What have you learned since joining MFP?



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I have Learned:

    I can still eat ice cream and lose weight
    That protein powders can taste amazing and GNC is a total rip off
    That compound lifts are MUCH better than isolation based programs
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I've learned how to not be so militant about my eating, while still being able to plan.
    I've learned that you have to fall down to know how to get back up.
    I've learned that I'm not the only person to struggle with some of the things that I struggle with.
    I've learned how to eat healthier, in general.
    I've learned I can eat whatever I want, but more importantly, the word "moderation"!
    Most importantly, I'm still learning! :-)
  • steelergirl743
    steelergirl743 Posts: 5 Member
    I have learned:

    1. That you do not realize what you eat until it is written down.

    2. Every lick, bite and taste is a calorie and should be tracked here.

    3. I thought coffee and tea had no calories.
  • KathieSwenson
    Most of all I learned, That I have the will power and the ability to get up and move even when I dont feel like
    TO be patient with my body.
    That I put on this weight through many years of processing, and it will take a long time for it to come off to.
    That My husband really does like to work out and with me.
    That My husband and I are a team and tightly knitted when we work out together!
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    I've learned to have moderation!
    I've learned to treat exercise/being active like brushing my teeth,i just do it everyday no matter what
    I've learned I reallly can achieve this finally!
    and most importantly I've learned I can do this for a lifetime!
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    I have learned that I CAN DO THIS!!!!
    I have learned that when I put myself FIRST ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!
    I have learned that DIETS DO NOT WORK...LIFE STYLE CHANGES do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jweb8969
    Jweb8969 Posts: 136 Member
    i have learned:

    ** how to gauge true portion sizes!! ~ i used to eat 2, 3 or even 4 times the portion size amounts ~ gah!
    ** that i feel better when i drink more water!
    ** that i can "lighten up" almost anything i truly want to eat - and, if done correctly, the entire family eats better, too :)
    ** that i can pass up the ice cream when we eat at friendly's and still survive (true - i've done it twice now)
    ** that it feels amazing to realize that i can no longer wear that one pair of jeans that fit me because they are now falling off when ....i walk! (yay! but eeeeeek - nobody wants to see THAT)
    ** that i might just actually lose the weight and get healthy again this time!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    ~That I as happier when I didn't own a food scale, body scale, or any type of body measuring tool.
    ~I was more energized before I met Chalene Johnson and her annoying blonde hair.
    ~That I am NOT a positive person, all this rainbows and sunshine is for the birds...so to speak
    ~That everything I like eating has about 10000000000mg of sodium in it per serving
    ~10000000000mg of sodium may or may not cause you to gain 4lbs of water weight
    ~The only way to get rid of 4lbs of water is to drink 8lbs of water daily for a week
    ~The term "bro-science"
    ~Every male has a picture taking in front of a bathroom mirror, half nude, with no head
    ~That you can use cottage cheese to make fake cookies and try to pass them off as real once, only hoping they won't get thrown back in your face.
    ~That I will never be able to eat a whole log of chocolate chip cookie dough raw and expect to look like Vanessa Hudgens in Sucker Punch.

    Best post EVER! Gave me a great laugh this evening.
    Lol glad it made you laugh:laugh: ...I was being serious
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    That I don't need as big of portions as I previously though! I can eat all my same things I used to eat, just in smaller portions and I'm perfectly satisfied.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have learned that I am capable of change.
  • whiterice83
    whiterice83 Posts: 63 Member
    First off I love this post!!!

    I've learned all I needed was to tap into my brain and use self-control
    Why didn't I do this sooner? It's funny how your brain can hold you back when you're fully capable.

    I've learned to try new things, to find a healthier way to enjoy things I love, I can eat out and lose weight by paying attention to what I'm doing and not just doing what everyone else does.

    My body loves water. And it loves me so much more for the amount I drink. It also makes me feel less hungry. This whole time I was thirsty and didn't know it? Could it be!

    Not only do I need to exercise but I want to. Just going outside or playing my wii game. I want to.
  • dsbride1
    dsbride1 Posts: 8 Member
    I've learned how to reset my metabolism. First I was in the fat stage, then losing weight, then plateau so I went
    into the starvation stage. I was really messing up and regaining what I had lost. I came here, tracked my calories
    and exercise and got my life back. I'm losing again for the first time in months. It's a wonderful feeling.
  • steelerwheeler
    I have learned that I am stronger than I thought I was and that when life beats me up on those bad stressful days....I come home and eat healthy and exercise and that helps me regroup for the next day. All things are possible....if you are willing to work for them.
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    I have learned
    - its not a diet, its a life style change.
    - some people are negative, and some people are positive - and I choose positive
    - I can do this
    - its ok to indulge - just in moderation
    - if I know im going to drink 12 beer tonight - my *kitten* better be either at the gym, on my bike, or on the trail for at least 2 hrs
    - I really can eat what I want to eat and lose weight.
    - I really love my new body (and I'm not even close to done with it yet!)
    - my wife loves it more ;)
    - life is good
    - a ton about nutrition in general.
    - 3 oreos are 160 calories!!!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    * I've learned it's a LOT easier (and way more enjoyable) to go running with 30+ less pounds of myself to drag around the park with me.

    * I've learned that I can still have all of my favorite delicious treats and lose weight...I just have to be willing to work for them.

    * I've learned that in real life (not on MFP), my male friends are way more supportive and nicer about me watching what I eat than my female friends.

    * I've learned that it's worth the extra couple of miles to have good beer rather than crappy "light" beer.

    * I've learned that I REALLY REALLY like hummus. And La Croix sparkling water. And vegetarian corn dogs.

    * I've learned (and this is probably the most useful one) that things go a lot better for me if I don't give myself the option of not working out or not eating well...I used to say things to myself like "I will go to the gym if I'm not too tired after work" and "If I get home and the weather is super-nice, I'll go for a run", or "I won't eat dessert today....UNLESS someone happens to bring cookies to work". Now, being healthy is just as much a part of my life as going to work. I plan ahead for my rest days and spike days, rather than taking things minute by minute.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I am the only one that can make a difference for me.

    Attitude is everything and can't is a four letter word, along with hate and never.

    You can choose to take advice, apply it if it will work or file it away for later. No one will force you to excercise/eat your excercise calories/lift weights/ eat more than 1200 calories but you.

    Labels are your friend. Read them.

    I choose how my day will go and if it goes badly? Guess what! Tomorrow is another day! Seriously, it is.

    Don't ask for advice/help unless you want it. Asking is getting and throwing a hissy fit doesn't fix it.

    It really as easy as the Set Up page makes it seems. It's the human that gets in the way.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    " I learned to qoute everything I say from the internet" -Abraham Lincoln-

    Pictures are better than words on the forums

    If you don't agree with me you are a hating TROLL!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I have learned that I cannot do this by myself and that I have to have support.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Reluctantly . . . that sugar really is my enemy. For YEARS and YEARS I thought I was broken because I was always so HUNGRY. I cut my sugar intake in half and doubled my protein, and the hunger went away.

    That fruit and milk have sugar in them, and sugar makes me hungry. So that piece of fruit or glass of milk was making me MORE hungry not less. gaahhh

    That it feels good to be strong, and that I like how I look with muscles.

    That I love exercise. Who knew??
  • 2Grtkids
    2Grtkids Posts: 93
    I have learned that those "little treats" i used to buy at the gas station after work every day (except on bad days, when I got two), have 480 calories. Each.

    I have learned that I love water. And salads.

    I have learned that my pants were too damn tight before.

    And, most importantly, I have learned that I can have bad days, even two in a row, and still lose weight. Because tomorrow is another day.