couch to 5k

I am planning to challenge myself and do the Couch to 5k challenge. How hard was it to start? What was the most difficult part? What should I expect at the beginning?:bigsmile:

Im also trying to challenge my hubby and sister in law to see who see's it through the longest. Maybe a price may be involved if they take the


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Awesome. You can join the ranks of many on here that have started with this program. First challenge is starting. Second is not going to fast. Some find it too easy and push themselves. Others find it too challenging at first.

    The key is to find a time in the day that works for you, do it outside not on a treadmill, make sure to have the right shoes, and start.

    Never feel like you have let yourself down if you repeat a week. The idea is to be comfortable with it before moving on to the next week. I found week 5 the hardest, when you jump to running 20minutes straight. I had to modify it slightly to get there. However, I did and I am up to running 6miles.

    Good luck. Enjoy. I would suggest all signing up for a race a particular time with a who buys dinner challenge. :)
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I am just now in week three. I am very impressed with the program. I have never been able to stick to a running commitment before, just thought I was never going to be able to run. With this program though I've found it achievable. You might search for Couch 2 5k on the post topics as there are a number of other threads with similar experiences. It is of course not without a little pain and effort but it is manageable, follow it exactly (especially the warm up and cool down walks) and I am sure you will be successful. Best of luck!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Awesome. You can join the ranks of many on here that have started with this program. First challenge is starting. Second is not going to fast. Some find it too easy and push themselves. Others find it too challenging at first.

    The key is to find a time in the day that works for you, do it outside not on a treadmill, make sure to have the right shoes, and start.

    Never feel like you have let yourself down if you repeat a week. The idea is to be comfortable with it before moving on to the next week. I found week 5 the hardest, when you jump to running 20minutes straight. I had to modify it slightly to get there. However, I did and I am up to running 6miles.

    Good luck. Enjoy. I would suggest all signing up for a race a particular time with a who buys dinner challenge. :)

    Thanks!! I will keep all the great points you made in mind when starting.

    Your challenge sounds good. I will write it down and get a few more suggestions. See which one they go for....:laugh:
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    I run 5k's....and trust me, I cant say this enough treadmills SUCK! I'd rather train outside any day!! If you can run outside thats the best part.

    My next advice is MP3 Player!! I run sooo much better and longer to music. It's funny that if a song comes on that I really like, and has a fast beat, I catch myself running all the time to the beat. So music is a MUST for me.

    Lastly, my final advice is keep hydrated. I drink at least a full glass of water right before I take off for my run, and drink at least 16oz of water when I return from my run. I encourage if you get sore, tired, and need a breather, it's ok to walk, a walk here and there in you run is ok!

    Good Luck! You'll do great as long as you keep your positive motivation and determination!
  • shannahrenee
    i just decided on Saturday to start running/walking because i haven't been losing much weight lately. I think i'm going to do the couch to 5k plan as well. I've heard a lot of success stories on here. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    i just decided on Saturday to start running/walking because i haven't been losing much weight lately. I think i'm going to do the couch to 5k plan as well. I've heard a lot of success stories on here. Good luck! :flowerforyou:


    I just figured since im being to lazy to work out, then if I do a challenge with someone else then I think I could stick to it better. Im just hoping that this will help get me into the exercise groove and help me get more active. I really don't enjoy working out. I have to find ways to make it exciting.:wink:
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    i just decided on Saturday to start running/walking because i haven't been losing much weight lately. I think i'm going to do the couch to 5k plan as well. I've heard a lot of success stories on here. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • shannahrenee
    i just decided on Saturday to start running/walking because i haven't been losing much weight lately. I think i'm going to do the couch to 5k plan as well. I've heard a lot of success stories on here. Good luck! :flowerforyou:


    I just figured since im being to lazy to work out, then if I do a challenge with someone else then I think I could stick to it better. Im just hoping that this will help get me into the exercise groove and help me get more active. I really don't enjoy working out. I have to find ways to make it exciting.:wink:

    yeah i hear ya! I really don't like working out either. I managed to lose the weight i've lost by just watching what I eat but that's not working so well anymore so i figured I'd challenge myself and have a goal other than weight loss. I remember a couple years ago i managed to run for 45 minutes straight, granted it was super slow but I did it and i was so proud of myself so i figure if i can run 3 miles I'll be ecstatic!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    i just decided on Saturday to start running/walking because i haven't been losing much weight lately. I think i'm going to do the couch to 5k plan as well. I've heard a lot of success stories on here. Good luck! :flowerforyou:


