Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    In truth I envy the women who can wear the really great looking workout outfits that aren't baggy or lumpy. That sort of stuff doesn't come in my size so I just wear old shirts and the few workout pants I have with my Reeboks. I try and comb my hair (because I am one of those "just got out of bed" people who hit the gym in the morning) but it's short and unruly so I'm sure I look a sight.

    I don't mind the women that come in wanting to look good or have tinted gloss on, maybe some liner because I don't know where they came from and some of them meet friends there and want to look presentable. These are usually the women that, where I go, use the stairmasters and the elliptical machines only, maybe the stationary bikes that have TVs in them. Those seem to be the women that are trying to maintain their figure, not lose it like me.

    Me personally I just go, know I look a mess, and keep my headphones on and then mop up the buckets of sweat I create in my wake and go home to shower and go about my day. Everyone else there, I don't care about so long as they're not naked.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    For me, personally, if someone is caking on the make-up, trying their hardest to look as cute as possible, they are going to the gym to pick up guys or just get noticed...not work out...when I workout, I sweat so much that if I even attemtped a small amount of make-up it'd be gone or running down my just doesn't make sense to get all dressed up when you're just going to get all sweaty and red faced and lose all the makeup you put on...but I guess if it makes you feel better about yourself...go for it! If it motivates you, do what you gotta do. Now, that being said...I'm not sloppy when I work out. I can't afford cute little work out clothes, and even if I could probably wouldn't buy them because they're to get all sweaty in, not look cute in...I wear a pair of workout pants, a tank top, and throw my hair in a pony tail...not at all sloppy looking...just because I'm not wearing make-up doesnt' make me sloppy!!!
  • RealWill
    RealWill Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah I always get really strange looks at the gym when I wear make-up, and have my hair in a pony-tail....
  • kjbristol
    kjbristol Posts: 22 Member
    I wear sloppy clothes and make sure I am comfy because I know I am going to SWEAT! LOL but hell, if you like dressing cute, go for it. It is whatever works for you. Who cares what anyone else thinks?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    It's amazing to me that it would occur to anyone even to post this question. But the OP is getting the answer she requested.
  • eal12_00
    eal12_00 Posts: 23 Member
    See i go to the gym at 6 am and there are few people there. i also go to an all womens gym so i could care less what anyone looks like or what i look like becuz by the time u leave anyway u r not gonna look picture perfect anyway. plus i need to buy new work out outfits becuz girl i can barely hold up my workout clothes but it makes be feel great that i am shrinking.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Wowwwwwwwwwwww who cares what anyone looks like. When you go to workout you're all accomplishing one get fit. Clothes and appearance shouldn't're gonna sweat it out anyways.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I like wearing cute workout clothes. I reward myself with more cute workout clothes which then forces me to wear more cute workout clothes. It's a vicious cycle.

    Seriously though, I don't care what other people are wearing. I wear shorts and cute tops because I like feeling good about my appearance and I like tight fitting tops and bottoms (usually compression) because they hold all my lady bits in place. I can't stand having stuff flop around.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I LOVE how I feel in a new nike/LuLu outfit. I love hot pink running tops and cute yoga pants.

    But honestly, what really is your beef?

    My beef is that LuLu and Nike sizes both stop at a size 16, so I don't get cute outfits because of the size of my bum.

    It hurts my feelings. :sad:

    But really, honestly, I am not one of the people who gives the people who dress nicely, or wear make-up, or do their hair a hard time.

    I AM more likely to look sloppy because I've lost a bunch of weight and my gym gear is either falling off me too big, or a bit too tight, because I wasn't willing to spend extra money on the 'in-between' size.

