anyone getting in shape to join the military like me



  • deannalynnn1
    hey im deanna! I leave for boot camp in december! Active Duty Navy =)
  • deannalynnn1
    alot of my friends are there right now, lots of running, practice those pushups, and situps. =)
  • deannalynnn1
    congrats!! i leave for great lakes in december =)
  • amurph25
    amurph25 Posts: 41 Member
    Me!! :) I'm trying to join the Air Force!! I've had quite a few set backs (needed a medical waiver, weight issues, and more recently a silly credit report issue -__-) but I've come this far and I'm determined to do it!! I'm pretty new to the whole board thing on MFP but it'd be great to have some support from people who are also trying to join the military!
  • Danpellizzari
    I got out of the military in 1998 and am getting myself ready to make a run at going back in myself. So feel free to add me.
  • Mase3000
    Mase3000 Posts: 4
    I am currently in the Navy and deployed to Afghanistan. Let me know if you guys have any questions bout the Navy life. Ive been in 6 yrs now. Im an i know a lil something something lol!
  • martin_chicago
    martin_chicago Posts: 263 Member
    hey guys thanks everyone for the support and replying back
    since i posted this i had lost 48 pounds i think i am up now to 64
    i am doing pt with the recruiter and future soldiers
    and all we do is run run run push up and sit ups
    this week in 4 days we ran 10 miles
    and did a ton of push ups and sit ups but i love it
    i am getting stronger in push ups before i can barely do 5 now i can push to 50 its a great feeling
    feel free to add me
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    It'll definitely help to get on shape, and used to the workout routine before you get to basic. I joined the military on a whim and only spent 2 weeks in DEP, enough to do the initial PT test, and then meet with my recruiter once more before shipping out to boot camp. It's only been within the past few months that I've started to enjoy running. Anyway, keep up the good work, and continue it throughout basic and especially afterwards. That time afterward, when you have the freedom to do stuff on your own (like choose fastfood over veggies and drink instead of hit the gym) is a killer for some.
  • amurph25
    amurph25 Posts: 41 Member
    Unfortunately for me, my recruiter is back home in Massachusetts while I'm away at school in Georgia for the next few weeks until graduation! My recruiter suggested I could call the local recruiter to try and get in on his work outs, but he refuses to help me. So poo to him!! lol :) Is anyone else in school and finding it difficult to balance getting schoolwork done and finding time to get in good workouts to prepare you for the military? As a senior in college, it's already tough enough to find the needed time to get all my projects done, get to class, study, etc and half the time I'm up until 4am doing this! Add in learning to eat right and working out, it's just about taken any time I have. I guess I'm doing something right though because I've lost 30 or so pounds since this summer!!
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I would suggest adding Shoulder exercises to balance out your pushups. The army calls them Shoulder Stability Drills, youtube has videos on it. Basically you lay on you stomach with your arms extend at different angles and squeeze you shoulder blades together. Easy enough, but you will feel it.

    One good thing to Supplement into your running is sprints. Your recruiter might be doing that all ready, but they will help improve your run times.

    Sit ups are good but dont forget to do other core strengthening exercises. that work your obliques and lower back as well

    There good thing to look at here
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Just wanted to say a big "thank you" to all service men and women - past present and future.
  • bennypearls
    bennypearls Posts: 10 Member
    I am in and working to stay in. the navy helped me go to school and while I was there, I blew up like a baloon. I am working on losing it to stay in and make that transition to a healthy life long committment. Please feel free to add me. GO NAVY!
  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    Considering the Navy Nurse Corps myself. Still making my decision about it though... Grew up with Marine for a dad, so It's kinda in my blood.
  • sarahmoyta
    sarahmoyta Posts: 23 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm currently considering joining the Marine Corps when I reach my goal weight (150). My husband is currently an active duty marine with 7 years service and will be EASing in about a year, so my goal is to join when he goes on terminal leave.

    I had originally thought about going Navy (to be a corpsman ideally), but I'd never hear then end of it from my husband unless I got FMF... you know how it is!

    I have another 60 lbs to go (some of it is post pregnancy weight, some is just I've been out of shape a long time) and I'm doing P90X as well as running (well, jogging right now, but I'm also pushing two kids, 40lbs total in a 30 lbs stroller) and major diet improvements.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • sarahmoyta
    sarahmoyta Posts: 23 Member
    Unfortunately for me, my recruiter is back home in Massachusetts while I'm away at school in Georgia for the next few weeks until graduation! My recruiter suggested I could call the local recruiter to try and get in on his work outs, but he refuses to help me. So poo to him!! lol :)

    Unfortunately, recruiters work on numbers - if they didn't or can't recruit you, they aren't going to spend time on you, even if it is just adding you in to something they're already doing. It sucks, but these guys are busting their butts to meet quotas that can make or break their career, and hardly have time to see their families. Don't take it personally if they won't work with you; I went through the same thing when I first looked into enlisting.

    Do you have a ROTC group you could hook up with at your school? They might be able to give you an idea of some things you can do.

    Good luck!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Army here! Had to lose 35 lbs before basic. Did 4 yrs on Active Duty and finish my last 4 yrs NEXT MONTH - woot woot!!!

    The best advice I can give you is to be able to pass your PT test before you leave for basic. It will make a world of difference.

    Learn to love it!
  • martin_chicago
    martin_chicago Posts: 263 Member
    been training and i will pass the pt test:)
    Army here! Had to lose 35 lbs before basic. Did 4 yrs on Active Duty and finish my last 4 yrs NEXT MONTH - woot woot!!!

    The best advice I can give you is to be able to pass your PT test before you leave for basic. It will make a world of difference.

    Learn to love it!
  • MicahsMom11
    MicahsMom11 Posts: 8 Member
    Im gonna go Army reserves, My husband is currently active Army. Im trying to join next year when my husband gets back from WLC. Im also gonna start doing PT with him in the morning. Feel free to add me! :)
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    when's your ship date? i leave for boot sept. 10th.
  • martin_chicago
    martin_chicago Posts: 263 Member
    i dont have a ship date yet right now i have to lose 10 more pounds
    when's your ship date? i leave for boot sept. 10th.