*FIT BY FALL* weigh in for August 3rd



  • mrsprazak05
    FINALLY getting a chance to comment today! :ohwell:

    Lee...you're one hot mama!! Way to go girl!!

    ClassicC-I too am sorry you've got the flu. I hope it passes quickly...and you can return to your old self! And thanks for the encouraging words!

    Jovi- I, too, would love to be in an 11! I, however, am 5'3"!!! And i just got into a size 14...down from an 18...imagine 223 lbs on my short little self! YUCK! I'll never see the 200's again!! Now..to get passed the 180's!! Keep trecking girl...you'll get there! Just keep positive! Oh, and I've heard that an 11 and a 12 are pretty much the same size...just one's juniors (no hips) and one's misses (for women...with hips) Juniors are structured more for teens and such...hence the no hips...if I remember correctly....

    Pam- I'm glad you're getting back on track! It's amazing what eating healthy can do for a body!! Have fun on your boat trip!! Sounds like a lot of fun!!

    I am having a HUGE problem getting all my calories in. I ended up with 922 calories yesterday...and I'm allowed 1200...AND I did the 30 day shred...plus a 3.5 mile walk...plus 25 minutes of Core secrets workout...PLUS i push mowed my entire lawn! So...needless to say...I was "allowed" extra calories...and I didn't even eat my regular calories! But I swear on my life I didn't feel hungry!! I have just been choosing low calorie choices. For lunch, I ate an entire bag of california blend veggies (minus the little bit my kiddos ate)...and that was all...and that was only about 75 calories!!! But I couldn't stop eating them...and when I was done...I was stuffed! Also, me being in nursing school..its very hard to be able to afford a lot of these fresh foods all the time...and I tend to rely of 100 cal packs and processed stuff...to get my 1200 calories...and I know that's not good for me either!! I'm at a catch 22...I don't know what to do anymore! I know I can't break past the 180's if I can't even eat 1200 calories a day!!! Help!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • mrsprazak05
    Took before and after pics...can't get them loaded on here...darn it...:grumble:

    Off to the gym...
  • mrsprazak05
    :angry: So i figured out how to post them...but they were HUGE....how do I make them smaller???
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Jovi- I, too, would love to be in an 11! I, however, am 5'3"!!! And i just got into a size 14...down from an 18...imagine 223 lbs on my short little self! YUCK! I'll never see the 200's again!! Now..to get passed the 180's!! Keep trecking girl...you'll get there! Just keep positive! Oh, and I've heard that an 11 and a 12 are pretty much the same size...just one's juniors (no hips) and one's misses (for women...with hips) Juniors are structured more for teens and such...hence the no hips...if I remember correctly....
    hey Im 5'3" myself! I really need to get to the misses instead of the juniors because no matter how small I get I always have hips lol
    I actually figured that out cuz I watch too much What Not To Wear :embarassed:

    also you can make pics smaller in photobucket itself. theres a resize button there somewhere i swear it.

    also you can download the program Irfanview for free and edit pictures in all sortsa ways!
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Wow, Mrsp, holy exercise!!! Way to go, i know just the push mower itself is a huge workout!
    I wish i had the same problem you are having about having to eat enough calories. Maybe try making a smoothie. If you like orange juice, peanut butter and banana, i know it sounds kind of crazy, but tastes great all blended together. I like to add a little ice and honey too. But, smoothies are definitely a way to get some extra calories in without feeling like you have to eat them, and still being healthy about it. Btw, thanks for the zucchini bread recipe, i still have to make it!

    I am still trying to retrain my brain that i don't need to constantly be eating, which i am definitely struggling with today. But I just tried on a pair of size 22 jeans that didn't fit when i started almost a month ago, and I can zip them up! I have been wearing a size 24, so i am excited to have finally dropped one size. I can't wait to get out of the 20's and into the teens. I couldn't even come close to zipping them when i tried them on before. Although i definitely wouldn't wear them out in public, because i don't know how long i would be able to breathe, i am excited to have zipped them up. This little success helped me to get past my craving to eat extra food today!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    i went out for a run week 3 run #2 on the couch to 5km and it kicked my butt~!!! I ams till finding running 3 minutes straight on the sidewalk hard!!!

    mrsp you are a rockstar.

    everyone else, you guys are doing so great! I love being part of this thread. it so inspiring and exciting. i love checking in everyday to see what people are up to. I am also going out for a horseback ride tonight if the weather stays nice :)
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!:flowerforyou:

