I'm getting frustrated!! (Thighs)



  • I've been told by multiple trainers that you need to switch up your cardio routine just like you switch up your a weight routine. The human body is built to adapt and become more efficient at what it does and you end up plateauing. Switching up helps the body burn more and works your muscles differently getting better results. You may want to consider including weights into your routine ( light weight is fine). Also some plyometric exercises would be great if you can do them without injury (lots of jumping and explosive movements).
  • qupert
    qupert Posts: 12
    I've been told by multiple trainers that you need to switch up your cardio routine just like you switch up your a weight routine. The human body is built to adapt and become more efficient at what it does and you end up plateauing. Switching up helps the body burn more and works your muscles differently getting better results. You may want to consider including weights into your routine ( light weight is fine). Also some plyometric exercises would be great if you can do them without injury (lots of jumping and explosive movements).

    Well now I'm just getting confused. I do HIIT on the Arc, so I don't think changing up the cardio is my problem. I do weight machines every day as well. Are you saying I need to move into the free weights section and start lifting dumbbells and stuff??
  • qupert
    qupert Posts: 12
    AND... up until about 2 weeks ago I had lost 12 pounds. Now my scale is back up to me only losing 5 pounds. So I am beyond frustrated. I do everything that I read that I should do, I record my calories and consume less than I burn, I try to eat the right ratio of carbs/protein/fat etc., and I just feel like I'm getting NO WHERE. UGGGHHH!!
  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    You should try edward jankowski's escape your shape workout. I am doing a modified version and I've noticed a difference in my thighs.
  • astepqueen
    astepqueen Posts: 48 Member
    I think what she is saying is change up what you are doing.... Like instead of doing just the arc trainer, do some cycling or walking on the treadmill or the elliptical trainer.
    You would be surprise how cycling will tone and slim down the leg muscles.
    Good luck!
    I've been told by multiple trainers that you need to switch up your cardio routine just like you switch up your a weight routine. The human body is built to adapt and become more efficient at what it does and you end up plateauing. Switching up helps the body burn more and works your muscles differently getting better results. You may want to consider including weights into your routine ( light weight is fine). Also some plyometric exercises would be great if you can do them without injury (lots of jumping and explosive movements).

    Well now I'm just getting confused. I do HIIT on the Arc, so I don't think changing up the cardio is my problem. I do weight machines every day as well. Are you saying I need to move into the free weights section and start lifting dumbbells and stuff??
  • qupert
    qupert Posts: 12
    You should try edward jankowski's escape your shape workout. I am doing a modified version and I've noticed a difference in my thighs.

    Today was my day 2 of Butt Bible after reading the glowing reviews, and I can barely walk. So I'm going to give it the 6 week run first, but I appreciate the suggestion! :D
  • Don't know if you've found results with "the butt bible", but if not, you should google and buy a book called "The Thigh Gap Hack". It has two separate protocols for people trying to slim down the thighs (one for women who need to lose excess fat, and another for people who need to lose overdeveloped leg muscles usually gotten from excessive heavy resistance training of the legs/sports).

    It's broken down into diet hacks, exercise hacks, motivational hacks and outside hacks (like specific massages, and the latest noninvasive procedures that'll help target the stubborn fat in this area). It's also not just regular rehashing of things you've heard before - like it talks about a hunger training hack, exercise cycling hack, how to trick the metabolism into burning more fat, etc.

    If I could give you one tip though, it would be to look at what you're eating since fat is lost mainly through diet. I know you're eating 1200 calories, but did you know (the book covers this) that your body will not burn fat if there is too much insulin released in your system... even when you are on a deficit.

    Yup! So, you really got to stay away from the sugar, carbs and sodium (the sodium is more for water retention) if you want to see some change in your lower body. It might sound like there's nothing else to eat, but there is protein and moderate fat.

    The link for the book is http://www.thighgaphack.com

    Good luck and pleas report back with your results
  • Thanks everyone! I know that I can't spot reduce, but nothing is changing. I have GOT to slim them down because they rub together at the top and I can't take it! lol

    I do HIIT on the Arc, and I push myself and go 3.2 miles total every day, and (according to the machines) I burn 600 a day in cardio alone.

    I will start adding weighted lunges and squats after the gym when I get home tonight. I'm so over it! :)

    I'm fit and the tops of my thighs tend to rub together because my legs are muscular. Even if they weren't though they would never be thin enough so they don't rub. I chalk it up to genetics.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Am I reading it right that you are only eating 1200? You probably can't build muscle at 1200, then (I don't know your height, etc). All your hard work won't work if those muscles aren't fed! :) It's great if your macros are good. Just bump them up and eat for muscle gain. Yay to eating more, lol :D
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know that I can't spot reduce, but nothing is changing. I have GOT to slim them down because they rub together at the top and I can't take it! lol

    I do HIIT on the Arc, and I push myself and go 3.2 miles total every day, and (according to the machines) I burn 600 a day in cardio alone.

