How Often do you weigh yourself?

I know that weighing yourself everyday isn't ideal, but I've been a mechanic my whole life. That has put the me in the mind set that if Ichange something that's broken, I expect to see immediate results. I know that's not the case with weight loss, but I still get impatient. I feel like I have to weigh myself everyday to see results and keep myself motivated. What thoughts do you guys and gals have on this subject?


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I weigh everyday. It's ideal for me.

    I don't weigh myself everyday to see weight loss results. I weigh myself everyday to learn how my body reacts to certain conditions.

    It's been a great learning experience
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 502 Member
    Usually twice a week, but I only count the one on Saturdays as my "weigh in".
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    I used to weigh once a week with LOTS OF PEEKS but ive put myself on a 2 week weigh in.
  • jonesyuno34
    I think, and may be wrong, but I think experts say to weigh yourself every couple of days. That way you are not micro-managing your weight but able to fix something quickly, as you said.

    But, for me, I weigh myself Friday mornings. Only on Fridays, and only in the mornings when I wake up. That way, my body is at the same point of reference every week.
  • dgbiggz
    dgbiggz Posts: 25
    Monday is my "weigh in" day, but I generally do step on the scale about every other day just to see how my body reacts...just like therealangd said. Most of the time I am AMAZED on Monday that there is an actual LOSS b/c the other times I step on the scale during the week - it's UP, UP, UP! but that's the way it's always been with body is fllippin' CRAZY!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I weigh every day. Well, except for this past week. I don't know why but the scale has been going up, even though I'm eating a reasonable amount and exercising. Sometimes it's just better to not look at the scale...
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Every day, first thing in the morning after I take a leak. I strip down and weigh. I will also weigh each time I am at the gym. My home scale is always "heavier" than the gym, and I believe the gym scale is more accurate as it is always close to what my doctor's scales show. Now, with all that said, I only log my weight on MFP every few weeks or when I see a 2-3 pound drop.
  • giselle9938
    giselle9938 Posts: 194 Member
    Once a week but if I know I ate a lot of sodium or is TOM time, I would do it every 2 weeks
  • YogaLife4me
    YogaLife4me Posts: 31 Member
    I weigh every day, as well. I have a tendency to retain water with certain high sodium foods, and daily weighing helps me determine which ones to avoid. My weight fluctuates 3-5 pounds a day when I'm retaining water!
  • Apa93
    Apa93 Posts: 57 Member
    If I've had a bad day the day before, then I won't weigh myself because I get demotivated easily. When I feel I deserve to have lost something, then I'll weigh myself. As long as I keep on track, then I should be able to weigh myself and see results. :)
  • sweetebonyprincess
    sweetebonyprincess Posts: 53 Member
    I became obsessed with the scales it became more important than the real reason i'm trying to lose I'm currently on a ban until the 9th June and i'm only taking measurement once a month.

    But when i do weight in it will be first thing in the morning
  • hisqtangel
    hisqtangel Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh off and on through out the week even though i know i shouldn't. it drives me crazy b/c it will go up and down. But my official weigh in days are Fridays, and thats the weight i record.
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    I weigh every day. Well, except for this past week. I don't know why but the scale has been going up, even though I'm eating a reasonable amount and exercising. Sometimes it's just better to not look at the scale...

    I was having the same problem a few weeks ago, and I found that even though I was under my calorie goal, my sodium levels were super high!! Drink more water and you should start to see those numbers going back down!!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Daily, and at a really odd time too.
    I used to eat more before bed than during the daytime so set my weigh time as just before dinner at around 7-8pm and it has stuck.

    Like someone else who posted, I used to go on 4 or 5 sets of scales per day as I didn't believe the numbers, feeling so much heavier than they said I was.
    Now I just go on my home set, having checked they match the readings on other scales.
    I wish I could stop doing it so much, but it is like reassurance on days I am feeling very heavy or as if my clothing is digging in more.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Every day, but I only record once a week. I don't freak out about the daily fluctuations, and I'm pretty familiar with my body's patterns by now.
  • vidoardes
    vidoardes Posts: 70 Member
    I weight everyday as I use the Wii Fit as a warm up and stretching help, but I only record it once a week (Saturdays). I only concentrate on the Saturday-to-Saturday values and work out what I have lost over the week.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I weigh every day. Well, except for this past week. I don't know why but the scale has been going up, even though I'm eating a reasonable amount and exercising. Sometimes it's just better to not look at the scale...

    I was having the same problem a few weeks ago, and I found that even though I was under my calorie goal, my sodium levels were super high!! Drink more water and you should start to see those numbers going back down!!

    I'll give it a shot! Why must all of my favorite foods be so salty?!
  • claire19855
    This is such a good post!! Good to know other people are in the same boat. My official weigh in is Monday morning( that way I have a reason to not go crazy at the weekend) but tend to weigh myself on a Thursday too. Quite often on a thurs i have put on 0.2 of a kilo....but weight loss by monday so its all good :)
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I should weigh myself every week but it's probably about once a month.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning