Anyone struggling with at-home workouts?



  • sfalcon
    sfalcon Posts: 5
    P90x is an awesome program that has the workouts and diet plan in a nice package. It can't be beat. Just finishing p90x2.
  • rsmugala
    rsmugala Posts: 35
    My TV streams Youtube, so there are A LOT of workout options on there. Also, if you have Netflix I understand there are workouts to watch there. I downloaded several workouts to my DVR, from the Discovery Health Channel, you can find them in the early wee hours. Tracy Austin is always on there. My favorite now is Slim in Six Abs on Youtube, 30 Day Shred on Youtube, and 10 minute Booty Workout on Youtube. My daughter and I also do Just Dance 3 on the Wii, there is a SWEAT option, and you really sweat!
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    shrinkinginQualicum Posts: 131 Member
    I have a treadmill, an elliptical, go to Curves gym, and I cycle as much as possible. (Cycling burns a ton of calories!) BUT one of my favorite at home exercise equipments is a small trampoline. They are inexpensive (lots of used ones out there) and small, so they fit anywhere. Great for cardio and core. All your muscles get worked out when jumping, and it's simple. There are videos out there for other exercises you can do on them, but just jogging, jumping jacks and basic jumping is amazing on its own. I watch tv while I do it, and just go as long as I can. I even do interval jogging on it -- going as hard as I can for a minute, then a minute easy. (It's also low impact, so better on the knees).
    *** And for anyone who thinks it is too easy -- just try doing 5 or 10 minutes if you've never done it. Most people can barely manage a minute! I had to do 1 minute, stop and walk, another minute, stop and walk, until I got stronger. Despite all the cycling I do, my cardio improved like mad only after I started the elliptical.
  • wrecked_willow
    I LOVE TurboJam!!! Look it up, it gets really addictive, burns a crap-load of calories and it doesn't even feel like a workout! Sometimes I also do Jillian Michaels Power Yoga, relaxing AND burns calories :)

    Good luck!
  • JustMichelleB
    I'm doing a hybrid of Chalean Extreme and TurboFire. Getting more results than with P90X.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I don't have a gym membership or workout machine at home so I just use workout dvd's... Such as Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Zumba, Leslie Sansone 4 & 5 miles, Chalean Extreme and so on. You can check out, there are tons of workout dvd's to go through on there. GL!
  • kdruga
    kdruga Posts: 35
    As others have suggested, the Jillian Michaels DVDs are great. 30 Day Shred really helped me, and I'm on to Ripped in 30 now. That, with a few days of week of cardio and lower calorie intake, and you should do great! If you don't have a treadmill, try to find local trails or even a high school track where you can walk/jog.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I hate to say this, but join a gym. Working out at a gym provides more variety and for me it is more motivating than working out at home.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I have a treadmill, an elliptical, go to Curves gym, and I cycle as much as possible. (Cycling burns a ton of calories!) BUT one of my favorite at home exercise equipments is a small trampoline. They are inexpensive (lots of used ones out there) and small, so they fit anywhere. Great for cardio and core. All your muscles get worked out when jumping, and it's simple. There are videos out there for other exercises you can do on them, but just jogging, jumping jacks and basic jumping is amazing on its own. I watch tv while I do it, and just go as long as I can. I even do interval jogging on it -- going as hard as I can for a minute, then a minute easy. (It's also low impact, so better on the knees).
    *** And for anyone who thinks it is too easy -- just try doing 5 or 10 minutes if you've never done it. Most people can barely manage a minute! I had to do 1 minute, stop and walk, another minute, stop and walk, until I got stronger. Despite all the cycling I do, my cardio improved like mad only after I started the elliptical.

