Hypothyroid sucks



  • RonnieBigGunz
    My wife has hypo and takes levothyroxine. Her tsh was off the chart (>100). She has went from 166lbs to 119lbs in the last year and a half, but not without a lot of hard work and dedication.
  • Sully16
    Sully16 Posts: 18 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 8 so I have been dealing with weight issues since I was little. I have been able to lose weight (mainly as an adult) with hard work, determination and making sure I eat as much fresh foods and drink as much water as possible. I've done research as well that soy based products inhibit the thyroid so I try to stay away from soy. As everyone else has mentioned, staying on top of your medication really helps! Since I was diagnosed when I was young I didn't really realize what the medication did for me. I experiemented when I was in college by going off the medication for about 2 months. BAD IDEA! I gained so much weight, was tired all the time and always cold!

    It does suck having an underactive thyroid but I could be worse off so if this is one minor battle that I have to fight, I think I am doing pretty good!

    Keep your head up and work hard and you will see the weight come off :)
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    My wife has hypo and takes levothyroxine. Her tsh was off the chart (>100). She has went from 166lbs to 119lbs in the last year and a half, but not without a lot of hard work and dedication.


    I started with Weight Watchers. I learned portion control (I measure my food) and making better choices.

    Hard work and dedication sums it all up.
  • TurtleCrush
    Its possible :) just focus on taking your thyroid meds at the same time each day to maintain your hormone levels. Then start making smart choices, food wise. I'm in the same boat but I have had it since I was 5. Just keep fighting. Lets beat this together.
    Big hugs, Rebekah
    P.S. feel free to add Me if you like :)
  • BlueEyez117
    I'm right along with the rest of the ladies. I had my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer back in '06. I recently started working out regularly and watching what I eat. This site has helped a lot in tracking everything. I have lost 43 lbs since August and like someone else has said, you just have to realize that it may take you twice as long and more work to get to where you want to go, but you will get there! Just stay focused on your goal!
  • kpharte
    kpharte Posts: 8
    I actually just purchased Alli, but am now reading about the affects of taking Alli with synthroid. I read that they should be taken at least 4 hours from each other as to not interfere with synthroid absorption.

    I've battle thyroid disease all my life (first Grave's from ages 7-12, then Hashimoto's from ages 12-21, then normal from ages 21-28, then Grave's from age 28-29, and back to Hashimoto's at 29 due to taking RAI).

    Since taking Radioactive Iodine in December, I've gained more than 20 pounds. This is mostly my fault. I went from being able to eat whatever I wanted with no repercussions (I couldn't workout because my heart rate was too fast), to my body basically latching on to every calorie I eat while continuing the eating habits I had when I had hyperactive thyroid.

    I've first lowered my calorie intake and went on a Lean Cuisine diet for two weeks, worked out moderately (as my doctor advised I should ease back into working out), and I ended up gaining four pounds. I then moved to slim fast and substituting just lunch with a shake, and kept the same calorie count of 1200 per day and increased my workout a bit more. Since my last follow-up appointment, I was able to maintain my weight, but not lose anything. My doctor has since increased my dosage from 50mcg to 75mcg because my TSH was still low and I'll be going back for another followup the end of April.

    So, prior to my flair-up a couple of years ago with Grave's, I was very active in the gym, I ate pretty healthy and was a healthy 140 pounds (I'm 5'7"). Prior to my RAI I was 130 pounds (which is too small for me, and I lost all muscle). I'm currently 153 and trying to get back to 140.

    I ordered Alli on Amazon and should get it this Wednesday; but, before I start, I will speak with my Endo to see if it's okay to take and what she thinks. I will however, increase my workout activity this week to kickboxing and spinning. It seems like any and everything interferes with the absorption of synthroid when it comes to weight loss and it's increasingly frustrating.

    I wish you all the best of luck, and now that I've found this forum, I will make sure to communicate with you all on my weight loss journey. I know some of you are struggling trying to lose more than the measly 13 pounds I'm trying to lose; but, we all have the same struggle and the same story and I'm glad to have found this to support you all and hopefully receive support and advice from you all as well.

    Take care!
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    My thyroid quit on me too. Yes if I dont take my meds all hell breaks loose and I gain weight. If I take my synthroid daily, im normal. No issue. No excuse.