90lbs down - When will I FEEL the dfference?????

I know I've lost loads and I know I look much slimmer than I did. I've gone from UK size 22 to size 12 clothes. My family, friends and colleagues have all commented on how well I've done and how good I look. I can see the difference, but I can't FEEl it! I still feel fat and frumpy.

I'm not looking for compliments and feel a bit silly for posting this - I know I should be able to see what I've achieved. I'm just wondering if anyone in a similar situation has been through the same or if anyone can give me some advice? When will I actually FEEL and think thinner?


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Unfortunately, no one can really tell you that. For me, it really was when I could shop in the normal section instead of the plus size section. And when I start feeling like I haven't accomplished much, I start looking at side by side comparison photos to remind myself how far I've come. And try not to focus on how far I still have to go.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Unfortunately, no one can really tell you that. For me, it really was when I could shop in the normal section instead of the plus size section. And when I start feeling like I haven't accomplished much, I start looking at side by side comparison photos to remind myself how far I've come. And try not to focus on how far I still have to go.

    Thank you, and well done on your weight loss - you're doing really well! :flowerforyou:
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    You are neither fat or frumpy. You have achieved major success during the time that you have set about losing that 90 pounds. You are receiving compliments from friends and family and quite rightly so. You should IMO,continue to receive these compliments because you are still achieving major things,most notably,you are turning back time. You are wearing clothes that are making you feel good,your confidence has soared and along the way,you have given so much support to others. Take a real good look in the mirror,it's time to start seeing what others see and start liking what you see. You are an absolute 100% diamond.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    You are neither fat or frumpy. You have achieved major success during the time that you have set about losing that 90 pounds. You are receiving compliments from friends and family and quite rightly so. You should IMO,continue to receive these compliments because you are still achieving major things,most notably,you are turning back time. You are wearing clothes that are making you feel good,your confidence has soared and along the way,you have given so much support to others. Take a real good look in the mirror,it's time to start seeing what others see and start liking what you see. You are an absolute 100% diamond.

    Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Tomorrow morning I will get that mirror out and look deeply!! Thank you for your continued support. xx
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. It'll take time to adjust. And until you do, every time you catch yourself in the mirror you'll get a lovely surprise because you won't be expecting to see a slim person there!
  • monikah1234
    monikah1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd kill for your body. You look awesome.

    2 things that may help. Exercise++. Buy new clothes-treat yourself!
  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    I too am feeling the same way. I haven't lost a lot of weight, I didn't really have a lot to lose. I had though become very soft. I have had three children and I was eating like my kids did,so I I was barely fitting into the largest size pants I had ever been in. Now I am slowly getting rid of the softness and increasing muscle. I am guessing once my body fat % is lower I will feel better. I know that the number on the scale is not my goal. I am at the smallest size I have been including while in high school and I am 10 pounds heavier than I was at that point. I would recommend if you can start weight training. It has helped me slowly start feeling better about how I look in the mirror.
    Hope that helps.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    When YOU decide that you can. This really is a mental image thing. Only you can decide when you will feel the difference.
  • OliveJuice1984
    I haven't lost nearly as much as you (17lbs so far). I don't see a difference in me or feel a difference but I have to keep telling myself that I've lost 17 LBS!! I've lost the equivilant of a 7 month old child! That's a big accomplishment. I just have to focus on the facts rather than my feelings. I think that if I focus on those things sooner or later my feelings will catch up. Congrats on your weight loss! :)
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support, tips and comments.
    You're all fab! Keep up the good work.

    Sarah x
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Stop worrying about weight and start working on fitness itself and you will feel it. I know I have and others i have worked with.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    If you still have any spend 20 minutes dressing in your 90lbs heavier clothes. I did that a while ago and putting both legs down one trouser leg was really helpful in helping my brain to catch up.

    Congrats on the loss BTW. :flowerforyou:
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I'm in exactly the same position as you. I know I've done amazingly well, but I also struggle to feel the difference. I wore a size 12 dress today and STILL felt fat, even though when I started I would have had to get a size 20.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Happiness from your own body will lie in small steps. Like wearing those old clothes, or being able to use a belt again, or be able to get to your apartment upstairs without being out of breath (all of these happened to me). You look amazing and you should be feeling proud with your accomplishement.
  • jirette
    jirette Posts: 1
    The thing with the picture is true... put it somewhere you can see it all the time.. After 7 months and 2 days I finally got rid of all my baby weight... I felt awesome when I finally could see myself in my old jeans and mini skirts... I look at my before and after pics and just feel great!!! So far, 17 pounds less and I'm looking to loose at least 32 more!!! I'm very motivated!!!!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm learning that I have to stop the negative self talk before I can expect to "feel" any different. Constantly calling myself fat and ugly doesn't help me feel thinner or beautiful no matter how many compliments I get from others.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    That's nearly impossible to answer. After years of being heavy your brain just gets used to seeing yourself that way.... I've lost almost 50 lbs, I'm a size 6/7, but I still look in the mirror and feel fat and frumpy. I'm hoping once I reach my goal I'll be able to see the person my husband says he sees. :/
  • genablue
    genablue Posts: 52 Member
    I have a friend who lost 230 lbs. She looked fabulous and gained some confidence but still felt like her old self. She would shy away from doing things that she wasn't able to before and would catch herself buying clothes that didn't really fit her or compliment her. She still felt fat in her mind. 4 years later and she is finally getting used to the idea that she is no longer that person but she still struggles, if you look at her you would never even know she had a weight problem. Our minds do some awful things to us. You look absolutely fabulous and what a motivation for us all with your weight loss!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have gone from a US size 18W to a size 12, and I still don't "feel" thinner. I do, however, take a lot more pride in how I look every day, which helps. I bought clothes that fit nicely, hang nicely, pants that fit properly, colors and cuts of tops that flatter me well, and I wear jewelry (necklace, rings, earrings, bracelets) and a matching handbag or wristlet every day. I never used to do that stuff, but I like that I do it now. It makes me feel more like I am proud of my new body even if I don't really "feel" it (if that makes any sense).
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Do you mean you still feel frumpy physically or just mentally? If it's physically, check your sodium intake. I didn't start to feel thinner until I reduced mine (I try to keep it less than 1800mg).