Once I start...

I can't stop!
It's never just one cookie, it's half a box of cookies!
It's not one piece of delicious cake (my sister wants to be a pastry chef and she's GOOD at it :love: ), its 4!
I tell myself over and over not to eat it, but invariably I do, and when I do, it's always more than even a "normal" (aka not counting calories) person would have!
I wish I could just not keep these things in the house, but I am not the controlling factor on groceries or baking experiments in my house, and I won't be able to (sort of) control my own menu until i go back to college in a month....what works for you to stop from taking too much? I've heard people say to not take any because it's too hard to control, and then I've heard people say that if you allot for a little bit, you'll be less likely to binge on it. What do you guys think?


    I play mind games when I'm tempted to eat something unhealthy like I'll picture that piece of cake full of something gross (maggots, bugs, anything disgusting). Or, I'll calculate how many calories are in the piece of cake and then determine how many minutes it would take me to burn those calories on the treadmill or eliptical and then determine if it's worth it or not. That usually does the trick. Hope that helps you. Good luck!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    This will make you feel better... sometimes when I make chocolate chip cookies I convince myself that I need to test one every batch to make sure they are good or cooking right? haha Pretty ridiculous... but don't deprive yourself completely. You will be more likely to go over if you do that but it does take some will power not to go over board. Once you really are strict on yourself you will get used to it and eating that much sugar will make you feel sick. Just watch your portions and you will be fine and if you are going to have something really high in cal exercise more and make sure you just stick to your alloted calories.. :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I'm a salt addict instead of a sugar addict, but I know how you feel. I can't just have a little bit of chips, pretzels, or popcorn, I have to eat ½ the bag. If you know that you can handle having a slice of cake, have it. Make sure to account for it. But if you truly can't control the urge to eat the rest of the cake once you have that first bite, then don't have the first bite. You have to know yourself. I know that I just can't have the first bite.

    You also can't rely on not being around it, either. You have to just learn your limits and learn to say no to yourself. My husband lives off junk food. I can't change that for him, he has to do it himself. But since its what he eats, it is in the house. Bags and bags of chips. I just have to tell myself they are not mine and I can't eat them.
  • drfelle
    drfelle Posts: 6
    If you're anything like me, you have to deprive yourself a bit more than others. I have an addictive personality so once I eat one cookie, I feel that I might as well eat all of 'em.

    On the flip side, when I decide to eat well, my addictive personality kicks in and I become very aware of every thing that goes in my pie hole.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm not good at having just a little. I'm better off staying totally away from the sweets or salty snacky items.
    One thing that helped me when I first came here is immediately logging everything I put in my mouth. I became obsessive & counted it, weighed it, etc.
    I even checked multiple sources for calorie & carb counts.
    Pretty soon I was good at estimating & allowing enough calories for a little bit.
    And lots of times, I didn't want to go to the trouble of logging it, so I skipped it.
    You'll find what works for you pretty soon. Just stay focused & don't let others derail you.
  • tech_sarah
    I def feel your pain...I'm addicted to icing!!!!!!!! I've accepted the fact, and I log it in, workout, etc. I've been doing a little better with it lately, but it took a long time to get a handle on it. I would eat it til i was sick! I would srape it off everything: cookies, cake, donuts.... And I would have to eat it right then and there.

    So now I just have decided to try and not be around it if I can help it, even if I have to throw the item away. If I'm going to a birthday party or something where cake is involved, I just plan ahead b.c icing is my favorite food, and I know I'm not gonna turn it away :ohwell:
    Good Luck to you!
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    thanks you guys! its so helpful to have people who are doing the same thing to ask about this stuff. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: