calling all runners.....begginers and intermediates



  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    Great Idea, feel free to add me. Did my first 5k on Sunday, doing a 10k in May and a half marathon in Sept :)
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    well done, that's great.

    I do 10k 3 or 4 times a week and have for about 9/10 weeks now (5k before that but not for long, having dropped the running altogether for a while).

    I do about 54 minutes but this includes periods of stopping - I tend to run for about 7 minutes and walk for 90 seconds, and repeat til ive done 10k. I must run quite fast because even doing that I tend to complete the 10k a lot faster than a lot of people who don't slow to walking at all.

    However, it annoys me that I can't do it without slowing to a walk sometimes. I managed 20 minutes yesterday without slowing down, thats the most for ages. Annoyingly, I used to do about 45 minutes a while back non stop.

    Have put myself in for the Swansea Admiral bay 10k run in September and I want to be able to do it in good form by then.

    Would defo be good to have other runners on here to help with motivation.

    Also for advise on injuries, equipment, pre run nutrition, etc....


    Your 10k time is good; now you need to learn to run! :-)

    Head over to — there's tons of information there, including training plans.

    Best advice I can give is get fitted for running shoes. You're doing quite a few miles for a newbie and I'd hate to see you wind up with an overuse injury (like I've done).
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    i started running this year. completed the couch to 5k two weeks ago and now modifying it to get to 10k by the summer. there are paid apps to help with this and i might resort to that if i can't motivate myself to get to 10k. i loved the free couch to 5k podcasts. it was great having someone prompting me when to run or walk and telling me how much time i have completed or have left to go. i highly recommend it to new runners even if you feel like you are fit enough to just run the 5k. that training helps you to get over the mental blocks :grumble:

    i find running is more about a battle with my mind rather than a battle with my body to get it done. i'm constantly telling myself that i can't do it :explode: (which is bad, but its the truth) and i have to battle with my mind saying well 'if i can't do it then i'll just have to collapse first'.:angry: i have a little mantra that i got from another motivator that i repeat to myself when i'm slogging through my runs. i ask myself when i'm feeling like giving up 'are you going to pass out? yes, then pass out. no, keep running. are you going to die? yes, then die. no, keep running' and that keeps me going. i guess if i were to pass out on the treadmill it wont be the worse thing in the world and if i was going to die then well at least my coffin wont have to be so big as i lost a bit of weight first :)

    feel free to add me. it'll be great having the support to get to 10k! happy running :flowerforyou:

    I just started adding 15 minutes to my run times and was able to get to a 10 k pretty easily. I debated getting the 10 k app however my ease into 5k app has an hour run programmed into it. Now just to get myself to a 15 k by summer.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    I would love to run but feel like i'm too big. (certainly up top). Got the couch to 5k app on my phone just need to pick up the courage to start it.
    Did you get to a certain size before you started?

    1. You need a really good sports bra (trust me I know). Try Under Armour, Panache, CW-X ULTRA SUPPORT BRA , or Enell.
    2. Check out "Run Your Butt Off!" by the editors of Runner's World...awesome program
    3. Check out
    4. You don't need to be a certain just need to be willing to do it
    "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham
  • hannanne
    hannanne Posts: 5
    I started running when I weighed 290--at 5'1" with a G cup bra. I wear a very supportive bra (a glamorise active sports bra) with a cheap compression tank top; when i was much heavier, I also wore a knit sports bra over my regular bra and under the compression tank. I'm not going to tell you I look beautiful, but progressed from brisk walking, to running 4-5 miles 3-6 times a week within about 3 months. If you are very heavy, ask your doctor if you should wear a knee brace--even if you don't think you need it, you might pay for it in 5 or six years. And make sure you buy a running shoe that is made for overweight bodies. The padding is quite different. New Balance and Saucony are both good brands for me, but you should try on several and run across the store---better to feel like an idiot for a few minutes than to be in agony.
  • hannanne
    hannanne Posts: 5
    BTW I know everyone loves Enell bras, and that nothing moves in them--but i'd suggest you try to find a store, and try one on before you buy it. I am very petitely proportioned (odd for a fattie to say, I know); I could not wear Enell at all. the armholes and torso length are proportioned for women much, much taller than I. You might try my experiment until you can get the best bra for you. One or two cheap knit sports bras (I buy 2 sizes smaller than the sizing suggests) WORN OVER a good, full cup, wirefree bra is a very good alternative for hard to fit girls like me--and also costs about a third the price of one of the "best" bras. I also wear a compression tank, as I already said--it keep you from having soreness from all the jiggling and pulling on your connective tissue. AND FINALLY. . . If you can, carry some very light hand weights--only 1/2 to 1 1/2 pounds. I have found that my posture is MUCH better when I do this and my pace stays more steady--and it helps eliminate back fat.