The Chew Chew diet

Over here in England there is a tv programme that is testing diets from times gone by. They are trialing a Victorian high protien diet, a 1920's low calorie diet and an Edwardian diet called the 'Chew Chew' diet. This involves eating most foods but you have to chew the food 32 times before you can swallow. (by the time you have chewed 32 times there is little left ot swallow) The trial has been going on for about a month now and so far the Chew Chew dieters have lost the most weight!

So I thought I would give it a try this week, not changing what I eat and still sticking to this plan on MFP but chewing my food the requisite 32 times. I hav'nt weighed in yet but I have noticed two things. First one is that it takes alot longer to finish my meals and because of that I am not leaving the table still looking for something else to eat....must be a plus:happy: Secondly (hope you lot out there are not eating as you read this) instead of going to the loo perhaps twice in a week, despite eating lots of fibre, I have been almost everyday! :bigsmile:

The hewing does seem a little laborious in the beginning but it does seem to leave me more satisfied, less hungry and far less inclined to pick between meals. Anyway I will keep going and see how my weigh-ins go but I just thought I'd share this with you guys over the pond.....Happy chewing:flowerforyou:


  • burnett50
    burnett50 Posts: 46
    Over here in England there is a tv programme that is testing diets from times gone by. They are trialing a Victorian high protien diet, a 1920's low calorie diet and an Edwardian diet called the 'Chew Chew' diet. This involves eating most foods but you have to chew the food 32 times before you can swallow. (by the time you have chewed 32 times there is little left ot swallow) The trial has been going on for about a month now and so far the Chew Chew dieters have lost the most weight!

    So I thought I would give it a try this week, not changing what I eat and still sticking to this plan on MFP but chewing my food the requisite 32 times. I hav'nt weighed in yet but I have noticed two things. First one is that it takes alot longer to finish my meals and because of that I am not leaving the table still looking for something else to eat....must be a plus:happy: Secondly (hope you lot out there are not eating as you read this) instead of going to the loo perhaps twice in a week, despite eating lots of fibre, I have been almost everyday! :bigsmile:

    The hewing does seem a little laborious in the beginning but it does seem to leave me more satisfied, less hungry and far less inclined to pick between meals. Anyway I will keep going and see how my weigh-ins go but I just thought I'd share this with you guys over the pond.....Happy chewing:flowerforyou:
  • Elvidnir
    Elvidnir Posts: 23
    England is just so much cooler.

    I would try it, but I get bored staring and chewing. :laugh:
  • skerry1
    skerry1 Posts: 12
    i saw that too and started trying it last week, lost 3lbs so far :smile: its definately worth a try, i dont count how much i chew because i know i wouldn't be able to stick to that every day, but i do chew a lot more than i normally would. I would recommend it, its a simple and easy thing to change in order to keep the lbs off. I hope it goes well for you! :happy:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Well I agree w/ eating your food slowly and chewing it well....its make for better digestion and well elimination lol sorry tmi...and of course you get full faster because you give your brain a chance to catch up w/ your stomach....

    cool and this is an area where I have a problem, unfortunately I've become a fast eater...ever since I became a mom and I'm sure lots of you can eat on the fly sometimes or just want to eat before you get interupted and then it becomes a habit...and its not good!

    I think I'll pay more attention to it today and see how it goes ...thanks!!!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Good luck!! I hope it works for you. I can't stand the repetative counting. :yawn: But I do know people who have successfully done that and made it a lifelong habit. If the counting gets too old, maybe try putting down your fork between bites while chewing may have the same result. :drinker:
  • burnett50
    burnett50 Posts: 46
    The counting does get a bit (quite a bit) boring but heh it seems to be working and an added bonus is that I tune out on what the old man is rabbiting on about!!:tongue:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    The counting does get a bit (quite a bit) boring but heh it seems to be working and an added bonus is that I tune out on what the old man is rabbiting on about!!:tongue:

    Ohhhh . . . never thought of that :laugh: I may have to have another go at it . . .:laugh:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Know what is funny? I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I was at work having lunch. I brought mostly veggies, salad and fruit to cut up for lunch. I realized that I was having to chew a lot more, and my lunch wasn't done in a mere 5 minutes it took me almost 20 minutes to eat since I had to chew chew so much. I counted my calories afterwards and realized I was fuller than I thought I would be with less calories. I think I will continue to eat this way.
    I have tried the counting thing but go nuts, and then hearing my husband drone on on top of the counting was enough to make me want to admit myself to a psych hospital. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: