You Know What Drives Me Nuts?



  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I also never understood why people say
    "Good job" when people are wayyyy under daily calorie goals! Isn't the.point to eat that many and from what I understand doesn't your body fight weight loss when you don't have enough?


    I'm sorry but being way under your calorie goal is no better than being over. I actually prefer commenters who congratulate me on my exercise efforts!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So, how well do you know your friends on here?

    I have some that struggle with eating enough in a day. If I look at their diary (which I honestly don't spend much time doing for anyone) and I see that they are low but still working on it, I'll encourage them.

    I have some that because of current situation, fast foods and packaged foods really are a necessity. I will still encourage them for staying in their goals.

    You can turn off the notification on your feed that you completed your diary so that people don't comment on it. If you don't like how someone comments, that is really your problem, not theirs. What they eat is their problem, not yours. You don't have to have friends on here, you can keep to yourself and just use the diary if that is what you want. Instead of calling someone out for the whole community to see, take care of it quietly, with that person. No hissy fits needed on the boards. Quit trying to control the actions of people you don't know and will probably never even meet.
  • sbroadus
    sbroadus Posts: 41 Member
    ... when you summarily comment "Way to go" or "Great job today" on my little status update thingie without even a cursory glance at the contents of my diary. A comment of "Great Day!" on a diary entry that contains only one thing from the perimeter of the grocery store, and the rest is fast or convenience foods, psh, I'd rather get scolded for the obviously not-so-good choices I'm making. No-one is perfect, I get it. But is it too much to ask for you to be real? And instead of just commenting on a "perceived good" like being under my calorie goal, to really take a look at what got me there? /rant.

    To be truthful, I tend not to comment on anyone's diary at all. Especially on the folks who keep crying "why arent I losing weight?" - and when you look at the diary, its nothing but prepackaged/preprocessed JUNK food type items. They profess their undying dedication to exercise, healthy foods (NOT~!), plenty of water, when in fact if they were to pull up a mirror and look at theirself - they STILL wouldnt get the fact that the person responsible for their screwups and bad choices are the person they are looking at in the damn mirror.

    I tell people that want to be on my friends list 'Im not here for you, I will never be here for you, Im here only for myself under doctor's orders - plain and simple... so unless you ask me a direct question, I really dont want anything to do with you here on MFP. I have enough medical problems going on that truly caused my weight problems that Im three physician's guinea pig every four months - I dont care about you on MFP... I know its harsh, but I really dont care. If I expend my concentration and energy on someone else who clearly isnt doing this right, then I lose focus on what I need to do.

    If people want to mess up their weight loss efforts by eating the wrong kinds of foods or too much of the right kinds of foods, let them mess it up for theirself... but they know they cannot expect me to lie to their face and say how wonderful they are doing when in fact, they are just as much the problem as their eating behavior.

    If you aren't on MFP for anyone but yourself, why are you bothering taking the time to slame someone else's post??
    Doesn't make much sense to me.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I think to some people saying "WTG" is a knowing that someone is acknowledging them or paying attention to them. It's reassurance that someone cares enough to check out how you are doing that day.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You know, you could scold yourself for the poor choices you're making, instead of relying on other people to do it.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I very, VERY rarely comment on friends' diaries. There are so many opinions on what a perfect food diary should look like. Who am I to pass judgment on someone else's choices? I choose not to have my food diary automatically post to my news feed because I have zero interest in having people comment on my food choices. I know better than they do what my nutrition goals are, and having someone advise me who is coming from a completely different mindset isn't the least bit helpful.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I dunno I agree on the OP
    I prefer when people comment on my exercise diary rather than my food diary just becasue I'm more proud of that accomplishment
    Anyone can get under their calorie count, it's a lot harder to " burn 300 cals doing 30 mins of jogging"
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    I don't comment a lot as most of you are from The States or The UK and I do not know what the hell it is you are eating!!
    If i see something I recognise then I will comment, but most of my Way To Go's are for workouts or weight loss.
    Does that make me a bad friend to have on MFP? Maybe.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    You know, you could scold yourself for the poor choices you're making, instead of relying on other people to do it.

    This is true, but I also think being accountable to another person can be a strong motivator if you're not getting there by yourself. The basic request for constructive feedback is not in itself a weird thing, in my opinion.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    you couldn't have said it any better. Who actually has the time to check everyone's diary. The point is at least you're being accountable to yourself by tracking. Again I say, Good Job!!
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I agree with some posters that you should take this up with the people you are having issues with and not throw your "friends" under the bus here for us all to see.

