23 weeks pregnant and miserable

It has been so long since I've posted on here! A little background: I had lost over 75lbs at one point using this site and then slowly put 20 back on before finding out we were pregnant with daughter #2. I have totaly let my eating habbits get out of control during this pregnancy and even worse than that i'm on "modified" bedrest. I'm allowed to sit at my desk and work all day but then I go home to be a couch potato. The lbs are flying back on and I can feel it everywhere. I'm miserable, I can see the extra chin coming back, the love handles are getting disgusting again and there's nothing I can do about it until this baby comes in July. It's so hard to stay motivated to eat right when i'm just so tired all the time and having contractions. Just down in the dumps, anyone else struggling to find yourself while pregnant?

I cannot wait to feel like myself again once this baby is born!


  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    aw :( im sorry you feel that way. My friend just posted an article about exercising while pregnant: http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_center/your_pregnancy/exercising_pregnancy.html maybe it will help get you motivated and back on track!! i also have a ladies only support group on FB if you would like to join :) send me a msg. We would love to have you!!!
  • nazashi
    nazashi Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, totally understand what you're going through! I had placenta praevia during my first pregnancy and was put on COMPLETE bed rest from 24 weeks onwards. I was frustrated with being confined to bed 24/7 for almost 4 months. But looking at my daughter now, I know I would have gone through the same ordeal again not once but a million times over. Only thing that I would do differently is to eat healthy, I gain almost 60 pounds in those 4 months and sad to say those pounds are still around till this day (my daughter's almost 11 !)..anyway best of luck to you and congratulations for a coming precious gift wrapped in pink!
  • stacyw466
    stacyw466 Posts: 13
    I'm pregnant too and due in July I haven't even really been on here since I found out I was pregnant especially since my doctor was concerned since I was still loosing weight when I should be gaining. I now feel like a balloon especially since I'm way bigger than what I was with both of my other children at this point. I miss Insanity and Hip hop abs and doing the running I was doing daily, but I still walk regularly and do yoga just like I did with my other children. But I am ready to be back to my old routine and getting rid of all this weight.