Chips and Diet Coke - Please Help!

This is my weakness. I'm not a sugar person. I literally lived off this. Diet coke to me is like smoking is to smokers. It's not the caffeine either, because I prefer decaf diet coke. If I follow my diet/exercise plan, can I still have diet coke and "some" chips at night. I like the baked chips....but please don't ask me to replace it with rice cakes, crackers, etc. I LOVE CHIPS. Just want to know if I can have some each night if I'm working hard on my exercising (and willing to do more exercising) and stick with my nutrition/caloric intake!


  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    This is my weakness. I'm not a sugar person. I literally lived off this. Diet coke to me is like smoking is to smokers. It's not the caffeine either, because I prefer decaf diet coke. If I follow my diet/exercise plan, can I still have diet coke and "some" chips at night. I like the baked chips....but please don't ask me to replace it with rice cakes, crackers, etc. I LOVE CHIPS. Just want to know if I can have some each night if I'm working hard on my exercising (and willing to do more exercising) and stick with my nutrition/caloric intake!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    you can still have it as long as you know when to stop (I could munch and munch until the whole bag was gone!)

    As for diet pop.... there are lots of things about it that are not so good. I limit myself to one diet pepsi a week.... and I am happy with that...... Speaking of which today is Friday, diet pepsi day! yay!
  • swermund
    swermund Posts: 5
    Try the low cal chips by Lays. They taste exactly the same as regular chips to me and are only 75 calories per serving! I have them with my lunch quite often. And as far as Diet Coke, I still drink that too :wink:
    Good luck!
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    If I drink 8 glasses of water a day, can I still have a 16 oz of diet coke a day?
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I am a diet pepsi addict! :laugh: I know that there are lots of people out there that will disagree... but I really don't see anything wrong with drinking diet pop. Just make sure and get all your water in too!! That is what I have been trying to do... I try to drink all my water by lunch so I can have a pop then! As for how it will affect your weight loss, again I know alot of people will disagree... but I drink ALOT of diet pepsi, and have lost 19 lbs since 15 Jan.... so it can't be that bad. As for the chips, I say as long as you are working it into your alloted calories then go for it. I also LOVE the baked chips. I found at Walmart they now have the big bag of snack size bags of baked chips. I get those so I can eat the whole individual size bag... because if I buy the big bag I will just keep eating till they are gone!!!

    Any way, thats just my opinion on the matter, I indulge in both of your things and have been losing. So I say go for it just be smart about it!

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    If I drink 8 glasses of water a day, can I still have a 16 oz of diet coke a day?

    If you can get by with only 1 16oz pop a day I don't think that's bad at all!!! That is WAY less then I drink!
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    Lays light are fat free and taste awesome. I am very picky and I love them! The have regular, bbq and tortilla i think. when you tell yourself you can't have something it makes you want it more, or at least it does me!

    good luck
  • uwhuskygirl
    uwhuskygirl Posts: 320
    I've started substituting baked tortillas for chips. It gives off the same crunch and it's about 110 for each tortilla which yields about 8 pretty good size pieces (I use the whole wheat south beach tortillas).

    I turn the oven to broil and throw in a tortilla and flip it over every 1-2 minutes until each size is slightly browned and they're stiff. Then, I break and dip into salsa.

    If you really can't say no to regular chips then try getting the baked chips and just eat in moderation. Also, if you pour a serving into a bowl you'll eat less than if you're eating out of the bag.

    For the diet coke, I really liked it too, but the only thing that worked for me is quitting cold turkey. It's been about 4 months now and I don't get the cravings anymore. In fact pop just doesn't even sound good to me anymore.

    But, if you really can't say no the again, moderation is best. Try filling your glass all the way with ice so that there's less room for the diet coke. You might drink less this way.

    Good luck.

    PS I wish I had your non-sweet tooth tooth.
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I know there is a lot of information out there about the hazards of diet drinks, but personally I have been drinking at least 3 of them a day for the past 15 or so years. I have never noticed a difference in my weight whether I drink them or not. I have over the years given them up for 40 days during Lent and only noticed that I was cranky from the lack of caffeine. I don't seem to be suffering from any health issues related to drinking them either. I prefer to get my caffeine fix from Diet Dr. Pepper rather than coffee or tea.
  • MaggieRora
    Go for zero coke if you have to, but i found out the hard way that fizzy drinks really corrode your teeth. I have 6 fillings and a root canal, so take it from the horses mouth. It more about your teeth than it is about the calories!
  • scostello24
    scostello24 Posts: 126
    Just a thought...try taking your own potato or sweet potato for better nutrition and slice it paper thin....bake till crunchy. Salt to your discretion. Or even better season with different spices. I bet you could come up with something very tasty. At least this way your are slicing your cals/fat/sodium and so forth.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Maggie did your dentist tell you it was caused by soda? Because I asked my dentist and he said that as long as i was having diet soda it wouldn't harm my teeth unless I was drinking it CONSTANTLY. He said its the sugar in regular soda that harms your teeth.......