Advocare Line!!!

Hello Everyone!!! Just wanted to hear everyones thoughts and results on Advocare! I am currently on the product and love it so I want to know if everyone else loves it as well!


  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    I love it the first time i did the 24 day challenge i lost 20 on my 16 day now again and have lost 6 pounds. The good/bad thing is it has taken away my appetite so its hard for me to get my calories and nutrition i need.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I'm on day 11 and I'm down 8.4 lbs. The cleanse was incredibly difficult for me. I just wanted to eat, but I'm also going through some personal things too. Its a lot less carbs than I'm used to, but I made it through. I've only had 2 meals so far, but I'm looking forward to further results. My only fear is that I go off it and it I gain the weight back:(
  • Good for you guys!! A bunch of us girls are doing it in a competition which you guys are welcome to for gaining the weight back they have a maintaining program as well!