I'm in starvation mode and my fat gain is only getting worse

I've been in starvation mode for awhile now. In late 2010 (around there. Maybe even late 2009) that's when me and my boyfriend first started really hanging out at his place a lot. I'd be there for weeks sometimes. We'd snack a lot (or what I wasn't use to) but they weren't healthy.....I also wasn't moving like I use to when I was in high school and before I really started hanging out with my boyfriend at the time. I'm not saying it's his fault at all! I'm just explaining how and when it all first started. Well, after awhile, sometime in 2010, i noticed I was really bloated for awhile and couldn't go to the bathroom. I had to use Laxatives to go.

As soon as they worked and I finally went, I noticed my stomach wasn't going down. I didn't think too much of it at first. I thought maybe my stomach needed some time to go back down because it was expanded for a week or more. Well, I was wrong. I remember feeling my stomach and noticing how soft and how weak my core felt. All I could feel was fat and my muscles have gone! So, I freaked out and started cutting stuff out of my diet, started working out eventually, and wouldn't eat as much because I was afraid it would get worse if I ate a certain amount during the day.

It was like that for awhile and now, from the past few weeks, I've gained even more fat. I think I've gained more fat in the past few weeks because everyone kept telling me I needed to eat more. I was afraid to eat more because I knew my metabolism had gone down. People kept bugging me about not eating enough so I gave in and started eating more in the past few weeks. that was a mistake since my metabolism has gone right down.

People have also told me to take a break from my workout routine so I did that also.....I'm trying to eat more and more slowly and I want to get back into my routine and keep up with my cardio to help burn fat and burn energy so it doesn't get stored so easily like it has been. I also need to build my muscles back up so my metabolism is always working and then I can afford to try and burn fat from my body more.

What do I do? I don't know how to get back to where I use to be. My stomach is bigger, my thighs are bigger and so are my saddlebags. When I walk, my pooch goes over my jeans now. That's never happened before...not even in the past few weeks before my extra fat gain. It's SO noticeable...I feel so lost. I use to weigh 120 Lbs when I had more muscle and less fat on my body. Now, with less muscle but more fat, I weigh 105 Lbs and I look fatter. I'm so jiggly, soft, weak.....and my hair is thinning even more. My skin on my hands are always dry now, also.

How do I build my muscles back up, get out of this starvation mode, boost my metabolism where it use to be, and burn this fat off? Oh, and I'm 21, female and 5'5"


  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Honestly, sweetheart, you might consider seeing a nutritionist. Most of us are not licensed doctors on this website, and a lot of the advice you may receive might not be correct for your specific situation.

    I'm really glad you're see you WANT to get healthier, though. As someone who dealt with an eating disorder, I empathize with you and your situation.

  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Honestly, sweetheart, you might consider seeing a nutritionist. Most of us are not licensed doctors on this website, and a lot of the advice you may receive might not be correct for your specific situation.

    I'm really glad you're see you WANT to get healthier, though. As someone who dealt with an eating disorder, I empathize with you and your situation.


    I would like to go see a nutritionist....but they cost so much. Maybe I can get my doctor in helping me find a good priced one for our budget. I'm just to lost doing this by myself. I don't want to stop working out since I need to build my muscles back up and I want to lose this extra bits of fat.
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Maybe call your insurance company to see which nutritionists are in your network
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What is your current caloric intake? 105 @ 5'5 is quite lean
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    What is your current caloric intake? 105 @ 5'5 is quite lean

    That's only weight, though. I've lost a lot of muscle and gained quite a bit of fat. Even in the pictures I have uploaded here of myself, I was smaller there.....those were taken near the beginning of this month, maybe the end of last. But my dairy is public. This site is very weird and not trust worthy I think, for numbers. but I'm obviously in starvation mode. I'm not lean at all.
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    Do you think maybe you VIEW yourself as having bits of fat because you lost muscle mass? I can't imagine someone who is 5'5" and weighs 105 to have a lot of extra fat hanging around. I understand having a distorted body image...I was anorexic for years and still have problems eating enough food. I'm always in starvation mode myself but I'm trying to keep my calories where they need to be as well as working out so I can tone up. I think a nutritionist is a great idea as well as a psychiatrist to help with the body image problems. I used both when I got down to 85lbs and my friends and family freaked out about how small I was. Good luck to you! I hope you get everything figured out!;-)
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Do you think maybe you VIEW yourself as having bits of fat because you lost muscle mass? I can't imagine someone who is 5'5" and weighs 105 to have a lot of extra fat hanging around. I understand having a distorted body image...I was anorexic for years and still have problems eating enough food. I'm always in starvation mode myself but I'm trying to keep my calories where they need to be as well as working out so I can tone up. I think a nutritionist is a great idea as well as a psychiatrist to help with the body image problems. I used both when I got down to 85lbs and my friends and family freaked out about how small I was. Good luck to you! I hope you get everything figured out!;-)