    Yep. NASA did a study on rebounding and showed that it's the most effective aerobic exercise. It's way harder than it seems and fun too!
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a treadmill user. The treadmill is the best purchase I have made. I tire of videos and often get bored but walking is always easy if I watch The biggest loser while doing treadmill. If I can't do treadmill I do jumping jacks for the cardio. Also I am currently doing squats and pushups. I started with 2 sets of 10 and have increased each week. Treadmill was expensive and if I didn't have it I would walk in place and do jumping jacks.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    With my work schedule, at home workouts have been the absolute best for me. I started a number of years ago with a Bowflex. It is a great piece of equipment and I've gotten the value out of it by using a pretty fair amount. Very versatile. Later I switched over to P90X. I can't say enough good things about that program. The concept is effective and you will get results if you follow through with it. By having variability in the workouts, you continue to gain results rather than plateauing. I later added in Insanity for even more variety. At this point, I'm also doing P90X2 and, really just pick the DVD that I want for a particular day. It gives me variety, results and fits with my work schedule. Good luck with your plans!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    [ I even do interval jogging on it -- going as hard as I can for a minute, then a minute easy. (It's also low impact, so better on the knees).
    *** And for anyone who thinks it is too easy -- just try doing 5 or 10 minutes if you've never done it. Most people can barely manage a minute! I had to do 1 minute, stop and walk, another minute, stop and walk, until I got stronger. Despite all the cycling I do, my cardio improved like mad only after I started the elliptical.

    I agree completely. We have a big trampoline in our yard and I go jump for fun and really can't jump for more than 10 minutes.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    All my workouts consist of working out at home, or walking/running outside. JIllian Michaels Six Week Six pack is good for toning and strengthens your core. Insanity is a killer cardio workout, Jumping rope burns lots of calories, and I find the Ab wheel works great as well. I also agree with the lifting just introduced this into my routine recently.
  • 01tiger
    01tiger Posts: 2 Member
    How do you know how many calories to put in or type of exercise when using Turbo Jam, Sculpt, Cardio? I did Turbo Sculpt this morning for 40 min but I don't know how to put it in this system. Please help. P.S. I love Turbo
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I have to do home workouts. I live on a teeny, tiny island and to go into town for the gym costs $10 ferry ride and takes an hour! But the flip side is my island is beautiful and I can go on jogs/walks all the time.

    I love my 30 Day Shred video. It is perfect for me. It only burns about 187 cals but it incorporates strength and cardio and abs. The video is only about 25minutes so it is so easy for me to just do it. I do need to get another set of weights besides the wimpy 1 pound ones I have.
  • MKloste
    MKloste Posts: 56 Member
    I have netflix and I rented the Crunch Dvd:Belly, Butt and Thigh workout and I absoultley love it! I staryed doing it 3x a week for the first 2 weeks then increased it to 5x a week and lost 10lbs in the 3 weeks of doing it. I would defintely recommend it, it gives u a challenge and a variety of workouts and easy to follow which I really liked!
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I have a stationary bike, space-saving elliptical, a set of dumbbells (3#, 5#, 8#, and 10#), 10# kettlebell, and being delivered tomorrow: a heavy punching bag/gloves. I have a gym membership that I don't use much anymore... I also have a jogging stroller with a LOT of miles on it...

    I have several of the Biggest Loser/Jillian Michaels/Bob Harper DVD's too...
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I suggest investing in a Heart Rate Monitor!! I got mine discounted through and I swear by it... I know exactly how many calories I'm burning at all times. I've noticed MFP's estimates don't typically match what my HRM says for any of the workouts - it seems to overexaggerate.
    How do you know how many calories to put in or type of exercise when using Turbo Jam, Sculpt, Cardio? I did Turbo Sculpt this morning for 40 min but I don't know how to put it in this system. Please help. P.S. I love Turbo
  • Rebecca2057
    Rebecca2057 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to this but so far I am loving the kettle bell. It came with a video and have done it 4 times now. I love it. I feel great when I am done and the muscles that are sore are all of my target areas.
  • Kaseyfan0916
    I love the Biggest Loser dvds. Cardio Max is awesome. and it has stages. stage 1 is 20 minutes, then stage 2 and 3 is 10 minutes each.