    I will start adding weighted lunges and squats after the gym when I get home tonight. I'm so over it! :)

    So you only NET 600 calories per day?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Well, until I went keto, my thighs were stuck at around 25 inches. Now, about 2 months later, my thighs are 23. It may be the keto helping, but it might also be that I walk more than I used to. Either way, you need to be patient. You can't choose where you lose fat from. Your thighs might be the last place that fat leaves. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Spinning did it for me. If your gym does not have classes, just do bike, and HIT in incline on treadmill. And eat more than 1200. Find your TDEE and eat between BMR and tDEE-% you want.
  • momboteri
    momboteri Posts: 1 Member
    I didn't read the entire thread, so I don't know if someone mentioned this or not, but in addition to adding "squats and lunges", you need to think about progressing and periodizing your routine. Ie: change your routine every 4-8 weeks. Otherwise your body adapts, and you'll see no progress. Re: cardio: check out Rachel Cosgrove's article, "The Final Nail in the Cardio Coffin" for tried and true information and understanding on the NEGATIVE side of doing too much cardio (one of which is heavier thighs). Hope this helps. I too tend to hold fat in my butt and thighs, so I know what I'm talking about. I have really changed my body by getting off the treadmill (and out of cardio class 5-6 days per week) and into the weight room.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    You could try squats ( i do body weight squats or use dumbells) , lunges, leg lifts( side and back) step ups, kick backs. These things will change the shape of your legs. Also , as far as cardio ...the bike or stair stepper is an awesome way to trim the thighs better than walking or eliptical. All just my opinion of what has been working for me.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I grew up showing horses and so I always had kind of a wide butt and very (big IMO) muscular thighs. I have long since stopped riding horses and recently took up running and I've noticed a very definite change in the shape of my thighs. Of course, you can't really change genetic predisposition, but running and squats, coupled with weight loss, have helped me!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    edited October 2014
    momboteri wrote: »
    I didn't read the entire thread, so I don't know if someone mentioned this or not, but in addition to adding "squats and lunges", you need to think about progressing and periodizing your routine. Ie: change your routine every 4-8 weeks. Otherwise your body adapts, and you'll see no progress. Re: cardio: check out Rachel Cosgrove's article, "The Final Nail in the Cardio Coffin" for tried and true information and understanding on the NEGATIVE side of doing too much cardio (one of which is heavier thighs). Hope this helps. I too tend to hold fat in my butt and thighs, so I know what I'm talking about. I have really changed my body by getting off the treadmill (and out of cardio class 5-6 days per week) and into the weight room.

    1. OP is very old. I'm guessing she has either reached her goals or given up.

    2. You don't need to change your lifting routine every 4-8 weeks.

    3. If anyone else IS interested in decreasing the size of their thighs, no you cannot spot reduce. Your thighs should decrease slightly with weight loss even if you are pear shapes (take measurements). Lifting preserves muscle while we diet. Slightly fat thighs with muscle look much better than fat thighs without muscle. I'd suggest a good solid program like New Rules of Weight Lifting, Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I have some hips and thighs. I'm a curvy girl. My thighs looked the same -- kinda jiggly, a cellulite, and untoned --despite seemingly endless cardio for years.

    I am now a Jillian Michaels fan. I recommend her workouts so often that MFP people must think I'm getting a commission. :)

    I've done 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and am just about done with her 90 Day Body Revolution. Her workouts are all about 30 minutes and I do them 6 days a week. My thighs finally look GOOD. Cellulite that I thought was just permanent is far less visible. My jeans fit better. I couldn't be much happier with the results.

    Her workouts have lunges and squats and jumping and then some. I can do some pretty impressive squats nowadays. Lunges feel easy enough that I have to add weights to make them challenging.

    So, although the Butt Bible sounds intriguing (I'll be looking it up myself!), consider taking a look at my friend Jillian. She'll work those thighs into shape for you!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you cant target things. that's propaganda.

    if you keep falling for it, you'll keep ending up frustrated.

    You want legs that look toned and strong?

    You're going to have to do the work. Dont focus too much on your lungs and heart - balance it out by doing workouts for your muscles (weight/resistance training - not cardio) as well.

    Make yourself stronger while slowly lowering your bodyfat (through diet) and that is what will get your where you want. Not becoming so good at the elliptical machine that it is becoming easy.

    Once you get really good at your workouts, there is no more reason for your body to involve.

    Not until it is challenged again.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    1) You're not eating anywhere near enough.
    2) You want them to be less jiggly and take up less space, yes? Both of those require muscle growth and fat reduction, which you'll be able to do as a beginner by eating at maintenance.
    3) How do you track your food? Do you weigh it? Do you have binges and take little 'bites' of things? Everything needs to be accounted for.
    4) No such thing as spot reduction. You can choose where you lose fat from. You can spot -train- to make muscles growth bigger, but you can't grow any because of how little you've been eating. That means that you've been spinning your wheels in place, which is why you haven't seen any progress.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member