30DS payback policy

I started MFP five weeks ago, and knew after the first week that I needed to incorporate some exercise into my daily routine. However, being at home with two kids under 2, I knew that this would be no easy feat, coupled with the fact that I have a very short interest span. So after a few weeks I was likely to get bored of my exercise routine and give up, as I have done so many times in the past.

Having read numerous inspirational posts about the 30 Day Shred, I decided to try it and I was resolute that I would complete the 30 days and post a thread about my experience (whether it was , good, bad or just plain ugly) hence, my payback policy. I must say the idea of reporting my success or failure to everyone did play a significant part in keeping me motivated, especially on the days where I was tired from being up all night with the baby and pressure of daily life.

I am 5ft 7 and 3/4 (does anyone know whether I should base my measurements on the height of 5ft 8 or stick to 5ft7?), and I started 30 DS at 259 lbs. I was initially worried that I would be too heavy to put too much pressure on my joints, but I started with the modified version, progressing to the advanced when my fitness built up. I must say that after about Day 5 on Level 1 Jillian makes a comment that you will start noticing your fitness increase - I didn't! Just put it this way- at times it wasn't just my fat crying. Only when I reached the middle of level 2 did I really feel like WOW I really am getting fitter. So perseverance does pay off. Nevertheless, I consistently lost weight and inches.

Many people make comments that this programme is hard on your knees, and I found that to be true. During level 1, my right knee was agitated and I was almost hobbling, so I stopped doing the jump rope exercise and jogged on the spot instead. Through the other levels I did a different exercise for double jump rope and rock star jumps and found that I didn't have any more knee issues. I also focused a lot on form making that my priority even over the number of reps done.

The final point to note, after a while 20 mins did not seem like enough exercise to me, coupled with the fact that I wanted to condition my body to do 1 hour of exercise I started to do the levels back to back, so after completing 10 days of level 1, I then did 10 days on level 1 followed by level 2, and the final 10 days of level 1, 2 then 3. I must admit that this did not always go to plan especially the last few day of the programme but I always completed the level that I was supposed to be on. I also did have two complete rest days- which I really believe I needed.

All in all, I lost a total of 13.5 inches and 13 pounds.

SW: 259
CW: 246

Neck - 15" - 14.5" (-0.5)
Arms- 17"- 16.5" (- 0.5 each)
Waist round belly button 43"- 39" (- 4)
Hips 54" -51 (-3)
Thighs -34"- 32" (- 2 each)
Calf -20.5- 20 (-0.5 each).

Having completed this I have decided to do an exercise video for a month and then change it. My next video will be Nell Macandrews Cardio one before I move on to Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 in May.

All that I would say to anyone starting this or hesitant to start. Don't wait until the beginning of a new month, start it today (it's also nice to feel as though the end will come sooner) and to persevere. I started by doing all the modified versions and ended up being able to do many of the advanced ones- though not all- and using light hand weights (0.5 kg throughout). My biggest achievement to date, however, is: I can now do girly pushups and few proper ones!

Being able to write this today ( also as my first community success post) makes me one very happy mummy :)


  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Well done thats a great result. I'm delighted for you :)
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for your positive post! You got very nice results, you should be very proud of yourself!
  • Angmad16
    Angmad16 Posts: 16 Member
    I started MFP five weeks ago, and knew after the first week that I needed to incorporate some exercise into my daily routine. However, being at home with two kids under 2, I knew that this would be no easy feat, coupled with the fact that I have a very short interest span. So after a few weeks I was likely to get bored of my exercise routine and give up, as I have done so many times in the past.

    Having read numerous inspirational posts about the 30 Day Shred, I decided to try it and I was resolute that I would complete the 30 days and post a thread about my experience (whether it was , good, bad or just plain ugly) hence, my payback policy. I must say the idea of reporting my success or failure to everyone did play a significant part in keeping me motivated, especially on the days where I was tired from being up all night with the baby and pressure of daily life.

    I am 5ft 7 and 3/4 (does anyone know whether I should base my measurements on the height of 5ft 8 or stick to 5ft7?), and I started 30 DS at 259 lbs. I was initially worried that I would be too heavy to put too much pressure on my joints, but I started with the modified version, progressing to the advanced when my fitness built up. I must say that after about Day 5 on Level 1 Jillian makes a comment that you will start noticing your fitness increase - I didn't! Just put it this way- at times it wasn't just my fat crying. Only when I reached the middle of level 2 did I really feel like WOW I really am getting fitter. So perseverance does pay off. Nevertheless, I consistently lost weight and inches.

    Many people make comments that this programme is hard on your knees, and I found that to be true. During level 1, my right knee was agitated and I was almost hobbling, so I stopped doing the jump rope exercise and jogged on the spot instead. Through the other levels I did a different exercise for double jump rope and rock star jumps and found that I didn't have any more knee issues. I also focused a lot on form making that my priority even over the number of reps done.

