How can I possibly recover from this binge?

Today I was just feeling really crappy about myself and SO HUNGRY! I only ate small fruit salad for lunch which I believe was the beginning of my downfall. I usually eat something full of protein like eggs or tuna with salad but today I wasnt able to buy this stuff.

So tonight I've eaten a good healthy dinner which then turned into:

2 chocolate bars
8 fun size twix
4 small chocolate cakes (500kjs each)

I feel so sick and so disgusted with myself, this is the second time this week I have binged this badly. It really scares me because I know that I am on a road to becoming really obese and not being able to control my eating.
I NEED to get back to the gym and start eating right again but I'm feeling like it's too late :/


  • L33TBl0nde
    L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member
    It's never too late. Is you already noticed, you ate the wrong kind of stuff in the morning. If you can't get eggs or tuna - eat alot of fibers. Dark bread fx...

    Try to eat slower, usually helps me a great deal. If I eat candy I start off by looking at it's calories - that usually makes me put it away. I have a strict diet with only 1400calories per day, which means I would never eat chips endlessly anymore.. One bag of chips is worth 2100calories minimum....

    If I do eat unhealthy I supply with exercise.
    Don't punch yourself in the head - you should just aim for a better life style the next day :)
  • RussetBrunnette
    RussetBrunnette Posts: 107 Member
    It is never too late! Its alright to have a splurge day. Try again tomorrow, another day another chance to get back on track. I used to get into this cycle that once I messed up it was over and I would throw in the towel. But now I realize I am the one in control and no matter how many times I mess up I know that it can always be fixed. Dont give up, you CAN do this!
  • 13joanne
    13joanne Posts: 59
    I think it's good that you have logged it you no you have gone a little wrong but your ready to sort it out you can pull it back we all do at some point don't let it get you down today is a new day :)
  • Dont beat yourself up!! it happens, ask anyone that has lost weight. Jus continue looking ahead no matter how many slipups you have!!

    What i would suggest is picking one meal out of the week to reward yourself (not thinking of calories, carbs, sugar, or sodium), this helps me throughout the week, im able to turn down temptation because i kno i get it on Saturday and will have earned it! The reward i chose this week was Breakfast, saturday i will have Pancakes and bacon!! I think if you do something similar it will be a short term goal to accomplish weekly.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Today I was just feeling really crappy about myself and SO HUNGRY! I only ate small fruit salad for lunch which I believe was the beginning of my downfall. I usually eat something full of protein like eggs or tuna with salad but today I wasnt able to buy this stuff.

    So tonight I've eaten a good healthy dinner which then turned into:

    2 chocolate bars
    8 fun size twix
    4 small chocolate cakes (500kjs each)

    I feel so sick and so disgusted with myself, this is the second time this week I have binged this badly. It really scares me because I know that I am on a road to becoming really obese and not being able to control my eating.
    I NEED to get back to the gym and start eating right again but I'm feeling like it's too late :/

    Put it in your diary and forget about it. It's all over, rover. Been an gone an done with. Move along people... nothing to see!

    You can build this into your biggest nightmare or you can add up the actual calories and realise what has happened. Probably far fewer than you had feared. Yes - it does undo some hard work but no, you do not die.

    You sound to me like you need to eat more. Starving ourselves, are we? If we starve we binge. That's the rule. We can't cure it by stopping bingeing - it's a survival mechanism. We cure it by stopping starving and getting some decent nutrition.
  • Put it all behind you and start again today....its never too late. Try not to think about what's happened, just about what you are going to do now. Take control again and make today a good day xxxxxxx Good luck, you CAN do this !! :flowerforyou:
  • hmgarcia83
    hmgarcia83 Posts: 45 Member
    my main thing it log it no matter what rather go over and be honest and log then to go over and not log and end up lying to your self it is a new day a new start live and learn
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    My favorite quote.. "Every passing moment is a chance to turn it all around."

    What's done is done. You recognized it, you know what you need to do. Now, do it.

    We are all here for support when you need it.

    YOU CAN DO THIS! *hugs*
  • bexkee
    bexkee Posts: 20
    Ah we have all been there, don't stress about it. As someone above has said it's been done so move on to tomorrow. That's the great thing about this system-there's always tomorrow to iron things out again.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    It is never too late! Its alright to have a splurge day. Try again tomorrow, another day another chance to get back on track. I used to get into this cycle that once I messed up it was over and I would throw in the towel. But now I realize I am the one in control and no matter how many times I mess up I know that it can always be fixed. Dont give up, you CAN do this!

