Calories burned from daily activity

So I'm confused as to what MFP means by "Calories Burned From Normal Daily Activity." Is that supposed to be my BMR+what they estimate I burn based on my activity level? Because my BMR is about 1700 calories, but when I set my goals, it says my calories burned from normal daily activity is 2100...and I have a sedentary activity level. I don't think I'm burning an extra 400 calories sitting at my computer all day.


  • sarahgilmore1
    Assuming you're awake for 16 hours, that's 25 calories an hour to be awake, alert, upright, go to the bathroom, prepare food, dress and wash...

    Almost doesn't sound like enough when you put it that way!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Sounds about right. As long as you're not in a coma or bedridden, you will burn substantially more than your BMR in a day.
  • kooky_kiz
    kooky_kiz Posts: 22 Member
    BMR is what your body needs to keep you alive if you didn't move all day you would still burn that.
  • RyanPerry2012
    RyanPerry2012 Posts: 47 Member
    It's referring to your TEE (Total Energy Expenditure) which, for a "sedentary" ie. desk-job type is your RMR times about 1.2. So 2100 is pretty close.
  • Lasirenn
    Lasirenn Posts: 50 Member
    Oh ok. Thanks, guys!