How did you get overweight?


I thought it might help some of us to examine our thoughts and habits as to why we became overweight in the first place.

I had decided I was going to eat what I wanted and not worry about it. Well after doing that for several years, I gained 40 lbs. I also think I did not realize how important it is to examine the calorie content of everything you put in your mouth. It adds up. There are other reasons, but that is the short of it.

What was the choice you made that created your current condition?

Connie Lynn


  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member

    I thought it might help some of us to examine our thoughts and habits as to why we became overweight in the first place.

    I had decided I was going to eat what I wanted and not worry about it. Well after doing that for several years, I gained 40 lbs. I also think I did not realize how important it is to examine the calorie content of everything you put in your mouth. It adds up. There are other reasons, but that is the short of it.

    What was the choice you made that created your current condition?

    Connie Lynn
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    a combination of things for me. Getting too comfortable in a relationship so not worrying about how i looked and eating out of boredom and stress. Also, generally not paying enough attention to food choices.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    That was part of it. Just deciding to not care about it anymore, stop living my life on a diet, stop missing out when everyone else was enjoying life (life meaning eating food!!)........

    I also ate out of boredom or habit. Like, if I was watching a movie on the couch, it meant I needed to have a snack too.

    I'm not sure what happened to make it click....but I suddenly saw things different. Maybe it was realizing that "life" was not about food or eating....and I WAS missing out on TRUE life. I didn't want to go to the beach with my son, I didn't want to get family pics done....I was embarrassed!! THAT is life!! And I was missing it because of food. It's just NOT worth it to me.

    And honestly, I have not suffered at all since starting this in September. I haven't struggled, even through the holiday's. I ate turkey and stuffing and even a small piece of pumpkin pie. Yes, I had a maintain that week, which I saw as a success....BUT, while the average person gains weight between Thanksgiving and New Years, I LOST 14 lbs in that time.

    I think that is where everyone needs to get. They need to "GET IT" that you don't have to starve, you don't have to miss out, you don't have to suffer. You JUST need to make better choices and watch your portions. And exercise!!! :) I love how I feel now and I have lost weight in the past with starving myself and taking diet pills and of course I put the weight back on, and more!! Now, I am educating myself along the way, taking it off slowly and healthy. Learning how to eat to keep it off. I don't take anything for granted and pray every night that I can stay this course and keep the weight off once I get there.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    Denial is my answer, i just didnt want to think about it, didnt want to think about what i ate nor my size.
    i wanted to eat the same as everybody, same as my bf that was one of those are are extremly skinny and eats only fast food.
    i was told all my life that i am fat, and i didnt want to listen to it anymore, even thought when i look back at pictures,, i wasnt fat at all, i was normal, but my mom kept telling me that i was, even the doctor told her that i was fine. so being told all the time. i guess i became just that, fat. then i was so used to ignore it, that i didnt even listen to myself,

    anyways .. now its all changed !!!
  • myebinger
    myebinger Posts: 25
    This is a REALLY good question.

    For me, it was a combination of things. I used to take pretty good care of myself. I exercised regularly and I made a point to eat foods that were low in calories. I can't pin point the exact moment but at some point everything got to be too much. Work became more stressful, my son needed more help with school, dinner suddenly became some sort of chore and it was just easier to hit the freezer isle, open the door and through in a frozen box of something than to sniff and squeeze the fruit and inspect the vegetables in the produce section.

    I started looking for convenience so I could get a little more done in a day and comfort in my food to help me destress from trying to squeeze so much into a day.

