Body by Vi - anyone tried this or now about it?



  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    Don't fall for these scams! Eat real food at 1/4 of the cost and get your protein powder from a supplement store at 1/2 the cost and higher protein!! Don't waste your money!!!
  • jens1285
    jens1285 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't like body by vi but i did do herbal life shake (which in my experience taste way better and a bit more expensive). I used the to replace breakfast which i never usually ate and noticed weight loss. I know people that have done body by vi and lost weight but it creeped back since they never really learned how to eat. My advice is use them on days you don't have time to eat healthy they are better than fast food.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    It costs me more than $50 a month just in milk.. I can't see how anyone can feed themselves for that.. but then again food is priced differently based on where you live. Where I am in Ontario, it's $10 just to buy enough chicken to feed my family (4 people) ONE meal. lol. So, the shakes are actually a much more affordable option for me, not to mention they are child friendly, and my 8 year old LOVES a strawberry shake for breakfast :) At just over $1 it's definitely cheaper than cereal, milk and toast (Seeing as bread is $4 a loaf here, milk is $5/bag, cereal about $5 /box) and even she is getting FAR more nutrition than she would be if she was having cereal and toast :)

    Being home alone (Run my own business) with my 2yr old all day, I actually save about $200 a month in groceries on BodyByVi. My husband and I both have them for breakfast and I have them for lunch or snacks.

    So, maybe it wont work for you, but like I said, I'm giving my opinion as a very satisfied customer. :)

    I shoudl have mentioned that I am a college student that lives alone. One person makes $50 a month much much easier ^-^

    I don't really eat cereal and toast for nutrition though. Mix of meats, veggies, fruits. beans/legumes and grains can be cheap and more nutritious then a shake. But that is what works for me, if you have the cash for it then that is your choice. But that is just not me! :]
  • br04416
    br04416 Posts: 35 Member
    I really struggle to believe in this product wholeheartedly. While there is a lot of nutritional value, I don't feel that it teaches good habits. It doesn't build a healthy lifestyle and the same results can be achieved by actual lifestyle changes and eating healthy foods.

    That being said, my step-mom and many others around me have taken to this method and are seeing results. The question is this: how long term are those results? Once they start reintroducing "real food" back into their diet what will happen? Why not just start there?

    There are no quick fixes. There is no substitution for hard work and dedication to changing your life.

    That is just my opinion. The money would be better spent on healthy organic food than on a shake.

    Totally agree!!! Very well said. :) Don't waste your money on that!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Don't fall for these scams! Eat real food at 1/4 of the cost and get your protein powder from a supplement store at 1/2 the cost and higher protein!! Don't waste your money!!!

    Agreed! Its just calorie restriction, I'd personally prefer to eat real food and lose weight. As some one mentioned above you don't learn how to eat portions so when you come off of it there is a high probability you will put the weight back on. It's just another fad diet plan! People always looking for the quick fix!
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Heard it was a glorified pyramid scheme, sorry multi-leveled marketing scheme.

    ^^Agreed. Me and a friend said the exact same thing when a classmate went around promoting it. Pyramid Scheme. I'd also rather eat my nutritious food than drink shakes twice a day.
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for everyone's advice and viewpoints. My main concern was that I would not be getting enough calories but I was interested mainly in nutritional value. Exactly what that is, I still don't know. This might be something I'd consider doing, not to help me lose weight because honestly I have a hard time eating enough calories as it is when exercising but for the nutrition. Maybe I could try drinking 1 shake a day as a "dessert" or "snack" instead of a meal. We'll see. Then the cost would also come down. We grow a lot of our own veggies and we also hunt deer, hog, dove, etc and fish so we do not spend too terribly much on groceries. I'll have to look into the nutritional benefits and what exactly it has in it for that and decide. :happy:
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    Don't fall for these scams! Eat real food at 1/4 of the cost and get your protein powder from a supplement store at 1/2 the cost and higher protein!! Don't waste your money!!!

    Agreed! Its just calorie restriction, I'd personally prefer to eat real food and lose weight. As some one mentioned above you don't learn how to eat portions so when you come off of it there is a high probability you will put the weight back on. It's just another fad diet plan! People always looking for the quick fix!
    Yes, I agree. I'm not looking to replace actual meals. I just wanted to know if drinking them would give some nutrition that I'm not currently getting that would help me lean up and lose faster without starving myself - because I am very opposed to doing that....I like to eat...and I am not looking for a quick fix. :) Thanks for your advice!! :)
  • Heard it was a glorified pyramid scheme, sorry multi-leveled marketing scheme.


    scam, plain and simple. you can do it cheaper on your own.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I really struggle to believe in this product wholeheartedly. While there is a lot of nutritional value, I don't feel that it teaches good habits. It doesn't build a healthy lifestyle and the same results can be achieved by actual lifestyle changes and eating healthy foods.

    That being said, my step-mom and many others around me have taken to this method and are seeing results. The question is this: how long term are those results? Once they start reintroducing "real food" back into their diet what will happen? Why not just start there?

    There are no quick fixes. There is no substitution for hard work and dedication to changing your life.

    That is just my opinion. The money would be better spent on healthy organic food than on a shake.

    I completely agree! As for your step-mom and in-laws also fell into the Body by Vi trap, tried to get me board but I kept saying to them "That's great if you want to pay that much to drink 2 shakes a day for the rest of your life" and I was right. As soon as they went off them and back into eating real foods, they eat healthy and exercise for the most part so it's not like they went right back into eating pizza, fries and cheeseburgers for every meal, they re-gained everything they had lost and then some. They also got other family members into it and they are also in the same boat.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Don't fall for these scams! Eat real food at 1/4 of the cost and get your protein powder from a supplement store at 1/2 the cost and higher protein!! Don't waste your money!!!

    Agreed! Its just calorie restriction, I'd personally prefer to eat real food and lose weight. As some one mentioned above you don't learn how to eat portions so when you come off of it there is a high probability you will put the weight back on. It's just another fad diet plan! People always looking for the quick fix!
    Yes, I agree. I'm not looking to replace actual meals. I just wanted to know if drinking them would give some nutrition that I'm not currently getting that would help me lean up and lose faster without starving myself - because I am very opposed to doing that....I like to eat...and I am not looking for a quick fix. :) Thanks for your advice!! :)

    If you aren't looking to use it as a meal replacement I think you can mix it with water and it's 90 calories, I'm sure that really effects the taste though. You would get the same benefits from a multi vitamin.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member

    Not sure how that can be insight when the whole purpose of the system is to market it towards people desperate to lose weight and making money off their backs. Reminds me of Mona Vie, the miracle juice
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member

    Not sure how that can be insight when the whole purpose of the system is to market it towards people desperate to lose weight and making money off their backs. Reminds me of Mona Vie, the miracle juice

    All I see there is a list of distributors marketting their product. Well maybe that's not *all* that's there, but it's what stands out to me personally.
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    There is really no mystery to dropping every three hours, 7 clean meals a day including a good source of protein at every meal (4 - 5 oz portions). Restrict your carb intake in the evenings and if possible, cycle them (i.e. increase complex carb intake on workout days, decrease intake on non-workout days). Drink 1 gallon of water a day. Lift weights 3 - 5 days a week, do a bit of cardio every day....voila!!
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    People should research things before they attack. Unfortunately it's scaring people with an honest question away from something incredibly healthy. :( Your idea of one a day is PERFECT for getting the extra nutrition. You don't have to stop eating and drink shakes all day. Come on people. This product is FDA and (THE ONLY ONE) Health Canada Approved, as well as recommended by doctors to diabetics. Obviously there is more to it than most think. Although I know how easy it is to assume all weight loss products are useless and a scam, as there are SOOO many out there. I still eat 3 healthy small meals a day on top of my two shakes, am incredibly disciplined with my food and exercise and have had amazing success. The shakes make me FEEL amazing because of the nutrition that is in them (UNLIKE a protein powder, which is only PROTEIN, I get my protein from lean meats daily).

    Please don't let people scare you by saying it's a scam, I am here telling you as a user and NOT a seller that it's an incredible product that has changed my life in only 3 weeks. It has changed my whole family's life. Look up the nutritional specs and compare it to anything. Watch the video on what's in there, and you will see :) There is no substitute for good food, but there is a healthy option of help for those who need it :) And no one who has researched it would tell you that you can get the same nutrition in a vitamin or protein powder. Because you just can't. The nutrition is WHY it works, it gives your body everything it needs even on those days you just can't be that strict and perfect, and even on the days that you ARE, you would need to consumer over 10 thousand calories of GOOD food to get this level of nutrition. This is why your body reacts so well to it. Nutrition. Not calorie reduction.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    There is really no mystery to dropping every three hours, 7 clean meals a day including a good source of protein at every meal (4 - 5 oz portions). Restrict your carb intake in the evenings and if possible, cycle them (i.e. increase complex carb intake on workout days, decrease intake on non-workout days). Drink 1 gallon of water a day. Lift weights 3 - 5 days a week, do a bit of cardio every day....voila!!

    This! Body by Vi is yet another in a long line of products like Mona Vie, Xocai Chocolate and a ton of other "miracle" products to lose weight and just to happen to be sold at a hefty profits by folks in a friendly multi-level marketing company.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I hate that this product is being used to prey on people who want to lose weight.

    So what happens when the weight is lost and they stop drinking the shake? Do they have to drink it the rest of their lives? How can it be healthy to get all your vitamins in liquid form?

    I just have so many misgivings and whether or not you lose weight using it doesn't mean anything to me. Time will tell if it REALLY works. Instant results now can be attained from any fad diet pill or drink.
  • Hi there,

    Quite a few of my family, and friends have used Body by Vi with raving results in their first few weeks - but then, the kicker jumped in.... they experienced all kinds of cognitive haziness, were unable to concentrate. These women all live very different lives, and the only common denominator for them was BbV. They were not able to focus, and everything seemed fuzzy and confusing all the time - albeit, they were losing weight like never before.... but, I really don't think the risks outweigh the benefits in this case.

    It's not worth your "sanity" or "losing your mind" (albeit, temporarily) over. There are better, healthier ways out there to lose weigh - and I stand by that 100%. Hopefully this helped!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I hate that this product is being used to prey on people who want to lose weight.

    So what happens when the weight is lost and they stop drinking the shake? Do they have to drink it the rest of their lives? How can it be healthy to get all your vitamins in liquid form?

    I just have so many misgivings and whether or not you lose weight using it doesn't mean anything to me. Time will tell if it REALLY works. Instant results now can be attained from any fad diet pill or drink.

    ^^^ this.