    Swish your ponytail all you like, I'm not gonna hate ya. :heart:
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I clearly must be a sloppy woman at the gym because what the hell is a LuLu outfit? It doesn't sound like something a grown woman wears. I'm going to have the google that one.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    My 'beef' is with the girls who wear the little spandex shorts that barely cover their butt and a sportsbra.. I mean c'mon. Not nessesary. I don't care about girls dressing up or cute. Haha. I like to look good when I'm in the gym because it makes me feel better and the good mood helps me perform better.
  • skyle954
    skyle954 Posts: 27 Member
    I personally don't care what other women wear at the gym. But lets be realistic....there are some items of clothing that are not meant for everyone....There is no reason to spray half a bottle of perfume to go sweat... or to cake on the make up, that ends up all over your towel or shirt anyway.......I enjoy wearing extra large sweat shirt and large sweat pants.....I know what I look like underneath and it looks damn good. :tongue:
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

    ^^^^ This.. maybe tomorrow morning I will show up at the gym in my new thong, matching sports bra, ipod and stillettos and jog on the treadmill!! maybe i'll get a star post somewhere!!
  • 412HeavyLifter
    412HeavyLifter Posts: 170 Member
    That's the problem....focus on your workout instead of what others are wearing at the gym
  • 412HeavyLifter
    412HeavyLifter Posts: 170 Member
    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

    ^^^^ This.. maybe tomorrow morning I will show up at the gym in my new thong, matching sports bra, ipod and stillettos and jog on the treadmill!! maybe i'll get a star post somewhere!!

  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    I object to it slightly because a lot of the gyms around my area seem to be used for picking up, and dolling up for the gym seems to reinforce this. Seriously, if you wanna score, go to a club, and stop harrassing me at the gym! >.<


    Considering that you are doing it for yourself, though, I can deal. >_o You'll just have to excuse my daggy $5 leggings, free promotional tee-shirts, and stupid-looking hair done so it stays out of my way. Sorry, but I'm one of these people who really SWEAT, and I'd rather do it in clothes I couldn't give a stuff about.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i originally was a "sloppy mom" at my fitness classes, but most of that was because 1, i was wearing what i had and 2, i was no where near comfortable with myself for a tight workout top. Now i wear them and love them, but i migrated there mostly because the tighter ones arent in the way and they wick away moisture far better. Much more comfy for working out! However, putting on make up to go workout is silly to me, and not something i would do. I dress mostly for comfort and function, but if it is cute stuff that i like the looks of too, then hey, even better!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    when i was at the gym yesterday, there were these two girls ( probably mid 20s?) that looked great! cute outfits, cute hair, just cute!!!

    they were together and headed for the treadmills. got on, about 5 min later, got off..... that was it. didn't see them again.

    then, there's me. black yoga pants, tshirt, AND sweatshirt. hair in a messy ponytail. doing my c25k for the day then off to do my pull ups for p90x chest and back. then grabbed my two youngest for a half hour swim in the pool.

    i guess i don't really get why it matters what anyone is dressed like when they're at the gym?!? i'm only there to get my work outs done. i'm not there to impress a single person. i'm not there for anyone to critique my clothes. nor am i interested in critiquing anyone else's clothes.

    people should wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing. i for one, would not be caught dead in just a sports bra and cute little work out shorts. this is a personal choice. for one, i have huge boobs and i would be very self conscious. and for two, it's a modesty thing for me. i choose to cover up as much of my body as i can. :-) that's it.
  • TrinaCanDoThis
    If I could afford a bunch of cute workout clothes I would totally do it. With two kids I can barely get dressed so I throw on whatever but I'm working out at home so it doesn't matter. If you look good, you feel good!

    I really don't think it matters! Who cares and this really worth discussing? I'm w/you, I have 3 children and could care less. Some days I go matching and other days I put on whatever I want to wear. I really don't a lot of women care about what other people are wearing...especially if you are there to workout and lose weight!

    If they are looking at you, block it out and get your workout on!
  • thinsoundsgood
    I don't really care what I look like. I mean I don't see the point of doing your hair and makeup if you're just going to be sweaty after. But I give props to the ladies who do themselves up and still look good after a workout!