"calorie counting will get you no where"

says my 100 pound roommate. I snapped back at her. I couldn't help it, I got defensive. That comment alone was enough to shut down my entire day, and I'm convinced it was the reason I wandered up to the counter at panera and ordered a brownie without even thinking about what I was doing. I've been doing MFP for a while and I've seen little to no results. Half of it is that I can't seem to disconnect the emotional connection I have to food. Also, working out every day almost never happens. However, even weeks when I manage it somehow and eat right, the numbers barely go down and if they do, they go right back up again. Is it true.. will calorie counting really get me no where? I dont know. feeling defeated.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You know, I think you are on the verge of a big break thru if you let it happen.........I just said this in another thread, your mental and emotional state is Just As IMPORTANT as what you eat and how much you work out. You recognize that you have a negative emotional connection with food........the next step is tackling that so you can be successful and be who you DESERVE to be.
  • kate_mariebug
    You know, I think you are on the verge of a big break thru if you let it happen.........I just said this in another thread, your mental and emotional state is Just As IMPORTANT as what you eat and how much you work out. You recognize that you have a negative emotional connection with food........the next step is tackling that so you can be successful and be who you DESERVE to be.

    Yeah.. well I realized I had an emotional connection to food years ago haha, can't seem to get to the root of it though. and I can't stop.. I'm scared it will never change and will always stop me from being who I want to be.
  • Veganlover
    Have you considered asking someone to hold you accountable? Maybe send them a text when you're feeling down, and you know that it could lead to emotional eating? Once you recognize the emotion(s) that can trigger the behavior, it becomes easier to prevent it.
    Afterwards,think about how you were feeling, and promise yourself when it happens again you will call your accountability buddy and tell them that you might overeat. Especially if it's someone who understands how important your diet is to you (I wouldn't recommend your roommate ha...). Let go of the guilt! And just look at it as a challenge for the net time it happens.

    I personally do this all the time with my mom, because she gives good support and encouragement and she is counting calories too so I know she understands ^_^

    As far as exercising goes.. trust me I know how hard it can be to have time for it!! Sometimes I feel like my grades are suffering bc I spend a lot of free time going to the gym when I should be studying.. but what I've found are the best times to workout are when you have five or ten minutes here and there. Like, in the morning before breakfast do some ab workouts and push ups, whatever floats your boat. That takes no time at all! I think the only way to effectively lose weight AND stay motivated is by counting calories and exercising. I couldn't imagine just doing one or the other.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    I understand your frustration. Maybe forget about the number on the scale for a bit and just eat healthy to be healthy?

    Change your goal from losing weight to being healthy. Might change how you "feel" about the whole journey. And may help with emotional eating.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That comment alone was enough to shut down my entire day, and I'm convinced it was the reason I wandered up to the counter at panera and ordered a brownie without even thinking about what I was doing.
    Here's part of the problem. You believe that someone else's actions control whether or not you eat a brownie.

    Calorie counting works only if you follow it. If you are still having emotional issues with food, that's probably going to keep you from following it properly. From what you said, "even weeks when I manage it somehow and eat right", it sounds like you aren't really sticking to it most of the time.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    That statement is so not true!!! I am living proof of it. I have been at this for over 16 months now and have lost over 60 lbs (I put 8 lbs back on due to a new med). It is A PROCESS which is something you have to remember. You want the weight to come off slow because it will stay off that way. When I first started, people told me that same thing because I have said multiple times I am going to lose weight, but this time I did it.

    My motto is slow and steady wins the race. It takes dedication and willpower. Don't allow someone else words/actions to control you. I partly did it out of determination to prove a point, and it worked. We are here for you and now that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    If a 95% failure rate is any evidence, then counting calories doesn't work.

    Wellt thats encouraging....
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    If a 95% failure rate is any evidence, then counting calories doesn't work.

    Huh? Did I miss something? Where did '95% failure rate' come from? There are thousands of ppl here who prove that counting calories does work!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,998 Member
    If a 95% failure rate is any evidence, then counting calories doesn't work.

    Huh? Did I miss something? Where did '95% failure rate' come from? There are thousands of ppl here who prove that counting calories does work!
    For how long?
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    well, you can always look at it the other way, not counting calories has brought us all to where we are today so apparently not knowing what you are consuming is not working either so something has to change.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,998 Member
    well, you can always look at it the other way, not counting calories has brought us all to where we are today so apparently not knowing what you are consuming is not working either so something has to change.
    Yes, something fundamental has to change......dieting and counting calories is a fail.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    you have to ignore her.. Not counting calories caused us to be here, sure I love MFP but it's sad the reasons I had to come here in the first place. Counting calories has got me 32.2lbs lighter and I say if that's "no where" then I'm happy being "no where"! Don't let that get you down, prove to her and yourself that it does work and that you CAN and WILL do this!
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Please don't listen to or even compare yourself to your "100 pound roommate". Your roommate probably has no clue what its like to be overweight but that does not mean that they are not miserable. Misery likes company! Don't let yourself gt pulled into that. Counting calories is so important! If you don't think so then try this, eat as you normally would but still write down everything and how much of everything you consume try it for one day. The next day decide what your calorie goal should be and then eat with that in mind while writing everything down. You will see a difference! Best of luck you can do this!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    You and I sound a lot a like in how we view food. I have found that what works for me is having a plan. Every Sunday morning I sit down and write out my menu for the week. I figure out what I am going to eat, day by day, meal by meal, snack by snack. Am I successfull 100% of the time... no.. but I will take 95%!!! It really has made the biggest difference with my will power. It takes the last minute choice away from me.

    I use that list to grocery shop and do as much prep for the week as I can.(bake or grill chicken for lunches during the week, measure snacks into snack baggies, chop up fruit which will keep) I then post it on a dry erase board in the kitchen so I can easily pack lunches and snacks and take out the appropriate meats for dinners.
  • breadguy
    breadguy Posts: 3
    For me, the calorie counting really just helps me track the food I eat and help inform me about what I am eating. It is a tool to use your weight loss. It is not the be all end all. That being said it does help tremendously. As for your exercise, what are you doing for that? You need to do strength training as well as the cardio. MFP doesn't track the calories too well for that strength training, but you will see the results at the bottom line. You just have to decide if you are willing to stick to YOUR program no matter what someone else says and be consistent. If you have done the research for your program, run it by some people you trust maybe even a doctor, then stick to it. It is all simple math. Taking in less calories than you expend will make you lose weight.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Look at the bottom of my post. Go ahead - I will wait.

    Ok - did ya see that? That little ticker that shows a near 30 pound loss... that is a result of counting calories and adding exercise to my life. One of the great things about this site - there are SO MANY OTHERS with even bigger numbers on their ticker. You've found the forums... scroll through some posts and just check them out for tickers. Do not let your friends talk you out of your choice to get healthy.

    As far as the emotional eating... oh my do I know what you are going through! I started MFP a little over a year ago. My ticker number should be way bigger but emotional eating and a plateau have stalled me out!! There is a book that has been recommended to me... I think it is called 'When Food is Food and Love is Love'. I really need to read it!! Maybe you could too.

    The point is - stick with it. It does work. You may have weak moments and you may have to tweak some things here and there - but stick with it!! :flowerforyou:
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    If a 95% failure rate is any evidence, then counting calories doesn't work.

    Huh? Did I miss something? Where did '95% failure rate' come from? There are thousands of ppl here who prove that counting calories does work!
    For how long?

    Until you stop putting in the effort and stuff your face with a ridiculous amount of food again, I would imagine. How does that translate to "counting calories doesn't work"?
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    If a 95% failure rate is any evidence, then counting calories doesn't work.

    Huh? Did I miss something? Where did '95% failure rate' come from? There are thousands of ppl here who prove that counting calories does work!
    For how long?

    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. It will work as long as you allow it to.
  • 1bzymama
    1bzymama Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the changing your mindset idea...eat to be healthy, not to lose weight. I have done this and I believe it works. Instead of grabbing the donut in the lounge as a snack, I bring a fruit or veggie with a protein for a snack. FAR less calories and FAR more filling, making it FAR healthier for me. I have been adding a fruit and/or veggie to every meal and snack and it works. I like knowing I'm getting healthier by making better choices, and the weight is coming off. One pound at a time.
  • KaDazzle
    KaDazzle Posts: 36 Member
    well, you can always look at it the other way, not counting calories has brought us all to where we are today so apparently not knowing what you are consuming is not working either so something has to change.

    Thank you for this statement! I was getting depressed and starting to feel defeated reading some of the comments on here.. and then I read your post.. WA-LA.. Thank you for bringing everything back into the light!