25g Protein for breakfast ideas???



  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Kashi Go Lean has 13g of protein per serving. Add some greek yogurt and you are set for an eggless breakfast.
    ^^^^^ this was my answer!
    I just mix the cereal and yogurt together.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Sorry.....I was thinking steak & eggs
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You could have non breakfast foods for breakfast.

    Or you could find a high protein cereal & maybe have some greek yogurt with it.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I eat:

    Small banana
    1 Jif Natural To Go PB single serve cup thingy
    1/8 cup raw almonds
    2 hard-boiled eggs

    557 cal / 34 carb / 26 protein / 230 sodium

    2 weeks ago I would've died if you told me I'd be eating 500+ calories for breakfast :laugh:
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm not a fan of Greek yogurt, but sometimes I eat cottage cheese with fruit for breakfast, 16g protein in 1/2 cup.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I like to mix up some berries with cottage cheese. I HATE cottage cheese but if I overload it with berries, I can stomach it. So I do 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of blackberries, 1/2 cup of blueberries and 1/2 cup of raspberries with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Sometimes I add some whole wheat toast with peanut butter. It's yummy and adds a little bit more protein.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I have a cup of cottage cheese some mornings with some fruit (canned or fresh). I also may add a slice of bread \ eng muffin with a tbsp of peanut butter.

    Have you tried 'lunch or dinner' for breakfast? I agree on the eggs - I started out eating them all the time and some days it is all i can do to look at one...
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    4 strips of bacon and 3 eggs :)
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I know you prefer no eggs but i made egg muffins last night... I used a carton of egg whites, sauteed zuccini, squash, mushrooms, bell pepper, and onions in EVOO, garlic powder and a little salt, a 1/2 cup of 2% milk, and a 1/2 cup cheese. Poured into muffin tins and backed for 25 mins in a 400 degree oven. Even my husband loved the ones he took to work today and he is picky when it comes to food prepared ahead of time. It made 19 muffins with about 48 calories a piece.
  • rbjcksn
    rbjcksn Posts: 31 Member
    Tuna, peppers and chicken omelette?
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I almost every day have 1/4 cup of egg beaters, 3 eggs whites, dash of cheese, mushrooms, salsa and a pile of spinach and make an omelet. Sometimes I'll throw in some thin & trim ham. It's over 25 grams of protein and it's a filling meal. Just works for me. I don't use carton egg whites because they are higher in sodium and typically there seems to be less in a serving as they are watery compared to regular egg whites.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I'd go with a chobani (fave is vanilla - 16g of protein), a hardboiled egg (6g?) and an english muffin (5g). Boom, 27g of protein.

    chobani or other greek yogurt is always a staple in my breakfast/morning snacks now!
  • twinlaced
    twinlaced Posts: 46 Member
    Designer whey protein shakes with bananas or blueberries.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    SO glad you posted this!!! I've found that the best way to get all my protein is by having 3 or 4 egg whites with my breakfast, but honestly, I do NOT like eggs (unless they're cooked in the most unhealthy of ways...like in a breakfast taco with some chorizo...). Definitely taking some of these suggestions home with me!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Today I had
    1 jumbo egg
    3/4 cup of egg beaters
    1 turkey sausage patty
    2/3 cup of hash browns
    1 slice of american cheese
    a few onions in my eggs

    427 calories with 40 grams of protein

    This makes me drool... and I'm not just talking about your profile picture.
  • stephensmith0929
  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    I need to eat 25grams of protein for breakfast, and I'm trying to do it without protein powder, if I eat another egg I may puke...

    What do you eat for breakfast?

    Greek Yogurt = 12 grams of Protein
    1 cup Lowfat Cottage Cheese = 14 grams of protein
    5 Frozen Strawberries

    359 Calories all blended into a smoothie. I hate cottage cheese but can handle it in a smoothie.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    What is this 'breakfast' of which you speak?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I put a scoop of whey protein in my coffee, makes it into a protein mocha (procha?), 26g protein/scoop and also adds a bit of calories to my day.

    If I were a coffee drinker, I would totally do this!! Mmmm!!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    This could be breakfast or dessert...

    Mix 4oz Fage 0% yogurt with 1 scoop 365 Natural Vanilla Whey Powder (mixed together it takes like cream!)
    1cup Kashi Go Lean cereal

    Eat together or separately.

    287 calories
    41g protein
    37g carbs
    2g fat
    10g fiber