i noticed there were a bunch of diff flavors too.

    well, have a happy, healthy day and take care of YOU!! :heart:

    my personal goals for today ~
    stay within nutritional values
    drink 64ozs + water
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good goals kell, I am aiming for the same ones. I love hummus, i eat like dip it so tasty. u kinda have to try the differnce flavors to see what u like. I love dried tomatoes but did not care for roasted tomamtoe hummus. I like the garlic delight and the orginals the best. Good luck at the Doctor.
    Dear Lord,
    We pray that you watch over Vita today, Give the Doctors the ability to do what needs to be done,and we asked for healing and a speedy recovery.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    yes......prayers for Miss Vita. take care hun, we are here for you :heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Well its gettin time, my neice is fixin to have her son, I am gonna head over to the hospital as soon as they break her water at noon. We will be welcoming James Byron King very soon. I am so excited. Chat more later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    ooohhh Jacque!! what a very precious and special moment for you and your family!! :flowerforyou: love them babies!! enjoy the event!

    hope the rest of you are all having a good day! will check in later!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    I'm sending good thoughts and prayers for Vita too.

    Jacque, that is very exciting about your niece! Woo hoo. Such a joyous event.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    I just got back from our official vacation this year which was 4 days in Southern Oregon. It was so beautiful. I want to live there. I also came back with two pounds extra. Boo hoo. I'm hoping a lot of that is water, since I had huge bags under my eyes, guessing (hoping) it's from salt intake and low water intake.

    Best to all,
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all ~

    hope you're all doing good and having a nice hump day! great day here, so will be working outside some. will be getting son's clothes ready for his Sr. pics tomorrow.

    HI SALLY!! ~ sounds like you had a nice time on vaca! someday i hope to make it to OR. what area were you at? i have heard the coast is awesome!! 2 lbs is not bad at all! just push the fluids and get back into groove!

    take care SHGP!

    I only met my water goal for yesterday :ohwell: .... gonna try harder today! :smile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good afternoon to you all! I have done well today with my food and water intake. On the second bottle of water and have raisin bran for breakfast and then anotehr grilled chicken salad from subway! I LOVE THEIR SALADS!!! :bigsmile: YUMMMM!
    Hope everyones day is going good. Cant wait for tomorrow. headed to six flags!! woohoo. Praying it wont be really packed. Taking the kiddos....and I know my daugher is sooo thrilled!
    Kelly----I was told I cannot start the C25K b/c she wants me to stay off my knee as much as I can with exercise. Biking or elliptical is perfect. They told me that the muscles behind my knee arent not strong enough and arent keeping my knee cap in place so I have to build those muscles up. But I will be doing the C25K once i can get back into running.
    Welcome back Sally. Glad you enjoyed your vaca....I am ready to get on with mine. Hoping to get to Jacksonville next week and be sitting on the beach. :bigsmile:
    Hope everyone will continue to have a great day.
    Remember your fruits and veggies and lots of water!!!!!
    Talk to you all later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi green peppers!

    hope everyone is doing good healthwise and taking the time to make a better you. if you guys want to message me or post your starting wts, current wts and goals tomorrow, i can get it all posted. i did see that many of us have that info in our siggy's, and we could do it that way too, or not. just let me know what you prefer.

    i stayed in calories yesterday but was over on fat +14, from nuts i am sure, and sugar + 30, easily from fruit. my water was good and c25k burned 278 cals. gonna try and go earlier in the day for that, as there was a lot of traffic on my route.

    goin with son for Sr pics today and then home to do some outdoor work. will check in later.

    skinny vibes to you all at the scale tomorrow! :bigsmile: we can do this SHGP!!

    today's goals ~ 5-6 nutrional meals, 64 oz+ h20, stretch and tone.... stay motivated & positive! :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hiya gang!

    i tried to send messages to ALL of you...lynette, missheidi, sincereme, azwildcatfan94, jacque, porka, sassi, purrr, missV, kitn, ammcnett, aml0484...not sure they went as it looks like my puter is being slow....just wanted to see how everyone is doing...thinkin bout ALL of you! :heart: **hugs** :heart:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Kelly,

    Sounds like you did good yesterday. I'm going to check out your C25k. How exciting, Senior Pics!! Oh my Gosh, I have a while to go to get there with my son. I think I'll cry then :sad:

    I will give my weight tomorrow -- see if I lost the 2 lbs that stuck on from my vacation last weekend.

    Have fun today.
