Can someone look at my diary right now?

I'm frustrated and scared of my weight loss stalling. My goal is 1740 calories per day. I normally eat around 1500 or so but then go to the gym and burn off 500+. I'm still very overweight so I burn huge amounts at the gym. I am using a heart rate monitor so I know it's pretty accurate. My food intake today was decent as far as calories go however, I have tons of calories left but I'm not hungry. My net calories for today is 1168. I try to eat back my exercise calories but I'm not hungry. Sure I can eat a bunch of empty calorie snacks to get me to my calorie goal, but that seems counterproductive. Any advice?


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    AS I've seen said here a lot.

    Tea spoon + peanut butter = healthy calories.

    You're not eating enough fruit. Some days you're not eating veggies. Seeds, nuts, adding some more oil would help with calories. Full fat milk too wouldn't be bad.
  • EvaJ20
    EvaJ20 Posts: 33
    Honestly, I would cut out the Lean Cuisines. Tons of salt and virtually nothing good for you.
  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    After looking at your diary, I think I would change these few things:
    1) Lower your carb intake. Frosted mini wheats-not so good. lean cuisine-not so good. Maybe try Kashi Go Lean cereal.
    2) Maybe, just to change it up a little, instead of eating 3 big meals, eat 6 smaller meals. Spread your calories out.
    3) More fruits and veggies.
    4) And don't be afraid to eat your excercise calories, you earned them! :)

    I hope this helps! :) And don't get discouraged, you are doing a great job. Plataeus are gonna happen, it is just the way it is.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    you need to eat more, add fruits and vegies to give you more fiber and nutrients. Cut back on the boxed/processed stuff, if you were tracking your sodium (and you can add more things to track), you would be over. That could account for some of our problem. The other thing I noticed is the amount of water, only 6 glasses, you should be drinking double that (give or take). It is recommended to drink half your weight in ounces of water daily.

    As other suggested, add peanut butter and a piece of bread, diary such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and some healthy fats such as olive oil. If you don't eat more, you won't lose weight, but you will lose muscle and that is never good.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    You have a lot of positives in your diary. It looks like you are being really selective about what you eat so that is good. I would first add sodium and fiber to your monitor chart. You may be consuming too much sodium thus hanging onto water weight. Those boxed meals are sodium devils! If you can't cut them out then choose ones with lower sodium...i've been there and there are some that are better than others. You may not be hungry because you aren't getting what you need and it makes you feel lethargic. Like someone suggested I would add some healthy fats like pistachios, all natural peanut butter, almonds,and alvacados. Don't let this scare you because these fats are what your body needs to feel full and to burn baby burn. I would also add more fruits and vegetables. Maybe have a snack of apple slices and peanut butter and bam you are eating some of your calories back and they are healthy! Plan plan plan! Oh and how about a protein shake of some sort? You seem to like things that are convenient to grab. You could get the pre-made ones or when you get more "into it" you can make your own. They are wonderful and it is great to make your own and know what you are putting in your body.
    It's great you are asking because now you can try different things and find the right mix for you. Keep hanging in there you CAN do it!
  • Quinn827
    Quinn827 Posts: 9
    I looked through your food diary and I have a few suggestions.

    ****MOST important. #1 ****

    1. Go into your settingss and add a few things to track. Track your sugar grams, sodium and your fiber. Sugar will completely mess up your weight loss. Try to stay in range of the recommended range for sugar. Just looking at your choices I can guess you are WAY over on sugar.

    2. Reduce your simple carbohydrate intake. Add the calories in healthy protein and complex carbs like fruits and veggies.

    3, Eat more natural foods and less packaged.

    Finally, I noticed your calorie intake is pretty high? I am 41 weigh 240 pounds my Goal is 185 and my nutritionist has me on 1200 calories per day, I am not sure what your weight is but I just thought it might be something to evaluate. So this is not taken the wrong way. I am not telling you to eat 1200 calories just simply saying you may look at your current calories and be sure they are right for your age and weight. I am much older than you so this makes a huge difference in metabolism.

    Hope this helps!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Finally, I noticed your calorie intake is pretty high? I am 41 weigh 240 pounds my Goal is 185 and my nutritionist has me on 1200 calories per day, I am not sure what your weight is but I just thought it might be something to evaluate.

    PLEASE don't tell people to eat less. I am slightly smaller than you and am eating 1600 and am losing consistently. Not starving is always a great thing.
  • bunnzye2
    bunnzye2 Posts: 56
    these are some very good suggestions the members have given you. take care.
  • Quinn827
    Quinn827 Posts: 9
    I did not tell her to eat less I simply said she may want to evaluate her calories according to her weight. That is why I said " you may want to evaluate this"

    I noticed she has lost a lot of weight already. So I just thought it might be time to look at her calories accirding to her new weight.. Often times we need to change things up to ttrigger something to happen.

    Sometimes we need to add calories to get weight loss happening again when we hit that plateau and sometime just taking a few away or changing what we eat to get those calories.

    That is all I meant it to be.
  • KadyLisette
    Try switching up your workouts too. Add some strength training.
  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey hun.
    you are putting preservatives in your body . there is processed foods there and sugar , you need to drink water and eat veggies add whey protein . Read this book called the abs diet , it will help you understand how the FDA puts stuff in our foods to keep us hungry. You also should be eating 6 small meals a day .... oatmeal or an omlette ..3hours later an apple ...lunch ,something healthy , no breads only multi grain bread . 3 hours ...a handful of almonds ....3 hours later dinner portioned protien, carbs and veggies. anyway , super tired . friend me or message if u need any help . please do not give up , u will see results . look into fat burning foods . the key is to keep your matabolism in fat burning mode all day ,...also that lean cuisine is the worse thing u can eat , it has trans fat preservatives , ingredients that will slow down ur matabolism and keep u hungry . it is good if u r counting calories , but the key is to clean out your system of the junk work out and burn fat .
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Avacado on sanwiches...walnuts on your oatmeal...olive oil on your salad... Good fats are your heart's bff.
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    I would def. track your fiber. You are doing AWESOME with protein (so much so that I'm jealous!) :smile:

    Personally, I don't think that there is anything wrong w/you eating the mini-wheats, or the Lean Cusines (as long as they are in moderation).