    The final point to note, after a while 20 mins did not seem like enough exercise to me, coupled with the fact that I wanted to condition my body to do 1 hour of exercise I started to do the levels back to back, so after completing 10 days of level 1, I then did 10 days on level 1 followed by level 2, and the final 10 days of level 1, 2 then 3. I must admit that this did not always go to plan especially the last few day of the programme but I always completed the level that I was supposed to be on. I also did have two complete rest days- which I really believe I needed.

    All in all, I lost a total of 13.5 inches and 13 pounds.

    SW: 259
    CW: 246

    Neck - 15" - 14.5" (-0.5)
    Arms- 17"- 16.5" (- 0.5 each)
    Waist round belly button 43"- 39" (- 4)
    Hips 54" -51 (-3)
    Thighs -34"- 32" (- 2 each)
    Calf -20.5- 20 (-0.5 each).

    Having completed this I have decided to do an exercise video for a month and then change it. My next video will be Nell Macandrews Cardio one before I move on to Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 in May.

    All that I would say to anyone starting this or hesitant to start. Don't wait until the beginning of a new month, start it today (it's also nice to feel as though the end will come sooner) and to persevere. I started by doing all the modified versions and ended up being able to do many of the advanced ones- though not all- and using light hand weights (0.5 kg throughout). My biggest achievement to date, however, is: I can now do girly pushups and few proper ones!

    Being able to write this today ( also as my first community success post) makes me one very happy mummy :)

    you have achieved more than weight loss, you have achieved a feeling of "I can do this" and admiration as well as inspiration amongst a lot of people. I think a lot of people feel that if they don't have a gym membership or a personal trainer, that they wont get the results that they want. This has been proven wrong in your own experience.

    I think also it is hard for people who have kids, to exercise and with doing it at home with a DVD, is just as good as doing it elsewhere.

    looking forward to hearing about your journey!
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    Outstanding dedication. Congratulations on your success and be very proud. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    That is awesome! You did a great job. I start my day with reading positive success stories so I can be motivated throughout the rest of the day. Thank you for posting! Congrats;)
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Well done!
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, great job!!! Your motivation is inspiring. I don't know if I could do the 30 day shred, but I have started some exercise (brisk walking) in my daily routine and I have noticed that I'm was not huffing like a sumo wrestler when I walked this morning as I did in the beginning. It does get easier!! Good luck on your journey!!
  • Very good - now to see my 'progress' actually in real time. I can't wait to get my hands on the 30ds however I can't guarantee I will enjoy it quite as much as you did.
  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 155 Member
    I've started and stopped 30ds twice even with my kids cheering me on so thanks for the inspiration and motivation I am going to crack on again and finish it this time!
  • ResetJen
    ResetJen Posts: 124 Member
    Congrats to you and thanks so much for your review.

    I've ordered 30DS and I'm just waiting for it to arrive. I plan to start it straight away as you recommend...after all I have nothing to lose but inches!
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    Awesome job!! I love 30DS too. Jillian.....and now you are very inspirational :flowerforyou:
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    well done you :)

    I started 4 days ago on 30DS....I am used to these kind of workouts but it is tough going
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    That is a fab result! I've only lost 2lb from it and i'm on day 29 haha!
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    well done ! - you are an inspiration. not only did you complete it you did workouts back to back - that's some determination :smile:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    That's really fantastic! I watched the 30 day shred before buying and really thought it would be easier than it is. Unfortunately, I've lacked the committment to stick with it for the full 30 days. I really need to bring it back out of storage. I tried to do it with the couch to 5K program and that was a challenge. I'm very impressed with how you did the back to back leves - that must have been a huge calorie burn for you - beautiful work on your part, and thanks for sharing!
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    That's awesome! I've tried and tried but I never get past about Day 3 of Level 2. I just don't enjoy it.
    Way to go! You have every right to be proud of yourself!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    thank you so much for this post- it is a real (re) motivating read!
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    Great job, you should be very proud of yourself and no doubt an inspiration to others.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Amazing commitment on your part! Congratulations! I got to day 22 before I had to stop for a couple of days as I was physically exhausted and just couldn't continue without a rest. Unfortunately that rest is longer than expected as I now have the flu and cant continue until I kick this! I'll be back to try and finish off my eight days with a flourish though...

    I can't believe you were doing level 1, 2 and 3 in one day! I'd die!! :drinker:
  • Marie92281
    Marie92281 Posts: 194 Member
    Great job on completetion of the 30 day Shred! I love Jillians dvds and after I finished the shred I moved onto ripped in 30 and am now on L2D4 and its tough but when I finish the day I feel great!!! When done with this video I will do her NMTZ dvd combined with the C25K program so excited...The reason I say this is because I am allot like you get board with dvds but I havent with hers. I have 3 kiddos a 6 year old and 3 year old twins and it is tough working out or finding the time so congrats:flowerforyou: :smile:
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