    Now, however, I've found that I can find comfort in other things and I don't HAVE to do EVERYTHING. I don't let my job get to me as much and I've made a point to seperate home and work. I've found cooking to be a way for me to try new things and find different comfort foods that are better for me and my family. And after so many years of the crappy food in the freezer isle I relish finding a nice green head of lettuce and the sweet citric smell of a good orange.
  • squankish
    squankish Posts: 78 Member
    I got depressed during 7th grade and decided that it was a good idea to pretend to be anorexic at school (I thought this was considered "cool") and then binge every day after school at McDonalds. Needless to say, no one bought the anorexic thing and I ended up getting more depressed and changing schools. After that, my idea of a good sized meal was ridiculously distorted so I continued to overeat and I just got bigger and bigger until sophomore year of high school when I was forced to train for a philmont backpacking trip. That was the first time I felt like I was control of my body. I lost about 40 pounds and I've kept most of it off since then, but I want to lose a bunch more. I still eat emotionally sometimes, but it is a lot less often because I've learned ways of dealing with my emotions other than eating.
    yay that's my story bye!
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    I was, literally, a fat baby, child, teenager, etc... I ate whatever was put in front of me and then some. I remember sneaking food at times in middle and high school. I did lose about 50 lbs my senior year in high school, but only kept it off for a year. I put on some weight in college, but wasn't too far above what was recommended. Then I had 3 children in 4 years. That's where I am now. Of course, I didn't realize that I was an emotional eater until the past 5 years. So, a combination of lifestyle, emotional eating and babies.
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    I got depressed during 7th grade and decided that it was a good idea to pretend to be anorexic at school (I thought this was considered "cool") and then binge every day after school at McDonalds. Needless to say, no one bought the anorexic thing and I ended up getting more depressed and changing schools. After that, my idea of a good sized meal was ridiculously distorted so I continued to overeat and I just got bigger and bigger until sophomore year of high school when I was forced to train for a philmont backpacking trip. That was the first time I felt like I was control of my body. I lost about 40 pounds and I've kept most of it off since then, but I want to lose a bunch more. I still eat emotionally sometimes, but it is a lot less often because I've learned ways of dealing with my emotions other than eating.
    yay that's my story bye!


    7th grade is the hardest grade. I had problems in that grade as well. We are not kids anymore and not adults. It is a difficult transition. My son is in 7th grade now and he is angry a lot and I know it is because school can be so exhausting and make you feel overexposed.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Your honesty is a sign of great maturity.

    I love that you found other ways to deal with your emotions.

    Blessings to you,

    Connie Lynn
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I got very comfortable in my relationship too and never realized how bad the foods I was eating. Then the diets because that is all they were. I would skip meals and gained weight after loosing 65lbs on my diet. Now I never say diet, I eat better food and exercise. Feel better too. :smile:
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I was always larger as a child, but nothing too out of control. I lost some weight my freshman year of college, but then entered into a really hazardous relationship that was on and off for about 5 years. The weight started to pile on and it was a shock the day I decided to weight myself. I'm now only 39 pounds from my goal, and I put on a shirt this morning that I have never worn before. I feel good!!
  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    well i became obese and it started approx 6 and 1/2 years ago. I moved ot of my ouse in with my bf at 18 years old. Never really knew how to cook and wasa always eating out. I started to gain a little weight then but never really was too concerned. After about a year the relationship i was in went all to heck and I started to eat to confort myself. I ended up meeting someone else and starting a relationship with that person. By then i had gained approx 15 lbs in around a year and a half. Well with the new person i met I ended up pregnant right away and i gained 60lbs wow huh thats a lot!!!! After the baby was born i never lost any of the weight due to the stress in the relationship of no money comming in. A year later I left the relationship and moved back home. I wasnt concerned with what i ate because to me i was alredy FAT even though i was skinny just 2 years earlier, So putting on 75 lbs in 2 years did it for me and i never lost any of the weight. BUt now i am determined to do something about it. Ive lost 16 lbs so far and have another approx 40 to go till i hit my goal.

    Best of luck to everyone!!
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    i lived what i learned. my entire family is heavy. even as a child. i cooked the way my mom cooked, we ate what she made. over the years it just slowly packed on. then i met my husband also a heavy man, and in 3 years i gained 55 ponds. eating is what we did, movie, date night, party, bbq, friends, its just what we did. food is, i mean was my life. i think when your over weight you dont notice 5 or 10 pounds then one day 55 has packed on and you finally notice. then the changing day came. i hit my rock bottom. christmas 2007 we ate for 3 days off a buffet of snacks and crap. i couldnt breathe or walk i felt like garbage. that was the day i decide to take my life back. you can teach an old dog new tricks. i have taught myself to cook in a healthy manor. i have found any recipie can be converted into a good for you meal. yesterday i took a pizza casserole recipie from 672 cals per serving to 335 cals. yumm and i dont feel bad. for me its all about educating myself and making better choices. i dont want to be the ball of death with diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and just sitting back waiting to die. i want to be around for a long long time and i want to LIVE MY LIFE!!!! congrats to all of us.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I've always been overweight, in fact I can remember neighborhood kids calling me names when I was... 7 years old? How did I get there though... most likely a combination of my mom being an amazing (but amazingly unhealthy) cook, and when I hit middle school, my only eating one meal a day up until college when I got even worse. I started eating one meal every day, sometimes every other or every three days depending on my schedule and what I could afford. My whole life was spotted with binges on top of that. So, I suppose it makes sense I am where I am.

    Cool thread, never really thought about it before :)
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    buffet tables
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've always been overweight, I think it was my eating habits. I did manage to lose 30 lbs when I was 19, but then I met my current fiance and he helped me put it back on. It was the comfort of a relationship but also the matching of portion sizes. Guys eat a lot, especially active guys like him... And if he was eating I would too.... Plus all those yummy restaurants he took me to. I'm not blaming, I'm just recognizing.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    For me, I have always been overweight whether it be slightly or greatly and it was usually on a steady increase.

    I am an emotional eating and I have to admit that I lived most of my life with regrets. My childhood, teenage days and even early adulthood hasn't been the most exciting and I think I am blaming myself for my really boring life....really boring. But even then I was, sure, not thrilled about my weight, but it wasn't depressing me. I kind of lost all of my friends due to a situation,, very personal, but it prooved that thy werent; good friends to begin with. At the tender age of 18-19, someone finally looked at me... wanted to talk to me...wanted to date me and I didnt care who that person was because I was that desperate (its quite sad hahahah). :laugh: :tongue: We dated for like 5 years and I tried to break up with him every year for 5 years and he would threatn me and my friends and its like i couldn't break up with him.... at one point e was my reason for eating more, a lot more.... and then ne day, I started to change my life. I got a new job, I went on vacation by myself (to stay with family) and then came back and broke up with him. BUT the reason I broke up with him is because 2 years earlier I told myself the only way to get out , is to get a new boyfriend or new interest. So I started losing weight (weight watchers) and I went to y oga everyday, I would do work out videos and home and for 2+ y ears I was really diligent.

    That weight and confidence lasted a little longer than a year but I started to fall back into a state of sadness. Probably because I wasn't getting those interests/boyfriends that I thought I deserved. I ate more and more and more and I thought.... ahh who cares, its only a cookie, its only thing andi ts only that and a year later...60 lbs gained! WOW!!!!

    So now its a year later and I need to get this weight off but my mind isn't in the same mindframe as above and I need to get my mind/body motivated.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I'm a competitive/social eater. I eat when other people are eating and I eat as much as they do. Many times my choices are worse than theirs - and I love dessert. I was having chocolate 2 times a day. I have exercised for some time though and have always been active (never in an organized way though). Also, what I could eat when I was 20 is not the same as when I am 36.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Food, for me, has been a way to camoflauge pain. I started getting a little chunky after my brother died when I was 6. There is quite a difference between my school pic at 6 and at 7. Then I became a victim of sexual abuse. By my teens, I was heavy, but not obese. Then I lost weight due to several factors and was pretty good my senior year, except for the reumatoid inflamatory arthritis that cause the loss of the last 10 lbs. I went through a serious depression at 20 and literally gained about 100 lbs in the course of a year. I was a single mom, struggling on minimum wage to try to support my son and everything that I had avoided dealing with in my life was coming up - so I ate. And ate, and ate and ate. I would order 2 med pizzas from Pizza Hut and by the time I got done, my son would have eaten 1 slice - he was 1.5 - 2 yrs old, and there would be 1 slice left, if I was lucky!! That kind of stuff. I gained 5 - 10 lbs per month - so I know how much you have to ingest to gain that much weight. So trust me when I say when you gain 5 lbs "overnight" its water!! :laugh:

    So my journey is about emotional health as well as physical health. The more I deal with my "demons" the easier it is to lose weight - after dealing with the thyroid issus that is :laugh:
  • pbkfit70
    pbkfit70 Posts: 38
    I was always fat. I can remember starting a new senior school (age 12) and they didn't have big enough shorts for me. I used to love playing tennis and other sports, but I would always have at least 1 chocolate bar each day.

    When I started work things were OK, but then I was transferred and lived in a hotel for 4 months... cooked breakfasts and full meals in the evening meant I put on 40lb.

    It got desperate and the doctor actually prescribed slimming pills (chocolate flavoured!!!!!).
    They didn't last long but after many years, got down to sensible weight (I'll never be thin).

    Then had two children, was made redundant twice within a year, put 30lb back on. Retrained as a teacher ended up in a disaster of a school and put another 40lb on.

    Finally resigned, now working as a ICT tutor and things are looking up. It's going to be a long haul, particularly with a skinny family, but I'm determined. I want to be fit, healthy and live to 100 (well 80 will do)
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I was an athlete in high school so I could always eat what I wanted without gaining weight. I never changed my eating habits after I stopped playing sports so I gained the normal after high school weight. Then there were issues with low self esteem and a horrible boyfriend which led to emotional eating. Ended up being 50 lbs heavier than I was in high school. I'm proud to say that I am now only about 30 lbs heavier and getting lower :smile:

    :heart: Kels