    I just figured since im being to lazy to work out, then if I do a challenge with someone else then I think I could stick to it better. Im just hoping that this will help get me into the exercise groove and help me get more active. I really don't enjoy working out. I have to find ways to make it exciting.:wink:

    yeah i hear ya! I really don't like working out either. I managed to lose the weight i've lost by just watching what I eat but that's not working so well anymore so i figured I'd challenge myself and have a goal other than weight loss. I remember a couple years ago i managed to run for 45 minutes straight, granted it was super slow but I did it and i was so proud of myself so i figure if i can run 3 miles I'll be ecstatic!

    We can do it. I think its just a matter of getting moving. That’s the hard part for me. I just hope that I don’t get bored too quick. That’s why I don’t like work out videos because after the 2nd day I am absolutely bored….lol… I really want this to work for me. I had a dream about 1 yr ago that felt so real. I was dreaming that I was running in a race with someone else. I was thin in the dream and as I ran I felt FREE. It was like nothing could hold me back. I still get that feeling when I think back at that dream. I want that feeling for real not just in a dream.:happy:
  • ASUdevilFAN
    I just signed up...where is the original post on this couch to 5k? Sounds interesting, I am looking for the actual training schedule/workout plan...

    Thanks for your help :-)
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I just signed up...where is the original post on this couch to 5k? Sounds interesting, I am looking for the actual training schedule/workout plan...

    Thanks for your help :-)

    This is the plan I found when I googled it.:
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I'm on "week 6" of Couch to 5k, although it took me a long time to get here. The first part wasn't hard, but moving from two 10 min runs to one 25 min run was hard for me. It's different for everyone. Music that drives you is very important. Also, if I don't take my protein shake 45+min before I run, I probably won't have the energy to do the whole thing (but that's me). Having enough energy to complete the run is important. Also I like the treadmill (I love the treadmill) for several reasons. I like to sleep in, so I can't wake up early enough to run when it's cool (my area often is over 100 degrees everyday). I like running when I'm ready to run (not when the weather is ready for me to run). I like the treadmill because it's a softer run (built into the treadmill) compared to the concrete that is available where I live. I need water when I run, and I cannot hold water while I run (at least not at this beginning point). I love listening to my music loud, and having it bring me to another place where I can "be somewhere else" while I'm running. I don't feel comfortable doing that in an unsecure area by myself (I'm used to thinking in public places: be aware, hear everything, look around, don't look like you're not paying attention). I don't feel like I need to do that at the gym I go to. Personally, I don't like running with people. I like to go at my own pace, and "go away into the recess of my mind" when I run.

    Running in the beautiful outdoors is wonderful (if you have a beautiful, soft outdoor running space where you feel/are secure).
  • ASUdevilFAN
    thanks sincereme! and good luck to you, sounds like you are on the right track!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I started the program with my daughter and we kept getting sidetracked with one thing or another. She's went on on her own and is doing quite well. I decided to download the podcast for week one and have started from the beginning again on my own. I just finished week one on Saturday. I think I'll do week one again though because it was pretty hard for me. I'm not going to push myself really hard. I'll repeat each week until I feel comfortable enough to go to the next week. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    It is a great program!

    My humble words of advice
    1) Commit to it and hold yourself accountable. Tell family and friends what you are doing and ask them to help encourage you to see this through. Maybe even sign up for an event. I signed up for a 1/2 marathon last year to motivate me. It is coming up this Oct!
    2) Do not be afraid to repeat weeks but also do not be afraid to challenge yourself by trying the next week even if it seems impossible. You will be surprised at how quickly you will improve and there is nothing wrong with trying a week and then having to repeat the last week.
    3) Get comfortable shoes and socks! I found my feet would sweat making it hard to run when I wore regular socks. I find runners socks to really help.
    4) Run outside when possible. It is so much more enjoyable than a treadmill. Take advantage of great weather and get to know your neighbourhood! I also prefer running outside because I find it hard to balance on the treadmill which is moving beneath you.
    5) Reward youself for your progress! My hubby has offerred to buy me new shoes once I can do 18km in 2.5 hrs. But even small rewards like a hot bath with some new bubble bath can be great!

    Good luck. You CAN do this. It probably will be hard at first. But it WILL get easier and you may even learn to love it.

    Keep us updated on your progress:flowerforyou: