Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I don't really think it's the what you're wearing at the gym. It's the girls that go to the gym all dolled up in their lulus and ponytails to scope guys that drive those of us who are actually there to workout crazy. You know the girls who walk on the treadmill texting for 45 minutes when it's busy. or socialize on machines rather than actually using them, I don't wear lulus but I like to look good because it makes you feel good. The difference is when i hit the shower I am sweaty, usually have raccoon eyes and look like I ran a marathon.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I used to go to the gym a lot when I was a student. I usually wore some kind of running capri and t-shirt. They were clean, but nothing "cute" so to speak. If I had makeup on I usually just left it on. I didn't worry too much about my hair either. I cared somewhat about my appearance, but it was a gym. This is a place where it is expected that you don't look your best, IMO.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    To be honest, I thought this thread was going to be about lifting form or lazy treadmill or something. :laugh:

    I don't care so much what other women wear as long as they don't complain about what I wear. I like clothes that fit well and let me see the results of my work (muscle definition while I'm lifting is nice to see). If I'm going from school, I have makeup on; if it's first thing in the morning I probably don't. Feeling good about how you look (whatever that look is) helps boost morale, IMO, but being comfortable in whatever you're wearing is more important.
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    I don't care what anyone wears to the gym as long as they are there. It's being there and working out that matters. If it is motivating to you to look good, then go for it. Whatever gets you there is what you should do. I do roll out of bed at 4:30 a.m. so I can be at the gym at 5:00 a.m. So I don't particularly care if I look good - tshirt and sweats do the trick. But I do love cute work out stuff so I understand what you are saying.
  • tsdsign
    tsdsign Posts: 18 Member
    I think there's a difference from being just plain sloppy and being dolled up. Sloppy, in my opinion, is seeing people in the gym with raggedy or not properly fitted clothing and didn't even bother to spruce up any before they hit the gym. I think the code should be wear deodorant, wash those private areas if needed, wash your face, brush your teeth, and put on fitted clothing so they're both comfortable and won't hinder you from properly performing your exercise. Honestly, I don't see the point in putting on foundation, mascara, eyelashes, blush and eye shadow when if you're truly working hard the sweat will make that run in your eyes and cause them to burn. If not that then usually you'll see women wiping all that make-up on a towel (ruining it in my opinion). But, I've got to agree with you about one element. Hands down we should care about our appearance. Personally, I like to put on a lil bit of lip gloss & my studs when I workout. I also like for my clothing to fit and match. But, you will not see me in any other make-up at the gym. It seems to be pointless and it really defeats the purpose (for me) when I sweat a fair amount while working-out. And to be honest I think most men in the gym would prefer a woman who looks nice and gettin' her workout on rather than dolled up with make-up being prissy. In fact, I did ask my husband what was his take on this and he agreed with me. Look nice, but know what you're going to the gym for. It's not a pageant. You're there to get in shape. But, that's just my take on it. Honestly, if that's what you like to do, then continue doing it. If the make-up is helping you burn those calories and get in shape then ROCK ON!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    To each his or her own. If it makes you feel good about yourself then do it. Bottom line,
    as long as you're not bothering me, I don't care what you wear.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    i'm so tired of seeing these threads to be honest with you.

    Aside from that, i DO dress up when i go to the gym. It may not be a "matching outfit' (pink bottoms pink tank etc) but i make sure my pants & shirt look cute. & my hair is pulled back neatly. I do this for no one but myself. I work out in the gym @ my work. & i usually dont go until 8-830 @ im the only one there. I dont try to impress anyone, its about myself. As far as make up..thats a different story, make up at the gym = stupid to me. But to each their own, and i understand people come from work/other events.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I always make sure I look good on the way to the gym...but by the end of the workout I definitely don'
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    To each his or her own. If it makes you feel good about yourself then do it. Bottom line,
    as long as you're not bothering me, I don't care what you wear.

    I totally agree! If you like to get dolled up that’s great..Even though I don’t get it but it's not for me to get anyway. If you like the big t-shirts and sweat pants b/c you're not comfortable with your arms out or in spandex hey go for it. Who am I to get mad or even question what someone wears at the gym.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    Personally--I don't like to look "nice" at the gym. However, I don't look sloppy either. My clothes are not usually tattered, may or may not match, and are appropriate for what I am doing. I do pull all of my hair back--It may not be washed, but it's out of the way. I don't usually have a problem with other women, unless they are wearing something inappropriate--whether it be clothes that don't cover enough, etc. If you're going to cut the entire sides out of your t-shirt, then just don't wear a t-shirt at all. Either put on a tank top or just wear your sports bra.
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    When I exercise I wear whatever t-shirt/shorts/pants are on top of the clean pile and I don't care if I end up some orange and purple monstrosity, they get used, washed and put on the bottom so they wear out evenly. I'm not about to drop cash on clothes that take that much abuse. I will spend money on a good sports bra and decent shoes, and that's about it.

    If you've got the money to drop on matching, wicking under armour in colors that suit your mood, great. More power to you, that cash goes in my gas tank or to the local grocery store. Tshirts are there to catch sweat and you can get them for free by running a 5K or doing a charity carwash. My pants are some great hemp fisherman pants I got in thailand and my shorts are whatever's on the clearance rack that has a key pocket in the waistband.

    I do, however attempt to keep my hair tied back neatly and find a matched pair of socks. A girl's gotta have some standards.

    love this! i wear soccer shorts and tees from high school with holes....but my shoes are fly
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member
    I have never paid attention to those around me. Now, I'll be looking at everyone instead of working out. LOL!! I guess if it makes one feel good about themselves knock yourselves out with it! Regardless of how one is dressed a work out is a work out. Seriously, I plan on loosing weight- so the purchase of nice gym clothing is a waste of my money...I intend to spend that money on something far more important than clothing- that hopefully I will shrink out of! I did purchase a great pair of running shoes, goggles and swim cap. these things one must have, matching cute exercise clothing, is not a high priority to me. That's what makes this world a great place, diversity!
  • ksiverts
    ksiverts Posts: 25 Member
    There is no issue with this...just don't come into the gym dolled up and then get on the treadmill and set it to .5mph for a half hour. These people just look ridiculous. If you wanna come in looking hot and then work your butt off good for you! I on the other hand don't care what I look like when I get to the goal is to leave drenched in sweat, so it seems like a waste of time to worry too much about the outfit and hair.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I dont really pay any attention to what other people are wearing at the gym,but I can only hope that something im doing or wearing is ruining someones day and forcing them to type out their frustraions on some message board somewhere:laugh:


    W00t! :drinker:
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member

    stop yelling at us :explode:

    ROTFLMBO! :drinker:
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I don't think that it really matters what people are looking like at the gym, everyone is there for the same thing in the end so I think that it should be a "judgement" free zone.

    Well it should be but it's not "judgement free". Nowhere is last time I checked. We size people up all day long for all sorts of reasons & make judgements about them everywhere we go. It's human nature. However, has it become human nature to give a crap to the point new threads are made about the subject? *sigh*

    I need to stop posting & stop encouraging this madness. :grumble:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I dont really pay any attention to what other people are wearing at the gym,but I can only hope that something im doing or wearing is ruining someones day and forcing them to type out their frustraions on some message board somewhere:laugh:

    THIS!!! You, ma'am, are awesome!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    When you pay my membership then you can care or comment about what i'm wearing to the gym. Otherwise, leave me and my sweatpants and sloppy t-shirt alone.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    So is the OP calling women who don't dress up "sloppy?" My response is, excuse me for having enough confidence to walk out the house without makeup and dressed up..
  • jclark21
    jclark21 Posts: 23 Member
    When I'm at the gym, I'm there so I can look cute outside of the gym. I don't have a problem with looking cute at the gym (as long as your main goal is working out), but sometimes being able to fit into old clothes you haven't worn in years is MUCH more satisfying. Anyway, I buy new workout clothes on clearance so I have more money for the smaller sized dresses, shorts and jeans :)