Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm around all, thnks for the note kellya! I did another trip and can't believe it's thurs already!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all sorry for MIA, my great nephew was born and then i was not feeling well yesterday and spent the day in bed. have not really done anything the last 2 days so I might not do to well on the scale. tonight I am taking my Nephew out to dinner for a goodbye and good luck in Iowa dinner. He leaves friday night, Has to check in on Sunday for Football camp before school starts. I am gonna miss him, so I kn ow my sister is really gonna have a hard time. Well dd is having Surdery next Wendsday, I will be takin off wed-fri from work and be at my moms because they will be doing my kitchen next week, so I won't be able to cook. So if I don't log on too much that might be why.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hey kitn,

    Hope you enjoy your day today at 6 flags! And your vacation next week. Nice!

    I was bad yesterday, had decadent cookies for dinner. They must be about 500 cal ea. and I had 2! They are around today too. We have visitors in the office. So far, so good in staying away :tongue:

  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi All,
    I finally put a pic up for my profile. It is my son fishing in Oregon (Grants Pass). I took it with my phone so it isn't very clear-but reminds me of how beautiful it was there.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    evenin' hot g peps!

    well, today has been good, cept i am under calories, and hate to eat this late, so am just gonna have a deficit i guess.

    photo shoot went good for son, can't wait to seem them now...he JUST told me that he lost his hog chores job, this am, before his pictures. i am upset that he didn't tell me...but he was a little cranky when gettin, he did 2+ hrs of posing and smilin while upset about his job. he handled it much better than i would have...i would pry be a bawling mess! :sad: anyway, i told him he could get more sleep now and enjoy the football season and look for a job when that is over. he seemed a little better after we talked.

    sally ~ it can be a tough yr when they become Sr's....but also a proud feeling and an accomplishment :bigsmile: cookies are day isn't going to ruin your diet. yes, that pic you put up is like a post card! just beautiful!

    christi ~ good to hear from you travel for work and by plane or car? sounds like a fun job, or is this for leisure?

    jacque ~ hope your feeling better, you pry needed that 'bed' day. :yawn: you have lots happening and sometimes it does catch up....don't worry bout the day at a time!

    good luck at wi tomorrow folks.....keep on keepin! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all,
    Ok here goes, you are going to be seeing less and less of me. They completely restricted our internet access at work. So I will only be gettin on at night and/or weekends. I am also not makin it in the money department so I got a part time job at night. So that also will take me away more. I will try hard to get on when I can but Remember I will be there in my heart and think about you all all the time:heart:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    To answer your quest kellya - I am a network mgr for dental ins - I go out to the offices and show them how to administer the plans. make sure offices are up to code, paperwork, etc. With that said, I do work out of my home (they provide the computer, printer and all) but my territory runs from the county above Palm Beach, FL to the Florida Keys and west to a few counties across Alligator Alley in FL. I rarely go to the West Coast side because there has never been too many offices who wanted to sign up. The other rep who takes the rest of the state got a contract and it included quite a few offices on the west side, so I've been trying to do all the walk-throughs before she goes on maternity leave. To be frank, although my compay pays me back, I didn't have the cash to upfront a hotel room so I've been driving back and forth by car (which I would use my car anyway as opposed to getting a rental...) it's only about 302 miles round trip or so......I get paid mileage so that should even things out this pay period.

    I didn't see another thread but I'm back up that four lbs I keep bouncing back and forth between. But road food choices weren't so good and I guess you know the rest. Can only vow to do better!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Friday gang!

    I decided to post here, since it is only 2 pages. I am down 4 from last Friday...yo-yo too here lately...gonna try each day to stay focused. Logging has helped and I suppose the C25K is a plus too. I want to get out of the 80's and move downward. It is up to me!

    Jaque ~ :cry: gonna miss your posts...and we understand...same thing happened @ dh workplace. check in when you can. I will be thinking of you too. stay strong and take care :heart:

    christi ~ the same lbs keep finding me too. hang in there...i know you can do this! :flowerforyou: thanks for the detail info on your job! sounds like fun, and workin from home would be great! someday I hope to make it to Fla. dh has relatives in St. Pete and Chiefland. Is there a time when it is less humid there? I LOVE the white sand beaches and blue ocean!! :glasses:

    Lots of rain here today, so will be indoors on my treadmill / C25K. For a couple of hours this afternoon I will be helping my parish husk, clean, and cook corn for our fall festival. YES, the sweet corn is on in Iowa! :tongue: and my fav with it is BLT's! :tongue: :tongue: double YUM!

    well, hope you all have luck @ the scale today, and if not, that is ok, just keep at know what to do!! I will check in off and on. Go Hot Peppers, love you all!:heart:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good afternoon team!
    I am a bit blah today.....
    Let me start off saying that I am at the exact weight that I was when I started back in May....127. I knew I wouldnt have lost or gained. All the walking at six flags yesterday must have helped. :happy:
    But on Wednesday when I went and picked up my daughter at school I learned that her daycare was shutting their doors and would no longer be open. The teachers and parent would hear of it on thursday morning and since the teachers would not get paid for Thurs or Fri they would probably not stay and so the kids would need to go somewhere else. :sad:
    This school has been the best thing for my child! Shes been there since she was 7 months old and shes almost 5. The best teachers work there and ALL because the owner SUCKS and cant pay to keep the lease up on the building he just let this facility go with a few hours notice!! :sad:
    I have been crying ever since. I took my daughter by there this morning b/c a few of the teachers were there packing up some last minute things and I needed to get a few things and they made a special request to have hannah there. I didnt even get fully parked and open my door and her teachers had already gotten out the building and had her in their arms. :brokenheart: Tears were spread thick in that building this morning. We exchanged numbers and addresses and hugged and cried for 30 mins.
    I have built such a relationship with these people as my daughter has. I have thought so much of them. They are such great people. My daughter was also to start her Pre-K year there in just a lil over a week and now I have to find her somewhere else. :sad:
    Of few of us parents are trying to keep the kids together so we are looking for anywhere with multiple spots available.
    I have been very down in the dumps since learning of all this and wanting you all to know b/c I probably wont be on much this weekend. I have too much to plan out b/c I have to get her registered and off the daycare at least b/c I dont have many people who I can keep asking to watch her while her dad and I work. So lots to do there and honestly b/c I have been so sad I have just tried to keep moving and doing things around here at work. Lots of cleaning, filing....whatevers needed.
    So, I hope you all have a great weekend. I will post back asap.
    And thanks for letting me spill my guts about this.....everytime I can talk about it helps it just abit more.
    I just hope to find a place soon so please keep me and the teachers and other parents in your thoughts bc this has really thrown us all for a loop too quick too soon.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all:bigsmile:
    THANK you sooooooo much for all you thoughts and prayers, I tell you I could feel them!:bigsmile:
    Well just been taking it easy, or trying to but I am a clean freak so sometimes it is hard!
    Got to take off the outer bandage yesterday and it doesn't look at all like I thought it would, I am not officially "Franken-boob" wich is so not flattering!:laugh:
    Had a minor breakdown about the "what if 's" of it all lastnight.
    Trying to stay level headed and get to issuses if they come my way.
    Taking a little pain meds, making me so not hungry scale says I lost 5 pounds which is good, I just am not feeling really good, and havn't been exercising at all:(
    But GOTTA stay possitive or else!
    Jaque- Sorry taht we won't hear from you as often:( but i will totally look forward to your posts.
    Kelly-you are too darn sweet, your energy keeps my heart a- pumping! thank you so very much!
    Kitn-I am so sorry, that is aweful! i know how you feel with having such a bond with the teachers, and you HAVE to trust in them so much, I mean they take care of you r baby! I am so sorry and I hope that something good can come out of it somehow.. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
    All other peppers! have a rocking friday and weekend:) :bigsmile:
    :drinker: its coffee time for me:)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    kitn ~ you must be soo crushed. what a difficult time for you, other parents, teachers and KIDS! i am so, so sorry. i am upset for you and heartbroken. as parents we rely on and trust all the ppl our children come in contact with. sounds like your daughter was at a very wonderful so very glad that she had the utmost care, love and opportunity possible. she will remain to do well i am sure b/c of the awesome care she had. i have faith that you will find something, as will the others...try to stay positive and open minded. have a peaceful weekend and take time for yourself to relax. i know this is very stressful for you, just remember we are here for you and will always listen....this is a great dumping place, really:bigsmile: hoping for the best always, take care hon and keep us posted when you can! **hugs** :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :blushing: kelly you posted right when I did :)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI VITA!!