    Trust me.......I've gained quite a bit of fat compared to where i use to be...and lost a lot of muscle.......
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    ACG she's eating 1300 but does seem to be eating her exercise calories back.
    How do I build my muscles back up, get out of this starvation mode, boost my metabolism where it use to be, and burn this fat off? Oh, and I'm 21, female and 5'5"

    Lifting heavier weights (I did see you are doing weight lifting from your diary) and building up to more calories. You don't need to lose weight (purely going by the BMI scale you're underweight) you need to change your body compastion. You know this, but you need to stop eating at a deficit. Losing pounds won't change your body shape.

    Is your strength program designed by someone?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    ACG she's eating 1300 but does seem to be eating her exercise calories back.
    How do I build my muscles back up, get out of this starvation mode, boost my metabolism where it use to be, and burn this fat off? Oh, and I'm 21, female and 5'5"

    Lifting heavier weights (I did see you are doing weight lifting from your diary) and building up to more calories. You don't need to lose weight (purely going by the BMI scale you're underweight) you need to change your body compastion. You know this, but you need to stop eating at a deficit. Losing pounds won't change your body shape.

    Is your strength program designed by someone?

    @around 1,300 cals at her weight, her intake should be sufficient. If you do think you're putting on fat at that intake, I'd talk to a doctor and get some tests done to see if you are suffering from any thyroid or metabolic disorders
  • saraht23
    saraht23 Posts: 22
    You can find reasonably priced nutritionists in your area. I saw one a few weeks ago for only $50. I just called my local hospital and they referred me to her.
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    We're in the same boat, I'm so freaked out. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    This site is very weird and not trust worthy I think, for numbers. but I'm obviously in starvation mode. I'm not lean at all.

    I think a counciller might be best. It's almost impossible for you to go from what you looked like earlier this month to pudgy. In those pictures I can see your hip bones jutting out. If you've not put on weight and are eating at 1300 calories I have a very, very hard time believing you've managed to turn your muscle into that much fat that quickly.

    At the very least see your doctor. They can give you the best advice.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    This site is very weird and not trust worthy I think, for numbers. but I'm obviously in starvation mode. I'm not lean at all.

    I think a counciller might be best. It's almost impossible for you to go from what you looked like earlier this month to pudgy. In those pictures I can see your hip bones jutting out. If you've not put on weight and are eating at 1300 calories I have a very, very hard time believing you've managed to turn your muscle into that much fat that quickly.

    At the very least see your doctor. They can give you the best advice.

    It's true, though.....I've lost a lot of muscle very quick.....the fat gain was almost right away, too. But it's gotten worse over time.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    We're in the same boat, I'm so freaked out. I wish you the best of luck.

    It does suck....I'm not sure what to do since i can tell not a lot of people believe me and stuff like that. I feel so alone in this journey to getting my body back and my health back.....
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    ACG she's eating 1300 but does seem to be eating her exercise calories back.
    How do I build my muscles back up, get out of this starvation mode, boost my metabolism where it use to be, and burn this fat off? Oh, and I'm 21, female and 5'5"

    Lifting heavier weights (I did see you are doing weight lifting from your diary) and building up to more calories. You don't need to lose weight (purely going by the BMI scale you're underweight) you need to change your body compastion. You know this, but you need to stop eating at a deficit. Losing pounds won't change your body shape.

    Is your strength program designed by someone?

    @around 1,300 cals at her weight, her intake should be sufficient. If you do think you're putting on fat at that intake, I'd talk to a doctor and get some tests done to see if you are suffering from any thyroid or metabolic disorders

    i know i don't have anything like that wrong with me. I also changed my fitness goals. it use to be set to: lose 5 Lbs - Active - Plan to workout 5 times a week for an hour. But I changed it.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    ACG she's eating 1300 but does seem to be eating her exercise calories back.
    How do I build my muscles back up, get out of this starvation mode, boost my metabolism where it use to be, and burn this fat off? Oh, and I'm 21, female and 5'5"

    Lifting heavier weights (I did see you are doing weight lifting from your diary) and building up to more calories. You don't need to lose weight (purely going by the BMI scale you're underweight) you need to change your body compastion. You know this, but you need to stop eating at a deficit. Losing pounds won't change your body shape.

