Starting over

I've been doing MyFitnessPal since January, but I've seen little results and I get discouraged easily. I decided to start a new account, and start over fresh. This way, I can not look at my past failures and start with a clean slate.

My Stats:

5'3", age 22
Current weight: 140
Goal weight: 125

I work out 5 or 6 days a week, and I burn 500 calories each session. According to MyFitnessPal, I should be eating about 1200 calories a day, but this makes me extremely tired and I've seen no results.

Any help would be great, especially if someone could point me in the right direction or explain to me how many calories I should be eating. I keep seeing things on here about people eating more to lose weight, but I get confused when I try to figure out my numbers.

Thanks and any friends are welcome!


  • jamierose86
    I could use some help too...I'm just not active enough, and I've gained about 5 pounds back this month.

    We have about the same goals, I'm a little taller so 128 would work for me.

    I definitely need the support!
  • katie110812
    Hi Girls! I'm a super newbie, joined yesterday but had a trainer before and that was fab but costly. Lately seem to have lost my motivation , I'm currently 8 stone 10 lbs, and with my wedding in August I need to drop 10 pounds.
    My weight gain is pretty simple I have been eating more than I do :) and sitting alot at my desk for long hours in a new job, so hoping to reverse that.

    I would love some friends on here and we can support each other and talk each other out of reaching for the chocolate bar! I think having a support group will help loads!! xxxxx
  • ashnik112
    Hey Ladies!

    You could call me a newbie also... I signed up last year and used this site for....about a day. I also have my wedding in August so there is NO MORE EXCUSES. I'm also 5'5 and looking to get back to my 130 days. I don't have friends on the site and they say that helps so I'm looking for some support and would be more than willing to give mine! I used to work with a trainer also and it gets expensive, real fast! I recently started group personal training with a small group of 3 other girls,, this cut cost way back if that is a possiblity for you katie??

    kdiment- I up'ed my meals to five a day and lost 20 lbs in 3 months. LOTS of fruits and veggies helped me out a ton and high protein picks are great. I'm still trying to figure it all out but like I said, I work with a trainer who is great about giving pointers and I am giving her my log in information so she can log on to my account and tell me what I need to change/try.
  • kdiment
    kdiment Posts: 31
    Hey Ladies!

    You could call me a newbie also... I signed up last year and used this site for....about a day. I also have my wedding in August so there is NO MORE EXCUSES. I'm also 5'5 and looking to get back to my 130 days. I don't have friends on the site and they say that helps so I'm looking for some support and would be more than willing to give mine! I used to work with a trainer also and it gets expensive, real fast! I recently started group personal training with a small group of 3 other girls,, this cut cost way back if that is a possiblity for you katie??

    kdiment- I up'ed my meals to five a day and lost 20 lbs in 3 months. LOTS of fruits and veggies helped me out a ton and high protein picks are great. I'm still trying to figure it all out but like I said, I work with a trainer who is great about giving pointers and I am giving her my log in information so she can log on to my account and tell me what I need to change/try.

    Good to know. I'm going to up my calories to a net of 1500 a day and see what that does. I think I wasn't eating enough my first time around. It's good to hear people with experience in eating more and losing more.
  • rebeccatoth1991
    Hello every one, let me just start by saying i am as you say a newbie. i am 21 years old and have a 3 year old son. I sit a lot if you can believe it and i am trying a lot of different things. At first i tried weight watchers and it didn't help for me so now i am trying this. I have to tell you ladies, if you're feeling tired it might be because you are sleeping to much. i used to sleep for hours at a time like 8-10 and now i have decided to change my sleeping patterns and i go to sleep whenever i want normally around 11pm and i sleep for 6 hours. when i wake up i feel so much more awake and i last longer during the day. I am also getting married but in September and i have been putting this off for months and now i have to start. I am 5'6" and right now i way 246lbs.. i have lost 2lbs since i started and i am want to weight between 140-170lbs so i have a lot of work to do, even though i don't want to lose it all before my wedding sometime close to that would be nice. Any friends are welcome..

    P.S. my dad is 45 and also on this site and has been on it for 12 days and already lost 10 lbs. So if he can do it I know we all can too.
  • katie110812
    Hi Ashnik! :) fantastic to meet another August bride, such a pressure to be small..

    Totally know how you feel, I kept saying I would make more of an effort nearer the time and now is the time! I'm rubbish at losing weight without going a bit extreme with odd diets. Determined to get my butt in shape before the dress fittings...

    Great to meet someone in the same boat. Just weighed myself and no change.. even though I have eaten a lot less over the last two days :( guess i must learn to be patient but a bit disheartening, maybe need to hide my scales until next week!

    Great tip about the group coaching i'd not thought of that. Also good tip about the increase in calories girls, that would not have entered my head, i tend to stuff my face or starve lol

    Using my lunch breaks to workout at the moment is helping me to eat less and is making it easier to keep active if I have a busy evening. Glad to hear you're all doing well! xxx