What am I doing wrong?

Hi, I am 5'4 and weigh 163 lbs. My goal weight is 126 lbs and have lost 5lb since starting on MFP on 28/02/12

I always stick within my 1200 target and excercise about 5 days a week and try my best to eat my excercise calories.

BUT, I have starting putting weight on again! I have gained almost 2 lb this week! (But I only record weight loss on my chart!!)

I do have an underactive thyroid, but my medication is under control.

Any ideas how I can increase my weight loss??

Many thanks.


  • Leanne169
    Leanne169 Posts: 27 Member
    Try just eating back half of your exercise calories??
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    you might need to up your cals?
    when i first started i was doing 1200cals but the scale wasent moving
    till i upped my cals to 1500
  • You'll be surprised....eat more!!! of the good stuff
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Yes, eat more food. Go to fat2fit, BMR calculator. It shows that for your age, height and weight you should be eating around 2000 calories a day to maintain, minus 500 a day and that brings you to about 1500 (same as me). Eat, trust me, it works :)
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    I'm hoping that's what's wrong with me...

    But I'm in the same boat.. hopefully once I get insurance, I can get he thyroid re-tested.. as of 18months ago it was normal..but weight loss can suck like that.. just keep putting one foot in-front of the other and keep going.. also make sure your getting your water! I carry my water bottle with me everywhere and should own stock in Crystal light type ready make drinks..LOL
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    when do you weigh yourself? I only weigh myself if I know I have an empty stomach and eliminated all waste from my body so I get my true weight. It can make a 1-2 pound difference. Also, my weight fluctuates daily. I'll wake up one day at be 150.6 and then the next morning 152.4 and then the next 151.3 then back down to 149.8. These numbers are all in the same neighborhood, but I'm sure a lot of it has to do with what my body is retaining.

    It's frustrating seeing the numbers go up and down even if it's a few ounces, but whenever I hit a new low number I log that one in. I used to think I didn't see progress, but then I look at the month prior as see my results. I've had months where I've been down 7-10, but now that I'm closer to a normal BMI I am only losing about 2-3 pounds a month if I'm lucky.

    Try drinking more water and green tea helps too!!!

    PS: I also have a thyroid problem so I understand your frustration with not seeing results fast enough or on par with others. Take your time you will get there
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    If you have thyroid issues you would also greatly benefit from a Vitamin D3 supplement. Check with your doctor first of course but most people are D deficient and especially those with thyroid issues greatly benefit from extra D
  • becon1022
    becon1022 Posts: 39
    are you lifting weights, esp if you just started it could be muscle gain not actually fat. i think taking your measurements is a way better way of knowing if you are losing than weighing yourself. plus if you are weighing yourself everyday or so you'll see it climb or fall depending on what you ate, when you weighed, & what ever else might be going on, why measurements, pic, clothes are better ways of knowing. if you are not lifting weights & only measuring yourself every 2 weeks or so than maybe you should play around with your cals like someone mentioned maybe raise it to 1500.
  • bluesky248
    bluesky248 Posts: 18 Member
    Do you drink a lot of diet soda or beverages with artifical sweetner? I quit drinking diet coke (it was hard!) and no aspartaime..what a difference! Also you likely are not eating enough calories? recheck the calculator. good luck!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    One sounds like not enough fuel (food)
    Two: 5 lbs in less than a month is pretty darn good, crashing it off is not the best long term strategy, a lb a week is recommended, you can do 2 lbs a week if you have more than 40lbs to lose, but only for a bit. So up the calories and keep doing what you are doing, it will come up.
  • wilson1134
    wilson1134 Posts: 32 Member
    I have no thyroid. I was on Synthroid and gained gained gained no matter what I did. I switched to Armour. My t3 was not being converted. Have you checked your Free T3 lately?
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I know it sounds backwards, but I think you are putting your body into starvation mode which will cause you to "gain" weight. I would increase your calories, so that you are only losing 1 lb/week instead of 2. It sounds like your body needs more fuel. Remember, you need food to burn fuel!!!!
  • RaniMerryman
    RaniMerryman Posts: 19 Member
    I found thi helpful. It is from the Mayo Clinic gl...it will work itself out... but just so you know, I started eating more, mostly protein and started losing again.
  • talobx
    talobx Posts: 6
    I feel the exact same way. I've had to up my fiber to 25g per day and have managed to do that. I am supposed to be eating up to 1400 cal per day (5'5' 147lbs - goal weight: 130-135) I lost the 10 lbs initially which brought me to 147. Now as I'm eating more cal, exercising 5 days week (cardio 40 mins/burn roughly 300 cal) then strength training (arms/abs for 3 days - legs/abs - 2 days) - I am plateauing!!!

    I am full blown menopause which the hormones may be the issue. Does anyone have their own "menu" so to speak that you would be willing to share? My problem is I run out of food ideas and I need someone to actually just give me their weekly/daily food menu. then I could compare to see what I need more of, etc.

    Thanks so much everyone - so comforting to know you're not alone! any tips would be most appreciated! :wink:
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    My diary is open
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    If you have thyroid issues you would also greatly benefit from a Vitamin D3 supplement. Check with your doctor first of course but most people are D deficient and especially those with thyroid issues greatly benefit from extra D

    That's really interesting. My Dr. just started testing all her patients for Vit D deficiency and my husband and I are both on prescription supplements now. I was surprised my levels were lower than my husband's since I consume WAY more low fat dairy. Perhaps it's because of my Hashimoto's thyroiditis!
  • Thank you so much for all your replies. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, I eat all my exercise calories and I take my thyroxine last thing at night - apparently milk can stop it working so well, so avoid it with breakfast!

    On my first day of recording calories my net was approx. 300, so I have increased a massive amount, but I find it hard to eat any more a day - I already feel like a cow constantly grazing haha!

    But I will try for a bit longer - thank you
  • I only drink black coffee or water.
  • wilson1134
    wilson1134 Posts: 32 Member
    Not to be the medicine police, but I am on a couple of thyroid boards where thyroxine takers have this same problem consistently.