    MrsP, please don't fall back on the 100 cal packs and the processed foods...ugh...too much sodium and other "stuff".....easily traveled cheap foods ~ celery/pb, carrots, fruit, yogurt, tuna, crackers/cheese, chicken (xtra portions baked on ur wknd and individually packaged), lettuce, cukes, tomatoes, etc etc. You just need to preplan what you're going to have, make it the nite before so you don't have to think in the mornings.
    BTW, WAY TO GO on all that exercise!!! :love:

    Maddie, hang in there. Just to get out and try is a gold star!! :flowerforyou:

    Queenie, way to go on getting in to the smaller size pants...before you know it, they'll be falling off!! :drinker:

    Jovi, loved the pic of you!! :flowerforyou:

    ClassiC, hope you're having a much better day!:flowerforyou:

    Lee, know you're rockin it today!! :drinker:

    If I forgot you today, I apologize :blushing: Still trying to learn everyone's names...so many new people, I LOVE it!!:love:

    Down another .2lbs today, just shy of the 169 mark....fingers crossed I'll hit it tomorrow!!

    Have a great day!!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    aww thanks!
    I plan on getting a newer pic next week while Im at my 'rents place. Oddly enough that pic was about 4 or 5 weeks ago and Im already looking better! (Im also growing out my hair and have friends that demand to see my progress)
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Maddiebabe- keep up the running, that is awesome! Once i lose some more weight and buy a great sports bra, i plan on doing the couch to 5k. There were a couple periods of my life where i did run regularly, and i loved it. Well, i loved the feeling after the workout anyways, so keep it up, it definitely does get easier.

    I did weigh in this am, and was down a couple more pounds. From 265.4 to 262.8. Before i got on the scale i promised myself whatever it said, even if i gained weight i was going to stick this out! But, the lost pounds definitely are a welcome sight! I am so not used to seeing the numbers go down, since i got pregnant in 2007, all i have seen are the numbers going up, except of course right after i gave birth. I am still walking every day, sometimes going for a long walk and sometimes taking 2-3 shorter walks througout the day. It kind of depends on how the baby is doing, lately she has been fussy so we have been taking the shorter walks. It is funny, but lately i have actually been a little sore from walking, i think i need to start stretching. But, going from walking a couple times a week to a couple times a day, i am sure my muscles are still getting used to that.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mrsprazak05
    Well, my workouts yesterday...I went to the gym (my school has a fitness center I can use for free!!)...and I lifted weights for an hour...then I went to my friends house and we did Turbo Jam (had never done it before)...and then after supper...I went for a 45 minute walk. Didn't track the distance...we live in a SMALL town...so I have to walk the town MANY times to get a good walk in!! I got all my calories in yesterday...and DIDN'T RELY ON 100 CALORIE PACKS!! (THANKS PAM, BTW, FOR suggestions!!). Today, I went for a 2 1/2 hour walk with the kids and a friend of mine...ended up being 7.5 miles!! ( I drove it afterwards to track it! :laugh: ). I plan on doing turbo jam again tonight...and probably 30 Day Shred as well! Wish me luck!!

    Queenie- congrats on the weight loss! And that is the IDEAL way to weigh in...'NO MATTER WHAT...I'M STICKING WITH IT! Go you!! :drinker: :drinker: And congrats on the smaller pants!!

    Jovi- we demand to see your progress too!! LOL :laugh: Just kidding! :tongue: Keep up the hard work!!

    pam- thanks again for that! I will try planning out my meals!

    Maddie- good job on the running...what an accomplishment! I wish I could run! (I prob could if I TOLD myself to...:ohwell: ) oh well! and have a great horse ride!! :) Go you!!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Hi All! Glad everybody isdoing sooo well this week!! I have been busy with work and haven't been able to get on much this week, and I have SERIOUSLY missed it!!

    I have refrained from weighing since monday even though I am REALLY hoping the scales have come down some....I've done my bootcamp at the Y every single day this week, plus I started the couch to 5k this evening, and really thought I was going to die by my third run interval! I got a horrid cramp in my leg and thought I was gonna be stuck on the side of the road a while!

    I have gotten some huge incentives to work towards though! My mom told me that if I keep up the couch to 5k and finish it, then she would buy me a new pair of running shoes! I could easily go buy my own I'm not broke, but she KNOWS I'm very frugal when it comes to money so she knew that would get me to finish!! My BF also told me last night that for every 10 lbs I lost he would buy me a complete new outfit!!! Now THAT is a goal to work towards!!! so by the end of my goal I should have 5 new outfits! I have contemplated buying each outfit in my final goal weight size so at the end I will have clothes that FIT to wear!!

    Sorry about the long post I am just very excited and have gotten a whole new motivation about getting to my goal!!!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Well, my workouts yesterday...I went to the gym (my school has a fitness center I can use for free!!)...and I lifted weights for an hour...then I went to my friends house and we did Turbo Jam (had never done it before)...and then after supper...I went for a 45 minute walk. Didn't track the distance...we live in a SMALL town...so I have to walk the town MANY times to get a good walk in!! I got all my calories in yesterday...and DIDN'T RELY ON 100 CALORIE PACKS!! (THANKS PAM, BTW, FOR suggestions!!). Today, I went for a 2 1/2 hour walk with the kids and a friend of mine...ended up being 7.5 miles!! ( I drove it afterwards to track it! :laugh: ). I plan on doing turbo jam again tonight...and probably 30 Day Shred as well! Wish me luck!!

    Queenie- congrats on the weight loss! And that is the IDEAL way to weigh in...'NO MATTER WHAT...I'M STICKING WITH IT! Go you!! :drinker: :drinker: And congrats on the smaller pants!!

    Jovi- we demand to see your progress too!! LOL :laugh: Just kidding! :tongue: Keep up the hard work!!

    pam- thanks again for that! I will try planning out my meals!

    Maddie- good job on the running...what an accomplishment! I wish I could run! (I prob could if I TOLD myself to...:ohwell: ) oh well! and have a great horse ride!! :) Go you!!
    lol demands will be met soon I swear it!:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    countin taht is SO GREAT about your incentive. Mine told me if I did the couch to 5km and lost 5lbs he would buy me an IPOD NANO because i have wanted one forever and if i lose 30bs by JANUARY 1ST he will take me for an all inclusive vacation in february :) I am soooo pumped to work towards it.....except taht i have no willpower when it comes to sweets sometimes :cry: Oh well.

    Im so pumped tokeep going on the 30 day shred and I have one more day of week three running and then on to week 4 except there is even more running in week four lol! Anyway, Im rambling, and should get to bed for now
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member

    After almost 2 weeks of no loss, I got on the scales this morning, right after bootcamp, and had lost 2.5 lbs!!! I figured probably more than that truly, since I had just finished a workout! It was just the kick in the rear I needed to get me more motivated to lose! 4 more lbs and I get my first new outfit!
  • ttemple
    ttemple Posts: 4
    GMorning Everyone!

    I hope that everyone this week is doing welll... I am a newy to this and hope that I can really shead some pounds... I try not to get depressed but it is tough looking a what you used to be and what I am now! I really need some self motivation... to workout... That is probably my biggest issue... Well have a great day to everyone! See you all looking so slim!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    My weekend and a quick post ~ we're off to the lake for the last family weekend on the boat since
    DD #1 is moving to Idaho next week.

    Hugs to all!

  • Shakes
    Shakes Posts: 54
    You know what................Ive heard so smuch about this Jillian CD. I just ordered me one;) It will be here on Monday :bigsmile: Anyone wanna start with me then?
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!

    back briefly....:flowerforyou:

    i see y'all have been keeping busy! and i see some new names:flowerforyou:

    i've been really bad with workouts this week.... did one hour HIIT on the bike one day ALL week... this flu really has me in the dumps on that end, just no energy (or ability to breathe well enough) but i've been eating good so...hopefully no gains (but not looking for any big losses this week either) :sick: :sick: all i really wanna do is get some sleep...stupid congestion & cough. lol.....:ohwell:

    well a brighter note- its friday & we've all made it this far! :happy:

    “The secret of success is to be like the duck – smooth and unruffled on top, but paddling furiously underneath”

    paddle away my friends!!!! love ya'll & keep up the motivation and positive encouragement! we can do this!!!!
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Weigh in for Mon. AUG 10: 173 YEAH! lost a lb and 1/2! Been walking more.Eating could have been a little better.Off to the lake with the kids.Hope all's well. Way to go counting down! Keep up the good work!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Last week Fri-Today have been terrible. I have not been eating clean & haven't worked out. I'm typing this out debating if I'm going to work out or not! :ohwell:

    This morning I weighed in at 191.4......I DON'T KNOW HOW I LOST MY 2LB GOAL FOR THE WEEK. :huh:

    I am aiming for another 2lbs this week!!! I need to shake this slackness off me!!!
    I hope you all are having a better day then I did. Good night!!!