Banana allergy?

I know this is going to sound strange- but I'm almost positive I have an intolerance to bananas. I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this or has it?


  • BLy82
    BLy82 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes, absolutely. Banana allergies do happen.

    In fact, you may want to be somewhat cautious of latex as well and bring this up with your doctor. Supposedly allergies to latex and banana are closely related, and there's a risk that if you have one you also have (or will develop) the other.

    Latex allergies are a big deal because they can be dangerous, and because of things like latex gloves that are sometimes used in the medical profession. You don't want someone handling you with latex gloves if you're allergic to it.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    I have heard of it. My son couldn't eat bananas until he was about 2 years old - not an allergy as such, but he would get terribly constipated and be up screaming all night. My daughter also had issues with bananas; they would flare up her reflux as a baby. Both of them are fine with bananas now.

    Be aware that banana allergy can also be linked to avocado and latex allergies.
  • mizzoulaxgirl26
    mizzoulaxgirl26 Posts: 21 Member
    Kiwi is in that grouping too.
  • Yes...I am allergic to bananas
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Banana's, latex, kiwi, passion fruit, avocado, chestnut, melon, tomato and celery all have similar cross reactive proteins so if you do in fact have an allergy proceed with caution.

    I have an allergy to the protein in bananas if they are too close to the green stage, but if they are really ripe I do not react, I also have severe reactions to latex, kiwi and chestnuts but no reaction to avocado, melon tomato and celery, go figure.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I can't eat them raw. When I do I get awful stomach cramps for about an hour. Writhing in pain. Ugh.

    So... I eat banana bread to ease my woes..
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    My daughter used to eat bananas, but now, they give her a horrible stomach ache. I thought it was weird, since she ate them since she was a baby(she's 13 now). She won't go near the raw ones. Banana bread and banana chips don't affect her, though. Wonder if something is destroyed in the cooking/drying process? I'll look into the latex, and kiwi allergy. Good to know ahead of time! Thanks!
  • Actually I never heard of anyone who had an allergy to bananas until my aunt discovered she was. So I guess it sounds strange, but it happens. My sis has the oddest allergy too... She is allergic to horses! She puffs up like a red tomato! At least we know she's allergic now!:D
  • MostlyHealthyMomma
    MostlyHealthyMomma Posts: 44 Member
    Hmm well I'll definitely check in with my doctor and ask about possibly having other allergies like latex. Thanks everybody!
  • nzgirl21
    nzgirl21 Posts: 4 Member
    Just a side note on this blog. I love that you guys call Kiwifriut, Kiwis heehehehe. Just be very careful of calling this fruit "Kiwi" if you are ever in my part of the world. People might think you want to eat our endangered national bird lol
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    It's absolutely possible. I would ask, though, how do you handle other sugary foods? Having a digestive system that protests to sugary things in general is also not that uncommon....
  • MostlyHealthyMomma
    MostlyHealthyMomma Posts: 44 Member
    Haha- I definitely don't want to eat an endangered bird.

    Well I've actually been cutting back on sugar for the past 6 weeks, but I've been eating a little bit lately without having adverse side effects. Today, however, I had pineapple and it reacted the same way as eating a banana :( I'm making a doctor's appt soon so hopefully they can confirm whatever I have and possibly test to see what else I can't eat without getting severely sick.

    So far latex, tomatoes, celery, apples and strawberries are safe (from the trial and error method). Bananas and pineapple are not.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Banana's and Pineapple's are from the same family, I was told that I should avoid pineapple since I have an allergy to Banana's. So not surprising you are reacting to both of them.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I think I do - as whenever I have eaten them in the past I get really really bad stomach pains and quite often throw up. I am Ceoliac and so my tummy is quite sensitive and I figured that since bananas are hard to break down it may just be my tummy isn't cut out to digest them.

    Luckily they were never exactly my favourite fruit!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    bananas are one of the most over rated foods out there. If you can't eat them because of an allergy or think they taste bad, dont think twice about it.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    My mom's allergic to bananas - she gets hives, her throat swells up, all the usual allergy stuff.

    Honestly... you could have an allergy to any and everything nowadays, lol.... nothing surprises me anymore.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Poor thing, I love bananas they are one of my favorite healthy snacks. Definately get it checked. I think any allergy, especially food allergies, really suck.
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    I can't eat them raw. When I do I get awful stomach cramps for about an hour. Writhing in pain. Ugh.

    So... I eat banana bread to ease my woes..

    This is me, exactly - I never had a problem with them until about 6 months after I had my son. So annoying, I love bananas! But I'm very happy I can still eat banana bread!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Poor thing, I love bananas they are one of my favorite healthy snacks. Definately get it checked. I think any allergy, especially food allergies, really suck.

    why "poor thing"? it aint no big deal to be allergic to something. feeling sorry for ourselves because of a stupid allergy only makes it worse.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I just wanted to throw this out there... it is possible that it's a reaction to the high amounts of potassium in a banana. That causes the same stomach cramping type symptoms.

    I would definitely check with your doctor to rule things out. Allergies are no fun :(