    Great advice here, and I used to do exactly the same! I'd have one bad day (or even just a bad meal) and just go *kitten* it I may as well give up and eat this pizza, these brownies, these cookies......
    It is fantastic you have come to recognise a trigger, so make sure in future you get your protein in. This is a learning curve, don't beat yourself up.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    tomorrow is a new day.

    what helps for me is to not even have my trigger foods in the house and if i do have them they aren't in any quantities where i can do damage. so instead of buying a huge bag of chips i'll buy a 99 cent bag.

    it's kind of hard to overeat things if you're not buying them.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    I have days like this, it gets easier :) I try not to deprive myself of something; if I want crisps (chips to all you Americans out there) I have them. If I want chocolate, I have some. Quantity, not quality. If you start to binge, just take a minute to think of that sexy body you'll have when you reach your end goal, I find this helps me to step away from the junk food :)
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over tomorrow.

    Now this doesn't mean continue to feel sorry for yourself and feel like you've lost the battle tonight. You can do this, you're here aren't you? That's the hardest part is realizing that you do have a problem with food. Now overcoming it is the current problem. Be honest with yourself and KNOW that you WILL have mess ups during this journey. A few bumps in the road are minor inconveniences compared to the life changing things you are doing for yourself in the long run.

    This is for you. For your health, your self confidence and your better being. Don't let one night of weakness defeat you.

  • tycholien
    tycholien Posts: 33 Member
    Today I was just feeling really crappy about myself and SO HUNGRY! I only ate small fruit salad for lunch which I believe was the beginning of my downfall. I usually eat something full of protein like eggs or tuna with salad but today I wasnt able to buy this stuff.

    So tonight I've eaten a good healthy dinner which then turned into:

    2 chocolate bars
    8 fun size twix
    4 small chocolate cakes (500kjs each)

    I feel so sick and so disgusted with myself, this is the second time this week I have binged this badly. It really scares me because I know that I am on a road to becoming really obese and not being able to control my eating.
    I NEED to get back to the gym and start eating right again but I'm feeling like it's too late :/

    Don't worry about it, it happens. If you let it get you too down then it'll just lead to it happening again and then you will be in a spiral. You did it, it's done and like everyone says just move on. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself for one or two slips, that way lies despair, and there is no need. Also, it may be that occasionally you need to have some chocolate, so maybe you need to occasionally have a single fun size twix or something, don't deny everything completely.

    Just get back on the wagon and move forward, don't spend too much time looking back.

    Good luck, you can do it.
  • im thinking that by your ability to post the binge was a great move towards tryen not to next time and ya , i do the same thing when i dont eat a real breaky or at least something more than 1 fruit bowl for lunch : ) i have soo felt that way and ive recentl;y gained more than i did after haven a baby lol so rite now its even worse that the thought of a chocolate binge is worse than the actual feast
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    you've got to try, try and try, try and try - you'll succeed at last!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    You had a weak moment, you're human. If a friend was disappointed in themselves and when they were feeling low about it, you called them sick and disgusting, what effect do you think it would have? I bet it would make her believe in herself less and become more hopeless about her chances of success. Your fear it may be too late is directly related to the internal conversations you are having with yourself. Please, be kinder to yourself when you slip, as we all do. Today is a new day. You can get back on track if you believe you can. The first step is telling yourself you can :flowerforyou:
  • annemac7
    annemac7 Posts: 2
    Having a binge is normal and just delays your goal by a few days or weeks but perseverance will get us all there, we must never stop trying. And a little suggestion, change your profile pic to something more inspiring lol.
  • janetful
    janetful Posts: 12 Member
    Mischa, Every minute is a new minute to live. Every day is a new day. There is never a time on this earth when it is to late to do something for your health. You came here for support, that is a good start right there. Breaking old habits takes time and effort. You identified the change needed. Keep going!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Your starting weight and your goal weight are separated by less than 10 pounds and you're beating yourself up about a little binge like that? As everyone else said, just forget about it and move on. It's going to happen, especially if you're depriving and/or starving yourself, which I can't tell since your diary is closed.