    Is your strength program designed by someone?

    No...I put it together....I know it's bad. I don't know what I'm doing :frown:
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Also, each time I finish my food dairy, I get this:

    If every day were like today... You'd weigh 98.0 lbs in 5 weeks
    *Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum.

    That one was for today. Of course the number changes. I did very little movement today, also.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    No...I put it together....I know it's bad. I don't know what I'm doing

    First off it's not BAD. It just might make it easier if you're doing something with a goal in mind. I did it for years with weight lifting and never really changed anything. Combined it with a healthy eating plan and had a goal and in six weeks my body shape has started to change. (I have a waist emerging, my NECK is there!)

    I do New Rules of Lifting for Women and based on what they advocate these are your stats.

    Your Resting Metabolic Rate (what you would burn in a day if you did aboustley nothing all day and only ate) is 1137. On days you don't workout you would traditionally burn 1819 calories and days you have an active work out day you'd burn 2046. That's the minimum you should be eating to maintain.

    I'm not saying jump straight up to those numbers. But you need to eat more. There are so many ways to do this from using more oils when cooking, to eating nuts, having butter (not margarine that's crap for you) peanut butter, more full fat items. Start small and it will help.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I think you don't actually want to lose any more weight, your goal seems to be to make what you have 'firmer'.

    I'd suggest putting your diary to 'maintain your current weight', and then lift heavy weights, 3 times a week... I'm sure there are loads of people on the forums who will be happy to help suggest lifting routines for you, or you can read 'New Rules of Lifting for women' and follow that.
  • I am not a nutritionist or anything, but I did work at a fitness/weight loss center for a little while. If you feel like your metabolism is worn out, you MUST let it rest and recover. Your body is like a car, and your food is like gas. If you don't give your body what it needs, when it needs it, you are running on fumes and that is terrible for your metabolism. Let it rest!

    Up your caloric intake (about 1,600 a day) for 4-8 weeks. Increase your lean protein - you have to have this to rebuild your muscles. Beans, nuts, quinoa, cottage cheese, chicken breast, pork loin, etc. Fill 1/2 of your plate with veggies - you can eat as many veggies as you like, whenever you are hungry. Eat some fruits. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store (avoiding the processed foods full of hidden sugar, fat, salt, and chemicals) - fresh produce, lean meats, low fat dairy, whole grains. Drink lots (at least 8 glasses) of water a day - this will help with your digestion. Also, low-fat yogurt (without all the fruit syrup) with probiotics, produce and whole grains full of fiber, help digestion. Cook with cooking sprays or a little olive oil - avoid extra fats. Avoid sugary drinks.

    After a month or so, then you can cut back again to about 1,200, maintain that for about a week. You should see a few pounds your fat start to melt off - fat, not muscle. Eating lots of protein helps to protect your muscle. This week just a jumpstart.

    After a week, up your calories again to around 1,400. This should give you a slower fat loss (meaning it will stay off easier) and is still protecting your muscles. This period should last you about 2-3 months.

    After that you should be where you want to, so you would just increase your calories to around 1,500-1,600 to maintain. Remember, if you aren't giving your body the fuel (healthy calories) that it needs, it will rebel again. If you find that you fall off and are gaining, then just start the process over again.

    And you must exercise!!!! You have to build that muscle, and that takes a little time. Find out WHY you are really doing this. Focus on your HEALTH and make it a priority. Walk/Aerobics/Zumba for about 30 minutes, 4-6 times a week. Do muscle building exercises about 3 days a week. Your muscles need time to recover, so always give each group of muscles a day to rest in between workouts. You can use free weights, Curves for Women (only 30 minutes a day), or find exercises on the internet. I like Shape.com, Prevention.com, Bodyrock.tv, Livestrong.com, and there are many more.

    The main thing is to make sure that you are healthy, and that your weight is good for YOU. If you are too thin, then your body rebels! This will only make maintaining a healthy weight harder for your body in the future and you only get one body, so take care of it! Its going to need to be around for a while, and working properly! You want to maintain a healthy weight. If you are 5'5", then your ideal weight should be closer to 115-130lbs. If you are outside of that, you should go see your physician for a check up, and see what he/she recommends would be best for you, and how to achieve it.

    Good luck!