    I know for me personally, I do not struggle with exercising but I do with my eating. My eating is totally my downfall when it comes to this journey. So...when I get comments from friends on here it is good for me -it encourages me. At the same time I want my friends to call me out if I am making bad food choices -junk, too many processed food, sweets, not enough water.

    When I look at a friend's diary if they have not done well that day 9in my opinion) then I normally do not comment...sometimes I will make suggestions and state that it is merely my opinion or what I have found works for me.

    The main reason I want friends on here is to help keep me accountable. Yes, I know it is ultimately up to me but I do appreciate the encouragement.

    **With that said, if you are my friend on have my permission to "criticize" my food choices if you feel they are bad. That is one of the reasons I want you as a friend!**
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    ... when you summarily comment "Way to go" or "Great job today" on my little status update thingie without even a cursory glance at the contents of my diary. A comment of "Great Day!" on a diary entry that contains only one thing from the perimeter of the grocery store, and the rest is fast or convenience foods, psh, I'd rather get scolded for the obviously not-so-good choices I'm making. No-one is perfect, I get it. But is it too much to ask for you to be real? And instead of just commenting on a "perceived good" like being under my calorie goal, to really take a look at what got me there? /rant.

    Want real? I tend to look at my friends diaries every day because I want to. Saying that, it is NOT an obligation...It is your job to keep on track, not theirs. If they are not dissecting every bit of your diary for you, you think they don't care? How self absorbed are you? It seems to me you are shifting the blame for your own eating habits to them. Especially when you don't get praise. This is a support site, the people here are not going to do it for you. The only person you are letting down when you eat fast food, is simply yourself. If they have taken the time to see "the one good thing" you ate that day and praise you for it, they are supporting the positive and not judging you for the negatives. They are doing exactly what good friends do. Since your so sensitive they probably think that if they "scold you" you might fall off the wagon or quit. They are not enabling you, you are doing a fine job of that by yourself.

    When I say "WTG, Nicely done, Well done, etc etc", its not because I am cruising through diaries without consideration, its because I have simply run out of things to say. I am proud of all my friends and will support them through the ups and downs. If they dont have time to comment on my stuff, it doesn't prevent me from commenting on their status. Thats high school BS.

    I hope you do well on your weight loss journey.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I don't usually reply to completed food diary status', just because I have a ton of friends and I can't possibly read all of their diary entries before replying (which is the only time I will reply - after I've read the entry).
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    I feel the same way. I prefer my diary to be personal, because this weight loss journey for me is personal. On the other hand, I use this site, and the people as additional tools of encouragement, not dietitians.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    Great Response!! Took the words right out of my mouth!!
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    ... when you summarily comment "Way to go" or "Great job today" on my little status update thingie without even a cursory glance at the contents of my diary. A comment of "Great Day!" on a diary entry that contains only one thing from the perimeter of the grocery store, and the rest is fast or convenience foods, psh, I'd rather get scolded for the obviously not-so-good choices I'm making. No-one is perfect, I get it. But is it too much to ask for you to be real? And instead of just commenting on a "perceived good" like being under my calorie goal, to really take a look at what got me there? /rant.

    If you've hit your macros relatively well and are at your calorie goal, I don't care what you've eaten because you will still lose and it's one day. Now if you are well over your calorie goal and getting it all in only fat, or only carbs, or only protein for that matter, then I'd yell at you.

    Also, a pirate captain walks into a bar with his ship's steering wheel sticking out of the top of his pants. The bartender looks at him strangely and asks, "Isn't that a bit uncomfortable?" The pirate responds, "Yar, tis driving me nuts!"
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Because when someone is negative about someones diary they complain about that too.. People are just affraid to offend.Seems like you can't please anyone.
  • kristal_1973
    kristal_1973 Posts: 33 Member
    I do not usually comment on people's diaries because I just don't have time to look through them all. I think it is unreasonable to expect everyone to look at everyone's diary before commenting. Nothing wrong with being encouraging on ANY post tho, IMO.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    It's why I exist in the MFP world w/o friends. I don't need the validation of strangers to accomplish my goals, and I would prefer no feedback over blind feedback.

    Having said that, I can appreciate the effort to log on, and make the comment, as opposed to all the "friends" that either stalk your profile or just don't connect.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    The people that leave" wtg or good job"are trying to motivate and keep you positive, you REALLY want someone too say something like 'gross how did you eat that" come on this is a site of support. I suggest you close your diary, or accept all comments with no rant!