I'm tired of being FAT!!!

LBTRS Posts: 10 Member

I'm a 44 year old male who has been struggling with my weight for the last 14 years. I'm tired of buying larger clothes, getting winded walking upstairs and just tired of dragging around all this extra weight. My goal is to loose 80 lbs which is going to take a while so I better get started. Looking forward to sharing my journey and reading about yours.


  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Just want to wish you good luck on your journey, I'm 44 this year and have finally got serious about losing the weight, I had 100+to lose and have lost 41lb in the last 12weeks. This is a really good place to be, just reading other people's success story's can really motivate! It sounds as if you are in the right frame of mind, which can only bring success :-)
    LBTRS Posts: 10 Member
    Just want to wish you good luck on your journey, I'm 44 this year and have finally got serious about losing the weight, I had 100+to lose and have lost 41lb in the last 12weeks. This is a really good place to be, just reading other people's success story's can really motivate! It sounds as if you are in the right frame of mind, which can only bring success :-)

    Thanks and a huge congrats on your progress so far. Do you mind if I ask how you've done so well so quickly? I would like to see some quick results to give me a jump start.
  • ebenso1
    ebenso1 Posts: 39 Member
    Well, I can certainly relate! You can do it, stay strong! MFP has been such an awesome tool in my weight loss. It really has helped me count the calories and stay motivated. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Shakila87
    Shakila87 Posts: 70
    You can do It!! My fitness pal is a great support tool!!
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Hi! I too am new as of friday. Love it here :) I have already lost 6 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can encourage each other! Best of luck to you :)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Good luck on your jourey.. Just remember everything takes time, some days you'll get discouraged but shake it off and keep it going. You will hit your goals!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Welcome! I just started on here in January and it's been amazing. I wish you the best of luck with your journey.
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    Yeah, I'd love to know how you have had such wonderful success! That's great!
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss there is a whole bunch of awesome people here to help you..feel free to add me for moral support!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    good luck in your journey. I wish you a lot of success
  • hollyberry2012
    41 in 12 weeks. That's 13.6 lbs a month...I may be too old to take weight off that fast! lol...i might lose my balance and fall down quite frequently...as long as you are eating healthy..GOOD JOB!!!
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Not sure why I have done so well this time (I have tried many times!) I do have loads to lose so that does seem to make it go of quicker to start.
    I have stuck to my calories and weighed everything and logged everything, I use the app on my iPhone so I always have it with me, I can often be found scanning barcodes in the supermarkets! I still eat the bad stuff- just in smaller quantities and less often. For me personally, if I cut out everything I like I end up craving it and then go mad and eat way to much. I haven't done loads of exercise yet either, I'll have a go on the wii playing the wii fit games, and go walking, but I am finding the more weight I lose the more I want to go out and walk.
    I have had weeks when the weight loss has been really slow- those are the tough ones, and where I used to give up, but this time I have rode them out and the weight starts to drop of again, last week I lost 4lb!
    Just be honest with your diary and be kind to yourself, don't eat celery if you don't like it!!!
    Oh and people have just started to notice that I have lost weight in the last couple of weeks, and there is nothing more motivating than that! You wait and see, you are gonna love it!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    you are in the right place!!! add me if you'd like! :)