Birth Control and women



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    nuvaring = absolutely positively extremely fantastic and amazing

    since not being able to afford nuva I have switched to Lutera and also Microgestin FE1/20. I maintained after starting Lutera, but not on purpose. Either because I got sloppy with diet + exercise or because the new hormones had some sort of effect on me. I don't know.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    The only type of birth control that I gain weight on is the progesterone only type (like Depo and the mini-pill)... I realized that it wasn't just the depo when after having my daughter I was gaining weight, even though I didn't eat any more than I typically did AND was breastfeeding.. I had only gained 11-12 pounds the entire pregnancy as well (I was already overweight, so that wasn't a big deal)... I should have seen some kind of weight decrease with the birthing process, breastfeeding, and not gaining any weight until the last trimester and then only gaining a few pounds total, but I didn't. But that's just how my body reacts to progesterone only (besides the never ending light periods).

    I am on the patch and while it allows me to lose weight slowly, it pretty much stagnates any weight gained or lost... it's almost like it's bouyant.
  • cmduncan
    cmduncan Posts: 69
    My gyno told me that in some individuals it increases appetite so you eat more and gain. Counting calories you should be fine.

    This exactly - I take a generic of Ortho-Tri Cyclen and have been able to lose consistently.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I am taking Alesse and it has no affect what so ever on weight gain.
  • SamanthaTheSpartan
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    A very good friend of mine had a serious stroke a little over a year ago taking Yaz. If you have issues with clotting in your family, seriously avoid using BC! It can be very dangerous for those with genetic predisposition for stroke.

    I have always known I did not want to use birth control. I know too much about how it works and affects the body. Now that my mother has had the issues, my younger sister has also decided to stay away from bc.
  • t3hsandy
    t3hsandy Posts: 54 Member
    Depo is the reason I'm trying to lose weight; the reason I'm here. I had the same lifestyle since middle school and, despite the massive cravings in the first month (I was hungry 24/7), I didn't eat more than normal (maybe a small meal twice a day). I still gained 20-ish pounds in one week 5 months after my initial shot (2 months after my second one). I got off it immediately and was on (sorry for tmi) my period for 2 months straight, then 3 periods a month, 2 a month and then finally a normal cycle. Plus I couldn't sit in one position for more than 30 minutes since the pain was enormous. It stopped once I got off depo and when I was able to take calcium supplements.

    Birth control will always have effects since you're messing with a natural process but it takes work to keep it from having an effect. So you really have to be on your A game.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    nuvaring = absolutely positively extremely fantastic and amazing

    since not being able to afford nuva I have switched to Lutera and also Microgestin FE1/20. I maintained after starting Lutera, but not on purpose. Either because I got sloppy with diet + exercise or because the new hormones had some sort of effect on me. I don't know.
    I used nuvaring for a number of years. AWESOME! Problem is, I changed up some of my meds and it stopped working for me. I became a hormonal B!@#! I just need a constant supply of steady hormones. Using Implanon now, and I couldn't be happier. Progesterone only. Did gain weight, but I wasn't eating well either.
  • emmabooters
    emmabooters Posts: 23 Member
    I've been on BC for over a decade. Probably will be for another decade too. I've never had any issues with gaining or losing due to my BC.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    Actually, the doctor that orginally prescribed birth control for me actually talked to me about it... So not all doctors leave this kind of stuff out... and all drugs have risk factors to them of some kind... the Z-pack does too... Thankfully for me though, the only side effect I have ever had from the patch is loss of hair... and even that's not that bad, just more so than if I weren't on the patch.
  • SamanthaTheSpartan
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    Actually, the doctor that orginally prescribed birth control for me actually talked to me about it... So not all doctors leave this kind of stuff out... and all drugs have risk factors to them of some kind... the Z-pack does too... Thankfully for me though, the only side effect I have ever had from the patch is loss of hair... and even that's not that bad, just more so than if I weren't on the patch.

    I know that not all doctors leave this out. My OB/GYN being a great example. Then it's up to the woman. For me personally, the risk is too high. And for what, to be able to ditch the condoms? I'm okay with using condoms until I'm done having kids and then looking into surgical procedures.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Yup, BC definitely causes a gain! If you're not careful that is! It also can make it more difficult to lose weight, depending on the particular formulation you use. In my opinion, it's a choice. I'm losing weight even on an implant version of BC! Slow, but as long as it comes off, I'm happy!

