Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    I think those of us who do not dress up for the gym might feel like they are privately being judged by those who dress up to work out. The fact that you made the title of this post "sloppy women at the gym" leads me to believe that you are in fact judging those people who don't feel like it makes any kind of sense to dress cute for the gym. Furthermore, as someone with naturally curly hair that is long & frizzes like wild when I sweat, my high pony tail is never swishsy. It is more like a tangled mess of curls surrounded by a halo of fuzzy baby hairs. No amount of product or headbands will change this. Wearing make up to work out? Why would I do that to my pores?
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I clearly must be a sloppy woman at the gym because what the hell is a LuLu outfit? It doesn't sound like something a grown woman wears. I'm going to have the google that one.

    I had to respond to my own post! googled it Lululemon .....tops for $88.00 and $108.00 US dollars to sweat your butt off in! No way would I pay that to look cute at the gym to each his own I will wear my $10 dollar Old Navy shirt if that's sloppy don't look at me.
  • turbophoenix
    There is a big difference in being prepped for a show and looking decent. You sound like you just look decent.

    ^ This!

    I stopped going to my gym largely because I was sick of dealing with the preppy college girls that would come in wearing full makeup and then do .2 MPH on the treadmill trying to look hot and pick up guys.

    Uh, no.

    If you come in and -WERK IT- I don't care! I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't really care about what people wear, etc. It's the POSERS that drive me crazy!
  • Rsolomo
    Rsolomo Posts: 1
    I like to wear cute work out pants at the gym. I like to have my hair look moderately okay (although it gets messy as the workout goes on). Other than that, I don't really have a preference. I'm usually coming from class when I'm heading to the gym, so that's another (secondary) reason that I don't look like total crap at the gym, haha. But yeah, the cute pants just make me feel good and make me want to work out!

    I don't like wearing any sort of makeup to the gym because when I wipe off my face with the towel, the makeup smears and that is just... no bueno. I don't usually wear much make up anyway, though, so that's also a reason.

    Don't really have any preference about other people in the gym. I'd say most of the other girls at the gym look more gym-fashionable than I do, but I don't mind, ha.
  • SquashedBanana
    SquashedBanana Posts: 24 Member
    I do feel self-conscious at the gym when I know I look horrible, but that never stops me from going.

    I take no issue with people who enjoy working cute workout clothes, or matching ensembles.

    I think the annoyance comes when someone looks like they spent a lot of time getting ready to go to the gym, putting on makeup and going through the trouble of styling hair when sweat will take its toll on both.

    I'm one of those people who goes to the gym as-is. If I go in the morning, I go bare-faced and ratty-haired because my shower and prepping will come after. If I go at night, I go with the makeup and hair I was wearing earlier. If I had cuter gym clothes, I'd probably wear them, but my collegiate shorts and wife beaters will do.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    love it!!!
    Gimme a chick that looks homeless and can put up 325. I don't care if she's wearing a burlap sack or the latest Athena tank top, how many pull-ups can she crank out?

    "Is that girl with you?"
    "Which one? Tinkerbelle, or the railroad hobo that just crushed your PR?"
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Personally I know I'm going to look terrible by the time I'm on my way out anyway, so I see no point in trying to make myself look nice. Also I know that my clothes is going to be sweaty and smelly by the time I'm on my way out, so I don't really care how nice it is to begin with. I definitely don't judge girls that do dress up nice. If you want to take the time to look good wherever you go, then good on you.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I clearly must be a sloppy woman at the gym because what the hell is a LuLu outfit? It doesn't sound like something a grown woman wears. I'm going to have the google that one.

    I agree. Lulu? like Little LuLu? I'm showing my age. :)

    I don't belong to a gym right now, but when I did, I felt a little intimidated by the people in cute outfits. Those people were fit and looked great. I, on the other hand, felt like a blob when I was on the machine next to them. Someday I'll rock a cute workout outfit, but for now I'll have to hide out at home. No public workouts for me right now.
  • turbophoenix
    Gimme a chick that looks homeless and can put up 325. I don't care if she's wearing a burlap sack or the latest Athena tank top, how many pull-ups can she crank out?

    "Is that girl with you?"
    "Which one? Tinkerbelle, or the railroad hobo that just crushed your PR?"

    LMAO! :laugh:
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Because the people who are dressing like that are typically not doing **** for a workout.

    I dress like that and I have damn good workouts.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    How come men never start threads like this? :laugh:

    That's because we are happily spending time in our "nothing box".
    Seriously, do what you want at the gym, look however you want at the gym etc.
    Please though, we all need to be courteous, wiping off equipment, putting barbells back in the right spot, not hogging cardio machines when the gym is busy, not getting in each other's way.

    But if you ladies want to look purrtee at the gym, that's just fine with me.
  • tequilabunny
    Why do you care if I look "sloppy" at the gym?
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I don't care what people wear- it's the gallon of perfume that bothers me!
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    When I went to the gym (before my love of p90x, Beach Body Insanity and P90x2) I went there with one purpose: to work out. I'm not interested in checking anyone our nor am I interested in anyone checking me out. If I could be invisible at the gym, I would be. I don't go there to be a sexual object to be admired, I go to get my sweat on and GTFO. If you're all about being an object at the gym, that's ffine but I wouldn't assume that just because you've got all the guy's attentions focused on you that you've managed to grab the attention of me or my frumpy promo tshirt.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    Why do you care if I look "sloppy" at the gym?

    Because your sloppiness automatically implies your dislike of her hotness, obviously.
  • pinn44
    pinn44 Posts: 68
    Who cares what people look like...I'm there to get my work out on. I'm not looking or judging people, I barely notice anyone. If you like to get dolled up to sweat that's on you. Personally when I wear nice sweat gear I'd rather be out and about.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Don't care what other people look like, but I see absolutely no point in dressing up for the gym and I wouldn't waste my good clothes on a 60 minute session where I will end up getting sweaty. I wear shirts that are a size too big for me, baggy gym pants (one with a hole in it), hair up, no makeup unless I've come from work and I don't care what anybody thinks.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    Gimme a chick that looks homeless and can put up 325. I don't care if she's wearing a burlap sack or the latest Athena tank top, how many pull-ups can she crank out?

    "Is that girl with you?"
    "Which one? Tinkerbelle, or the railroad hobo that just crushed your PR?"

    That! Awesome comment and I totally agree.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Psh. I wear cute yoga pants that make me feel good about my butt, yoga shirts that don't really do anything for my figure but I like, and like to jog outside with my hair down (the length is a little passed my shoulder blades). Pushing a jogging stroller.
    I totally PR'd a (unofficial) 5k like this.
    When that happens, I really do not care who's watching, how bad I look, whatever, I throw my hands in the air like I just won!

    Btw, how can I tell if I worked out hard enough if I looked like poo from the beginning?
    All my workout gear is clearance buys, and purchased one at a time for the most part. Some of them were even NSV's for the smaller size.
  • countrywildflower
    countrywildflower Posts: 42 Member
    gym time is me time. not paying attention to nothing but getting my workout on.