Ouch! Pain in my left front shoulder...



  • bigswedeman
    bigswedeman Posts: 139 Member
    There are four muscles involved with your rotator cuff... I am currently dealing with an injury to the muslce on the top. Any of the four can be easily injured and become inflamed, or torn. Mine has been bothering me since last August and I've been seeing a physiotherapist for a few months.

    It's a dull ache that seems to almost never go away. Don't do anything above your shoulder, and go see a doc just to be sure.
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160
    Does it hurt more working with your arms above your head, brushing your hair etc. Then probably rotator cuff.,
  • MKloste
    MKloste Posts: 56 Member
    If it last more then a few days I would definitely consult with a doctor. Like somebody said above it could be a tear or even a strain in your rotary cuff muscles (there are 4 of them) and those are not something to mess around with, especially if you need surgrey. My mother in law tore part of her rotary cuff last year while lefting a file box at work and had to have surgrey 2x on it because the first time scar tissue started forming almost immediately and so they had to go back in and repair it and then they started her on physical therapy almost immediately so that scar tissue wouldn't form again and halt the healing process.

    Last week my shoulder was bothering me really bad and it would go down into my arm muscle and it was right after I had started doing resistance exercise with the resistance band and exercise ball and luckily it went away after about 3.5 days but it had be worried at first because I thought for sure it was my rotary cuff (which maybe it was and it was just a pulled muscle) but I was not about to play around with it in case it was a tear.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    First: Doctor
    I had something similar, I think my chiro called it bursitis or rotary cuff inflammation. Lay of the shoulder exercises for a while, and ice it.
    Once it gets better, learn proper form, and avoid exercises that aggravate it. Mine came from swimming, and improper form doing shoulder exercises.

    Face pulls are a good exercise to strengthen the muscles.
    Rear delt flies (on the pec fly machine) also work great.
    Very light muscle delt flies with dumbbells are good too.
  • echomadrid
    echomadrid Posts: 1 Member
    I actually just seen a Dr today for the exact location of pain. Mine has been going on about 4-5 months. They said Bicipital Tendinitis & Rotator Cuff Syndrome. So, now I get physical therapy and cortisone shots.
  • lewdug
    lewdug Posts: 17
    One thing that a lot of people don't know about pain is that it often radiates from the source. Just because you feel it near or in your arm doesn't mean that's where the problem is. Like it was said before, you could have an issue with pain because of heart issues. You also need to remember that there are lymph nodes there, so there could be inflammation going on in the lymph nodes, which could mean anything from infection to lymphoma. My mother also had pain that radiated from her breast cancer all the way to her shoulder and caused her excruciating pain, though her breast never hurt, ever. So, in short, you really, really should see a doctor, just to make sure, especially if it doesn't clear up after a few days or so. The fact that it's only on one side is worrying if you work both sides equally hard. Yes, you could have pulled something, but it could be something more serious.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    What does your routine look like in the gym?

    I agree with neoterrar. See a doctor and have them check things out.

    Then lots of upper back work as he suggested. I got some of the resistance tubes and started doing face pulls, and rear delt flys and things got much better. A strong back makes a huge difference all around your body.

    For now see a doc and rest it for a week.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I was trying to find this video the other day for you and couldn't find it but I finally ran across it again. Take a look.

  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Do you ever throw your backpack just over one shoulder when in a rush? Is it that one? I did. And had the same problem. Doctor told me to switch to a rolling backpack and the pain was gone in a week. Granted I felt like an old lady pulling around my backpack but at least I didn't feel like one :-)