Just Starting Out, Need Motivation

Hey, I've been here about a week now & I figured it's about time I introduce myself (especially since I only have 2 friends so far :P)

About me:
I'm 31, a freelance artist, from Ontario Canada, & I hate describing myself *LOL*
I'm a free spirit & I want my life to be an adventure. so far though, I'm too lazy to make it happen. It doesn't help that I'm a workaholic & regularly put in 16 hour work days (without weekends).
In my spare time (HAH!) I play video games, especially old school 8 & 16 bit ones, or PS1 RPGs. I also love to cook, & I'm experimenting with starting a garden this year.
I have a weird sense of humour, & don't act my age
I have no kids, nor do I ever want any. I don't mind being friends with people who have children, provided it's not all they talk about

I feel like I'm on a dating site :P

About my diet:
I don't buy convenience foods or junk food. It's easier to not eat it if it's not in the house. I've stopped eating white bread, & I'm trying to stop eating white pasta & rice. A year & a half ago, my doctor told me that I need to cut out the refined carbs if I want to avoid getting diabetes. I went carb-free for a while, went a bit psycho (heh, a bit), then started working on eating whole grains instead.
I make everything from scratch & I like the idea of 'if I can make it, I can eat it'. I'm still figuring out what works for me, while trying to avoid all the crap that the government lets food manufacturers get away with.

I'd love to make some new friends to help me stay motivated (I tend to start new projects, then push them to the side & ignore them, but I really want to lose some weight). I'd prefer friends who share some of my interests, but it's not a necessity.


  • ThePunkHippie
  • ThePunkHippie
    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  • ceh2433
    ceh2433 Posts: 35
    I'll be your friend! I can give encouragement when needed! I too work a lot plus going to school and trying to keep my apartment neat. I am 28 and do not act my age either.

    It's taken me a while to get to a point in my life where I was ready to lose the weight. I started going to the gym March 1 so it's almost been a month. It was hard at first but I have 2 friends that go with me religiously. I have felt myself gain strength and I am hoping that I have lost some weight. (my trainer ban me from the scale, i weigh in with her on april 14.)

    I love to paint when I get a second to myself, so it has been a while. I did buy a bistro table and chairs from an antique shop and fix it up recently!
  • ThePunkHippie
    I know what you mean - it took me 31 years before I decided enough is enough (although I've been eating healthy for about a year & a half now, I wasn't actually trying to eat to lose, just to avoid unhealthy food additives)