    so good to hear from you!! and glad you are on your way to gettin better. just try to stay positive. i went thru something similar about 7 yrs ago. it is very scary, but there was nothing i could do about it and just had to strong girly! wishin only the bestest for YOU! will be thinkin of you and prayers from iowa! :heart:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Vita....Glad to hear from you and glad you are home and feeling a bit better Great for the 5 lb loss.
    Hope you feel better soon and you will remain in my thoughts. We are here for you. And thanks for the great message you left. Its great to know that my friends are here to support me during anything I am going through.
    And the same thanks to you Kelly for your kind words as well.
    I am glad I have the friends I have. Everyones been really understanding and that helps me tremendously!!!
    Lots of love to you all!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    HEY ALL :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have missed you all crazy like.
    So I have been home 2 weeks yesterday....I am now MRS. Sass.. I saw that Jaque let ya all know..............Thank you cutie patootie.

    The wedding was great....all 4.47 mins of it! Gotta love Vegas. I gained 5 pounds before the wedding, so the dress was a bit snug right under the chichis....but looked fine. I have not figured out how to get anymore pics up, but there are a couple I think up.

    So on with biz.......I am up from 229 to 239 :noway: ......yep. Since school started on June 30th I have not exercised or been eating well, and have just been a at school was a potluck day......need I say more???? It was basically like eating 3 pieces of cake and 1 piece of pie......and the whole time I was *****ing about my feet killing me. Well if I had 240 pounds on me 5 hours straight in 3 inch heels, I would be hurting too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, I am gonna bust my *kitten* to get back in the swing of things! And I need all ya'll to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please email me......tell me how you all are....I have missed you all so much :blushing:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Miss. Vita baby....I am so sorry to come back to see you are going through some scary stuff.......get in touch please and let me know what is going on :frown:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi SHGP! Not much happenin' here today... gettin ready to hop on the ol treadmill for C25K, as it is too humid outside for my lungs! thinkin of you all, so have a great day everyone......make it count! eat clean, veggies, fruits, H20, and have a good sweat if you're workin out today! :smile:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hello my friends! Okay, I officially made it back to the gym on Friday (Raffy had to practically drag me but I am glad he did) and I'm gonna try to get back on my "portioned" food as opposed to trough....:laugh: :laugh: We did eat out on Friday after the gym but I had guiltless Carne Asada at Chilis so was happy with that! Hope you all have a great day, is it monday already?????? :laugh: Close:sad:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Well it was a rough weekend. Had my certification test for research. Major killer!! I am a up a few pounds it was def stress eating. Well gonna try to get back on board. Night job is making me tired. Not good. Well its gonna be a long week My dd has suergry on Wed. So nnot sure about the workout routine. But will try. Hope everyone is doing good. Will try to write when I can
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Team!
    Well, here's to a good week for each and everyone of us! Plan your meals, snacks, get in the water and exercise when you can! Try to remember why you are here and focus each day on what you need to do in order to get healthy! Have a great day and an even better week! Let's do this Smokin Peppers! Love you all! :heart:
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