TERRIFIED to increase my calories....



  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I was the same way-it just did not compute in my mind but I involuntary started eating more and noticed my mood and energy has increased (its only been 1 week)...I have not checked weight or inches yet but my clothes are feeling looser so i'm thinking its a good thing. Throw your concerns to the wind and try it! :)
  • kedwardspcm
    kedwardspcm Posts: 45 Member
    Your body needs sufficient calories to run efficiently, especially if you are exercising. If your body has been in starvation mode, dont be alarmed if you gain a pound or two right off the bat. It will be a result of your body's way of preparing for the "starvation" it has grown accustomed to. However, with sufficient and steady ample caloric intake your body will not hold the fuel in reservation and you will begin to lose again
  • jkt1127
    jkt1127 Posts: 6
    So glad you posted this---it is exactly how I've been feeling. But I did it---went from 1300 to 1400. Just saw a loss, too. Crossing fingers this is the key! :-) Nice to know I'm not alone!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I ate my BMR and gained 2.5 pounds that week. I stuck with it and upped my cals last week to 1440 . I lost the 2.5 gained and another half.

    I was terrified to but willing to try it out. I was tired of being tired and irritable.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I increased mine from 1200 to 1800 on Jan 1, 2012 just to see (it was recommended by a biochemist friend of mine...) and I've lost almost 16 pounds!!!!! I'm now at 1650 per day. :)
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    I don't know if this will help, but here's what my journey has looked like. Maybe it will make you feel better...

    For 7 months I ate 1200 - 1300 calories a day - Massive weight loss.

    Adjusted up to1600 - 1800 a day for 3 weeks - was still loosing ~2 lbs a week

    Adjusted up to 2000 - 2200 a day for a month - still loosing ~2 lbs a week

    Adjusted up to 2300 - 2500 a day for a month - loosing 1 lbs a week after a 2 week "stall"

    Adjusted up to 2500 - 2700 a day for the last three weeks - still loosing about 1 lb a week after a 2 1/2 week "stall"

    Don't be afraid of the calories. Adjust up a little, give it a couple weeks and see what happens. I "gained" 1 - 2 lbs the first week of each adjustment, but them started blasting through it.

    Eat more to lose more, awesome concept. I can now, because of my LBM and exercise levels, eat as much or more than I used to if I wanted.


    That's really helpful - I haven't seen people's own "stats" like this and it really does help. When people say eat more, I know one has to trust them, but seeing this kind of quantified helps a lot. Thank you for sharing :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I had really good results (both physically and psychologically) when I increased my calories. :)

    Just think, if it doesn't work out, then you can always go back to what you were doing before. At least you have the opportunity to see success here rather than stagnation.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    There's no reason to be afraid. If you aren't in a calorie surplus you just simply can't gain weight ( in fat, anyway... can't say the same about water-weight. But that's easily regulated. )
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    I just increased mine too after doing metabolic testing last week. I increased from 1200 to 1350 on rest days and 1700 on workout days. Eeeekk--I'm nervous but following the "protocol" that my trainer has me on. This is my first week and I haven't seen a loss yet--hoping that it's right around the corner! Good luck! PS--it's great to hear the advice and positive feedback from others--esp regarding the fact that there might be a slight gain at first!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You will not regret this!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I don't feel terribly hungry netting 1200 calories, but I do love to eat!!! More food is always good!!!

    I have a friend who is starting a crazy diet (I can't remember the name of it). I tried to dissuade her. You start by gorging yourself for 3 days, then drop to 500 calories a day for 13 days. I told her how dangerous it is. I hope she will change her mind! :ohwell:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Keep in mind you need to eat 3500 calories more than your TDEE in one week to gain a lb of fat and if you are working out, your TDEE is probably over 2000, so think about it for awhile.
  • bgirly55
    bgirly55 Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to see a general idea of what people are eating that have gone from 1200-1400 or 1200-1800. I find it hard to add much more fruit/veggies, perhaps another serving of each or two, so I am wondering what people are typically adding on for the extra 200+ cals. I would love some help, as I just upped mine from 1200-1400 also and seem to end up with an extra treat in some cases. Thx!
  • valorieflowers
    I am scared too, but considering it. I may not even need to up them as I already eat about 1600 or so a day, but I am 5'10" so that might not be that much I guess. I just have to calculate the BMR and TDEE like everyone says.

    But do you guys know, is this higher calorie strategy just for people who exercise a ton, or for everyone, even people with desk jobs that just do moderate exercise 3x a week?
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    is there a formula which is recommended for upping calories that works better??? Ie. up protein and not carbs to make up the increase ect or is is just 'any' calorie?
  • valorieflowers
    bgirly, maybe you can add healthy, but high calorie things. Like an avocado which has at least 175 calories. Or chia seeds, a little scoop of them mixed into food or drink is 75 cals.
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I am doing this as well from advice from my trainer, I am upping 100 calories a week until about 1600-1800 to see what happens. After 2 years of thinking one way this has been a very big challenge. I would love to keep this thread going to see how we are all doing! Cheers to everyone and good luck! :happy:
  • princessveggiecake

    We'll see how this goes...
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    Don't be afraid to change your calories. Food is not something be afraid of! This is especially true when you're watching what you're eating and adjusting in a way that you control. It is too easy for us to have an unhealthy relationship with food where it becomes the enemy.

    It's such a change in mindset, but once you do it you'll be so much happier for it. Your body needs energy when you exercise, but not just any food. It needs nutritious food - proteins and whole grains, fruits and veggies.

    Like others have said, don't be surprised if you experience a small gain in the first week. Not knowing what you were eating before, you might see this or you might not. When I went to a higher calorie intake I lost about .2 pounds the first week then had a 4 lb drop the second. Now I average 2.2 lbs.

    The very worst that can happen is that after 2-4 weeks you gain and never see a loss. This might sound terrible, but it's not. What it'll mean is that you understand your body's limits and you now know. But don't let the first week or even the first two weeks be the deciding factor. And don't be afraid! You are in control of you!
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    OK, I am not sure I am doing this correctly.
    After I lost my first ten pounds it told me to increase my calories but I did not and then I stalled for a long time.
    Now I am at eighteen pounds lost and stalling again, but I am still at 1200 calories a day (not accounting for exercise) and I do cardio at least five times a week. Am I overdoing it? I really want to lose a substantial amount of weight.
    I am 5'9 and weigh 180-185.. and I am 49.