C25K Folks...What have you learned since you started??? Tip

ksquared0710 Posts: 36 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm finishing week 3 tomorrow. It hasn't been bad up to this point although I finally caved and bought a pair of Nike LunarFlys b/c my old running shoes were killing me.

Now...I'm going to lift Friday and I have classes alllll day Saturday so I won't start week 4 until Sunday morning, but...I'm actually nervous now looking ahead.

Anybody have any tips, pointers, words of wisdom?

P.S. If you're around the same week let's partner up for motivation!!!


  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    The biggest thing I learned is that I CAN become a runner! Stick with it, it's totally worth it!

    Good luck!
    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    The one thing I've learned is to repeat weeks when you have to and go at a speed you're comfortable with! If a workout is so hard that I dread it then I need to take it down a notch.
  • I'm at week 9 now (almost done!) and three things that improved my running were:
    1. Stretching before running
    2. Focusing on proper breathing
    3. And knowing that you are much stronger than your brain thinks you are
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I am starting week 7 day one of one of the iPhone C25Ks (it's an eight week program) and I repeated weeks 4 and 5...also, I started out running my intervals at 6mph, which was too fast to maintain as the weeks went by and the intervals got longer... now I'm at 5.5 mph running... today will be my first full run (with no walk breaks) for 20 mins... yikes!
    So... yeah pace yourself, get good music and be persistent! Every time I finished i thought there is NO way I could possibly run one second longer next time and ... uh... yeah ... I DID.
    Also, if anyone is looking for good runninng music ideas... jog.fm is a good website (they list by your running pace and beats per minute)
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    This is my 2nd attempt at C25K...I gave up on my first try after week2. The best tip is to repeat a day/week if you need to - DO NOT GIVE UP. You need to outrun people when the zombie apocalypse happens :laugh:
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    Week 3 was really hard for me. I was able to complete each run, but it was HARD. I considered repeating it, but decided to give week 4 a go. I'm finding it way easier.
  • t4bz
    t4bz Posts: 4
    Hey all. I'm a C25K grad from last year, and complete a half marathon in October of '11. One tip I have is that once you've graduated, a natural transition is to move into the Galloway run/walk program to build up to longer distances, if you so desire. Keep pushing forward, and best of luck to you!
  • ksquared0710
    ksquared0710 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks all for the advice! I'm super excited about trying jog.fm and tb thanks for the next step info. I've never been a "runner" but would love to run a marathon some day. I'm going to start small and sign up for a 5k this May :)
  • t4bz
    t4bz Posts: 4
    That's the way! Last year I did a 5K, 10K, and a 15K (yes...they exist!) in my build up to my half marathon. This year I'm doing some more half marathons and I'm going to try to run the Chicago Marathon in the fall.

    All from C25K...you can do it, folks!
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Week 7 day 3 - I'm just happy I didn't die! It was 5 min warm up, 25 mins of running (I did 5.4 mph) and 5 min cool down. I'm always a bit shocked that I did it without stopping as it was always my natual inclination to stop for whatever reason. Not anymooore!!! I'm so happy... and stinky... LOL.
    Trust me people, if I can do it... ANYONE can. If you really knew me, you'd know I hate to sweat, I hate being too hot, and I don't even particularly enjoy running... but I don't super hate it so it's what I do... wow that sounded really weird....
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Good running shoes and good music are so important! At least for me. I'm on Week 6 now (day 2 tomorrow!) and have loved it so far. I never thought of myself as a runner, but I've come to enjoy it now. Plus it'll be helpful in my quest to get back onto the soccer field, and a bonus for when the zombie apocalypse hits. :happy:
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I learned that so much of this is MENTAL! Obviously, endurance, etc. is important, but sometimes the only way I could move ahead was changing my mindset and determining that I CAN do it. I'm 48 years old, never ran before, with a rod in my left leg, and I'm in week 9!!
  • I'll be doing W4D2 tonight. I was scared to start Week 4 but SOOOOOO proud of myself when I did it last night! Nothing like being done! Euphoric high! I even did an extra 3 miuntes of running at the end during cool down because I felt so awesome.

    We're basically at the same point...friend request coming! :)

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    1-Breathe in 2 steps, out 2 steps.
    2-You don't have to run fast.
    3-If I can do it, anyone can do it. I did C25K 2 years ago and I ran my first half marathon in January of this year.
  • BoxingAli
    BoxingAli Posts: 117 Member
    I did c25k in November and December 2011. I did my first 5k in January, did a 4 mile in March and just this past weekend did a 4 mile obstacle course....The thing that I learned is that I can run! I am not a fast runner, but all of the races I have done, I have completed w/o stopping. I didn't give up during the program even though there were times that I thought "no way can i run for that long"...It is such a boost knowing that I accomplished something. I started C25K in preparation of the obstacle race. So knowing that I set a goal and reached it is an amazing feeling.

    Now, I am signed up for 2 more races and about to sign up for the Warrior Dash. It is addicting. I think if you have races planned, then you always have something to keep striving for. What I have also learned: I now have a hobby! :)
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I just finished week 3 also...I've learned I am capable of so much more than I ever thought possible...I also learned that while I'm extremely proud of myself for running for 3 whole, straight minutes when I try to explain it to someone else, it sounds kinda lame...oooohhh - 3 minutes! Haha - :bigsmile: Might repeat week 3, not sure if I'm ready to jump to week 4 yet....
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    Clothing actually DOES make a difference, I was overdressing and feeling like death at the end of my runs, once I got good lightweight clothing and good shoes everything became easier and I did not feel horrible when I was done!
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    Oh and socks, I was just wearing stuff out of my drawer, found out that anything 100% cotton made my feet feel hot and gross, switched to a good moisture wicking sock and it made all the difference.
  • I just finished week 3 also...I've learned I am capable of so much more than I ever thought possible...I also learned that while I'm extremely proud of myself for running for 3 whole, straight minutes when I try to explain it to someone else, it sounds kinda lame...oooohhh - 3 minutes! Haha - :bigsmile: Might repeat week 3, not sure if I'm ready to jump to week 4 yet....

    Agreed! Saying it outloud kind of does sound lame...especially to someone like my husband who runs 10 miles a day! BUT, this is MY journey...not his and last night when I completed W4D1, I was so incredibly proud of myself. I figured out that I ran for 28 minutes total (not consecutively and I added a few more minutes at the end because I felt so good). TWENTY EIGHT MINUTES!!! LOL...it's an awesome program and I'm so glad I'm doing it!

    Good luck as you progress, too! :happy:
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I'm in W2D2 today. I've learned that I can do it! I don't run, was never a runner and tell people the ONLY way I would run would be if a tiger was chasing me! But I wanted to give myself a hard challenge (I'm crazy that way!) so this is it. I am signed up for a race at the end of May and will be completing week 9 by then (didn't give myself any time to repeat otherwise I might just keep repeating and not move forward). I agree it's a mental thing the first few runs in the grouping are difficult for me but by the 3rd and 4th I've convinced myself that I'm already half through and can do it. Each interval becomes easier and all of a sudden I'm in my cooldown! Yippee!! I'm still not "enjoying" the "running" but I will get through this and be able to run the race!! Go me (and the rest of you crazy people too!)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Dont doubt the program, it works! Stick with it and give it all you got!
  • jshaps7
    jshaps7 Posts: 74 Member
    I think I'm starting week 8 today (I'm also doing the iPhone app that's an 8 week program) so I'm on the home stretch! 28 min run today.

    I have never, ever been a runner. I don't particularly enjoy it either but I want to do a triathlon (on my bucket list) so the 5K portion is kind of key :) That being said, running really is a mental sport. Breaking through those barriers is just as hard and continuing to breathe while you run (and sometimes harder!).

