Jillian Michaels Kickbox Fast Fix DVD

Has anyone tried Jillian Michaels new Kickbox Fast Fix DVD? I was wanting to try it but wanted to get some reviews on it before I did. Thanks so much!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've got it - picked it up last weekend and have done it every day - it's fun! Crazy fast, but fun. There are three workouts, each 20 minutes, and I mean 20 minutes exactly. Workout 1 is supposed to target upper body/arms, Workout 2 is lower body/legs, and Workout 3 is abs - but honestly, your whole body gets pounded in each workout! There are kicks and punches in each workout and you use your arms, legs, core for everything.

    You can do one 20 minute workout, or pick two or do all three. There is also a tutorial section where Jillian goes through all the moves & shows you how to do them, because it's fast & furious during the workout! I felt like I was flailing all over the place the first time through, but I've got most of the punch & kick combinations down now.

    I have eight of her DVDs and I have to say that this one is one of my absolute favorites!
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    Well Thanks. I think I will order it today. I am currently on day 18 of 30DS and starting to get bored with the DVD. I need to change up my workout before I lose motivation. Thanks so much!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    30DS was my first JM DVD - and yes, I got bored with it too, which is how I ended up with such a collection of workouts. :bigsmile: I eventually didn't do the Shred daily, but would alternate days with Banish Fat Boost Metabolism at first, and then just kept adding more each time i saw them on sale.

    I still usually alternate, but have been doing the kickboxing daily because it's new and fun! :tongue: But I will likely get back to mixing it with 6 Week Six-Pack or whatever sounds good at 5:30am! LOL

    Keep going on the 30DS, it is worth it, and I think you'll enjoy mixing it with KBFF.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I'm going to have to look for that one! Do any stores have it or do you have to order it online?
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    I was planning on just buying it online....it just easier for me. Target might carry it...they usually have Jillians dvds.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I was planning on just buying it online....it just easier for me. Target might carry it...they usually have Jillians dvds.

    Don't buy it from Amazon - they sell the DVD-R so it does not last as long and with a workout DVD that you play over and over you want one that does not break down like the DVD-R does.
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    sounds fun. I will have to get this!!! thanks ladies
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    Do you feel the burn or is it just cardio?
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 576 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm currently doing the 30 DS (Day 14 complete!), although I'm not bored with it yet - I actually enjoy it. Just when I start to get bored, I have to switch levels so it's perfect for me. I was thinking of doing the Ripped in 30 until I found out that it's a lot of the same exercises and was wondering about the kickboxing one - I think I'll go for that one instead! Thanks for the post and all the comments. I love the Shred and I can see it's working!
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    I thought about doing Ripped in 30 too. I might just buy both and alternate them depending on what kind of workout I feel like doing.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Love it!!! It's got 3 work outs. One for upper body, one for lower body, and one for abs. They're all intense. Love ittt sooo much!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm going to have to look for that one! Do any stores have it or do you have to order it online?
    I got mine at Target. It just came out March 6th, so should be in stores.
  • amberwl
    amberwl Posts: 11 Member
    I love Ripped in 30.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    I just received my DVD today from Amazon. I am on day 18 of 30 day shred.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I am wanting to get this one. Banish Fat Boost Metabolism has some kickboxing in it and I loved it!
  • amberwl
    amberwl Posts: 11 Member
    My faves of her dvds are:

    Extreme Shed and Shred, Level 1&2 together.
    Ripped in 30. (currently on week 3) - but everyday I change up my workouts.
    Killer Buns and Thighs Level 1,2 and 3.
    6 week six-pack level 1 and 2.

    AWESOME. I LOVE her dvd's.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I'm going to have to look for that one! Do any stores have it or do you have to order it online?

    My boyfriend got it for me at Best Buy. But you can also get it online too!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    you can buy it at wal-mart
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I have looked at Walmart and Target and neither had it. I'll try Best Buy tomorrow but if I can't find it then I will be ordering it online from Walmart.

    Apparently Amazon sells it but burns their own DVDs so it is a DVD-R and not as durable so it wears out much faster.
  • Crly30
    Crly30 Posts: 11 Member
    I got mine from Walmart.com