T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 25



  • Buttonnose
    that a girl Adopt4...open them cookies and let the kids eat them all at once.... They may think you have lost it...but at least they are gone and so is the temptation of you eating them. My dentist once said to me when it came to Halloween candy...let the kids eat it all at once..get rid of it ...brush their teeth and then you are done with it. Same thing here...get those cookies out of your house the fastest way you can...here is your night time snack kiddo's....a whole bag of oreo cookies with lots and lots of milk.

    Meanwhile...you focus on eating better, I am sure that some of the upset you have had recently with your family is contributing to your ability to focus on your health. But on that note...try to put it to rest in your mind and tell yourself that you have your children and your hubby and that you need to get healthy and strong for them, but most importantly for yourself. Everything else around you will fall into place as time goes on.

    Be strong, stay positive and just love you immediate family and all will be well.

    Hugs..big Hugs.

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I did what you said Button and planted things that take 2 or 3 days to take a break. My wrist is killing me today and I have a brace on it. SO i really need a break.

    I'm pissed off tonight. I have a 17 1/2 yr old son who is NORMALLY a good kid, very active in church, doesn't give me much trouble just normal teen stuff. Well on Saturday night he got hurt. A gal fell on his leg and hit him in the back of his knee and now his knee cap is not in the right place. It is off the groove. He is on crutches and he will have to do some physical therapy. Well tonight we were supposed to go to a BBQ with some church people. Parents were invited to join their kids. I came home to get ready and he was in my room finishing getting ready. Well he somehow ended up saying something about me not taking care of him because of being on farm land. Mind you, he is just as addicted as I am. I blew up. I have done nothing but wait on him hand and foot. Making sure he has food, meds, ice packs, water, what ever he has aked for. I asked him what more does he want? (I get a bit sarcastic when I am angry) did he want me to sit at his feet and kiss them until he decides he needs something else??? NOT HAPPENING. I told him I've gotten all his needs what was his problem. He said when I am hurting and wanting an ice pack I want it now not in 10 minutes because you said to wait a minute I am harvesting. I said WOW now you know how I feel everytime I ask you to do something you say in a minute mom!! Pay back is a *****!. So I told him he better get his friend to take him to the BBQ cause I wasn't going. I was sooo mad. ( Last night he said he was going to bed and would I get him his meds, water and an icepack. I did tell him in a minute BUT I didn't know it was because he was in pain and needed it now, I just thought he was getting prepared to go to bed to lay there and watch tv) . I cleaned my house on Sunday and all he has done for days is lay around and eat and leave crap everywhere. He can't carry things on crutches to throw away his stuff or put dishes in the kitchen, BUT he can carry food with crutches to get all the food he wants while I am at work. Nothing I do for him is ever good enough! I'm just tired of it. So anyway all this saved me from over eating at the BBQ. Just a chicken pot pie for me tonight LOL

    Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone i doing well.

    Adopt sorry about your parents. They still have a way of making us kids feel like crap. Never feels like we are grown-ups when we are around them.

    Lisa, Keep kicking my butt I need it

    Cyndeebee I miss your long letters. What i going on with you??? DO I owe YOU a letter and that i why you haven't written?

    Kris, thanks for the insight. I just seem to have lost momentum.

    Hi Lulu and li4g!!! Working girls, you're rarely round.

    You are really doing well prayerful. Seem to get lot of excercise! Keep going.

    Wonder what Zano i up to, not seen a post from him in a few days.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I've been missing in action..

    Is there a new thread??
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I don't think a new thread got started last week. I think we are all missing in action LOL Everyone is on farm town
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Yeah me too. Dang Farm Town..

    Okay, I got my butt off Farm Town and walked... 2 miles .. 385 calories burned..

    Eggo waffles and sugar free syrup and strawberries for breakfast.. I have to say it was good..

    Lunch will be a boneless skinless chicken thigh, small salad and green beans..

    Dinner, I haven't figured that out yet... But it will be healthy..

    Back to healthy choices...

    Talked to Sheila ( I LOVE HER) yesterday and confessed all my sins lol..

    I've gained back just about 10 lbs.. I think a lot is water weight from TOM .. I weighed myself yesterday and just about had a heart attack.. So here I am.. Back and back with a new mind set... Its me again guys... Anita is back.. I will still farm but it will not and I mean will not consume my life.. I will farm after I have exercised... I will log my food again..

    Ahhhhhhhhhh feels good to be back.. I've missed you guys....

    :heart: :heart:
  • prayerfulmom
    rest day today. my legs are so happy. last night i could hardly get to sleep they kept twitching. i think that summit was a bit much=)
    Weigh in tomorrow. chug a lug ladies and gent.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Getting back on track myself. Tried to eat better (did open those Oreos, but didn't eat the whole bag or anything) but the rest of the day I ate fine. Bought some Eggo waffles with fruit and some fresh fruit so I can get back on the wagon with food, too.

    Last night one of my 6 yr olds said to my 3 yr old "shut the hell up, amani". Thank you grandpa.:grumble:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    LOL I thought today was Friday... Uh oh.. I'm off a day...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good afternoon Team,

    yep its me the other MIA Sheila!!! ha ha ha

    That darn farm town!!! along with the flowers for my nieces wedding...

    Anita (I Love you tooo) I am hear for ya just give me a shout you know I am there...

    Although I have been rapped up with farm town an not logging my food I have been eating healthy and i have been going for my bike rides 3 X a week... in the morning time before the heat sets in!!!

    well I went to the dr today and I got weighed in!!! wooo hooo i lost a few pounds !!!

    then hubby had jokes he says if i would just give him sex more offten then I could lose more!!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!

    well everyone I have to get my butt back to making flowers for my nieces wedding on Saturday she didnt like the ones i made so I have to figure something out....

    anyway talk to you all son

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Ok peeps, here's the new thread for this week...