    My main tips would be:
    1. Stay positive! I'd bet you're a better runner than you think you are.
    2. Don't repeat a day unless you have you - don't preemptively think you're not going to be able to complete an interval and give up before you even try.
    3. Don't be afraid to slow down either. I started off running 5.5-6 mph during my intervals and now I run at 5 mph. I even went down to 4.8 which is almost a glorified power walk. You can always work on speed later - getting the time in is important.
    4. Don't give up! I love the motivational poster that says something like "Tired of starting over? Stop giving up!" This is the 4th time (I think) doing this program and it's the first time I've gotten past week 4. If you have a set back (miss a run, don't finish an interval etc) just keep going and start fresh the next day you plan on running. You can do it :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm still mostly an interval runner with 2 half marathons, a 15K, two 10Ks and multiple smaller races under my belt since starting C25K last April.

    My best advice:

    1. Do not run more often than every other day.
    2. If you feel like you're running fast enough, you're running too fast. It's not about speed right now, it's about endurance.
    3. Trust the program. Don't try to go faster, don't run every day and do believe you can do that next long run.
    4. If your shins, ankles or knees hurt, and you don't have an underlying medical issue, you're probably doing something wrong:
    -- You're going too fast
    -- You don't have the right shoes
    -- You're running on the wrong type of surface
    -- You're running too often or not resting enough between runs
    -- You're doing high impact activities on the days between

    Oh and number 5? Have fun and be ready to start spending lots of money on race fees and running gear. :laugh:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I've just done week 5 run 3 - it jumps from 2 x 8 minute runs, to a 20 minute run, and I completed it with a smile on my face.

    you really can do more than you think.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Pick a speed you'd like to be running at at the end of the program. Don't progress to the next week if you can't do the current week at that speed. For me, I'd just like to be a 5 MPH at the end of the program. When I start a new week, I'll slow it down to 4.5 mpg or 4.7 if I can swing it. Then I keep repeating the week until I'm comfortable at 5 mph. Actually, I completed week 4 and was repeating it when I spoke with a guy at the running store and he recommended not running quite so much yet since I was having trouble with shin splints. After new shoes, I went back to week 3 and ran last night with no shin pain! It was relatively easy but I'm going to keep doing week 3 again and then go back to week 4 and see how my shins hold up.

    I also do not run 2 days in a row. I workout 2 days on, 1 day off. One of the workout days will be walking and one a walk/run combo.
  • Hey- Friend me if you would like! I'm finishing up week 3 and also running a 5k in May.
  • llschl
    llschl Posts: 6 Member
    You all are reading and writing my thoughts! I am in week 7 or 8 and am up to running 2.75 miles in 30 minutes. At about week 5, I focused more on the distance than the time. My endurance is incredible compared to where it was. I have NEVER ran before in my life. It is a mental game and purely about determination. My tips would be to 1) Not stop in the middle of a run for a break as it is too hard to get started again 2) Run outside - it is so much easier (at least for me) and cooler 3) Track your time/distance and keep a log on MFP 4) Share your successes with those around you. Someone posted on here that they sounded lame when they said they could run for 3 whole minutes. I remember thinking the same thing but I was so proud of myself. That was a huge accomplishment for me! Now I can say that I can run for 30 whole minutes!

    I plan to complete my first 5K in about two weeks and am looking for more races after that one to keep me motivated. I plan to add a quarter mile to each week's training to work my way up to a 10K next. Who knows what is in store for me!?!
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    I'm on week 5 again. That 20 min run at the end was tough, I made it through 17 mins without stopping but it was really really hard. I think I'm going to do it again, at least day 2 the 8 min run 5 min walk 8 min run again. Until I can get that down.

    I'm kind of bored with it I guess. But I'm going to push through.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I finished the program a couple of weeks ago and I'm still running three days a week, anywhere from 2 - 4 miles depending on how I feel. :bigsmile:

    My advice is good shoes, good warm up, stretch afterward, and don't let the upcoming weeks intimidate you! There are some big jumps in week 4 and beyond, but I say try it before you chicken out and decide to repeat the previous day or week - you will likely surprise yourself and be able to complete it, even if you have to run slowly! I was nervous about those longer runs, but I went for it each and every week, and finished the program without having to repeat a single day. I was so happily surprised!

    That being said, if you find that you truly can't complete a day, no shame in repeating! I love c25k and am happy to call myself a runner! Can't complain about the boost in weight & inches lost, either!
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