    I agree with this to a point. I just came off BC and in my experience I had lost ost 80 lbs before going on it then I gained 20 lbs pretty much immediately after going back on it. I couldn't budge it over the following 2 years even though I chose to continue calorie counting, eating healthy whole foods and exercising my butt off. I went off it at the beginning of this year, the 20 lbs came off quickly and still going. I made no changes in my diet or exercise over those 2 years and currently.
  • jparker12379
    jparker12379 Posts: 99 Member
    I had the IUD placed just last week and am starting my journey now, so I should know in a few weeks if its having any effect on my efforts ... if it does ... its coming out !
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    You don't have to be a doctor to realize that putting extra (potentially cancer causing) hormones in your body is not a good long-term thing. Some women are more sensitive to them than others--but everyone I know eventually gains weight on them. Condoms are the way to go.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Well, I can tell you I had the same concern before I went on BC, and I have had no weight gain from my BC since being on it. I have been on it for 6 months now. Now, I have put on 8 lbs from a anti-depressant I am on, but I am working on getting it back off. In alot of ways, my BC has really helped me especially with bloating and water gain during TOM - I don't get that much anymore. Plus, I am "more regular" which is beneficial for me. I am on Ortho Tricyclin Lo (if you want to know).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    I was on the pill for 13 years with no problems, but thank you for your concern.

    All medications have potential side effects and some people will experience the worst of them. But that doesn't mean I'm going back to the dark ages because of a maybe. Hormonal BC has had a positive affect on my quality of life. Yes, my IUD is messing with my weight. but I'm otherwise healthy and not feeling for a week every month like my uterus is going to fall out or bleeding heavily for seven straight days.

    Just because we use hormonal BC doesn't mean we don't know the potential side effects or are otherwise uneducated. I know a woman who at 19 years old had a stroke from BC pills. It happens. But I'm willing to take my chances because the risk is pretty low.

    And I have NEVER had a doctor mislead me on potential side effects of hormonal BC. Not to mention that every pack of pills comes with an insert that explains them in great detail to anyone who cares enough about her health to read.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I was on the depo shot and started it at the same time as one of my girlfriends. She gained about 50 pounds within 6 months. I found that I was really anxious when I was on it so I actually lost weight. To be fair she was drinking and eating considerably more than she used to during this time, so although she attributes the weight gain to BC....I'm not sure that's accurate.

    Chiming in with everyone who says it depends on the person. Although I would NOT recommend everyone avoid depo, for many many reasons.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I've been on the pill, the ring, the patch and currently Mirena. None have made me gain weight. However, being off of them and getting pregnant DID. lol
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I am just curious how much birth control effects weight loss and gain. Based off the doctor they say there is potential but not enough research proving for sure. If a woman lives healthily she shouldn't have a problem is what I've read. But so many chicks say the depo and IUD's make you pack on weight. I think that some women are sensitive and others just are unhealthy meaning they do pack on the weight. I am promising myself I won't make that excuse for myself like I have in the past.
    I am no expert my self but My gynae has refused to prescribe ne any pills coz of my weight... and believe me I have had many gynae

    That doesn't sound right. I was over 300lbs when I first went on birth control for PMDD and heavy, painful, very irregular periods and I was never denied them. I was warned that as far as a contraceptive, bigger women had a lower success rate of the BC working, but I don't see why it should be denied to you because of your weight alone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have the Mirena (IUD)...inserted since last July 2011. And, while I haven't gained weight because of it, it also hasn't controlled the irregular bleeding that I deal with basically every two weeks!

    Did I mention that I'm dealing with it now? Today? Ugh...I'm pissed off just thinking about it. :explode:

    I pretty much had my period for six straight months after I got mine, but the longer you have it, the better it will get. Give it another couple months and you should see a change. If not, talk to your doc.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I'm on depo and started on it during the weight loss journey and nothing changed. If you are watching your food and exercising there really shouldn't be a problem.