    I do agree that your veggies/fruits are lacking, but who am I to talk (I'm not too much into the fruit/veggie thing myself)... So if you aren't against it, you could always add more of that into your diet.

    I would also suggest adding 1 or 2 more snacks in your day... I think someone else suggested doing 6 'mini' meals as well... which is good bcs you should be eating every 2-3hrs anyway to keep your body at a constant level.

    Lastly, it looks like the majority of your cals left over are those from your exercise and not your reg. diet amt.... it's okay (IMHO) to not eat them ALL the time, but you should eat them occassionally so that you throw your body off (ever hear of zig-zagging your cals?)

    I hope that this helps

    Have a good night.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    you are putting preservatives in your body . there is processed foods there and sugar , you need to drink water and eat veggies add whey protein . Read this book called the abs diet , it will help you understand how the FDA puts stuff in our foods to keep us hungry. You also should be eating 6 small meals a day .... oatmeal or an omlette ..3hours later an apple ...lunch ,something healthy , no breads only multi grain bread . 3 hours ...a handful of almonds ....3 hours later dinner portioned protien, carbs and veggies. anyway , super tired . friend me or message if u need any help . please do not give up , u will see results . look into fat burning foods . the key is to keep your matabolism in fat burning mode all day ,...also that lean cuisine is the worse thing u can eat , it has trans fat preservatives , ingredients that will slow down ur matabolism and keep u hungry . it is good if u r counting calories , but the key is to clean out your system of the junk work out and burn fat .

    *bangs head*
  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    there is everything wrong with eating processed foods with trans fat and preservatives. slows down the metabolism and you dont burn fat , you store it. high in sodium ...water retention the list goes on and on. you may have lost weight temporarily , but i am sure your insides look like crap , im sure a blood test will prove that . high cholesteral , diabetes, sluggish thyroid, high blood pressure . keep eating the preservatives and the FDA owns you . If not on their junk food , then definitely on the meds to keep ur health in check . goodnight!
  • OccupyFitness
    I made a few changes that have really helped my overall health and my weight loss. Maybe the changes I made will be helpful for you, too.

    I changed my carb/fat/protein ratios to 40/30/30 and that has made me feel a lot better.

    Also I started tracking fiber, sugar, and sodium. That has also been very informative (I was eating way more sugar and sodium then I thought).

    I also set my daily goal to my BMR (use a BMR calculator) which has increased my calories but what I am eating is better so it has also helped give me way more energy to exercise and also I don't get overly hungry anymore so I am making much better choices for food. Also I am not as grumpy!

    Like you, I ultimately want to lose weight but also I want to be healthy, feel healthy and strong.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses and advice. My biggest problem seems to be lunch time and grabbing whatever I can at Target next to my office. Great suggestion about the 6 small meals idea. I'm going to try that. Currently I'm still losing consistently, but I just know a plateau is around the corner. I've been lucky so far.

    Also, a PP mentioned weight training. I want to start, but it's intimidating. Lol. As in I have no clue what to do, how long, what weight, or how many reps. Also, how often do I work each muscle group? Any help in this area would be great too.

    Thanks again guys!!!
  • Quinn827
    Quinn827 Posts: 9
    Weight training is not scary it is FUN :) I have been a weight lifter for 24 years and I LOVE IT! I was a bodybuilder in my early 30's but unfortunatley I have some heath issues that have gotten in my way these past few years.

    Start with a weight you can lift comfortably with 12-15 reps. It should burn the last few.

    You can approach it in a few ways. You can do whole body workout like 3 days a week or you can do body parts in pairs.

    I think as a beginner a whole body circuit would be the easiest for you. Start simple.

    1. Bicep curls with dumbells...find a good weight 13-15 reps
    2. Tricep push downs or kick-backs depending on the equipment
    3. Over head press for shoulders
    4. Chest flys for pectorals
    5. Dumbell squats for quads

    These are some very basic beginner excercises. Look online or in some fitness magazines to see the equipment and the form Form is KEY.

    Try these as a circuit. Go from one excercise right to the next. Then take a minute rest. Do them all again if you can. DO NOT overdo. You will injur yourself. Trust me I have done it and then the next day I was like a total mess. Add a little more each time you will be amazed at how quickly your body will get stronger and how much fat you will lose. Muscle burns fat so the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.

    :) Happy Lifting
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    i agree with everything everyone has replied...i had a buddy suggest i keep an eye on my sodium, fiber and protein intake. you might want to add those so you can see them as you're logging....
    i'm not an expert at this at all, but that sodium is a's hard for me to stay away from it also....
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    AS I've seen said here a lot.

    Tea spoon + peanut butter = healthy calories.

    You're not eating enough fruit. Some days you're not eating veggies. Seeds, nuts, adding some more oil would help with calories. Full fat milk too wouldn't be bad.

    ^^^ I agree with most of this (everything but whole milk, I just can't drink that stuff)

    I always have raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, greek yogurt, and things like that in my fridge (fridge helps the nuts/seeds stay fresh longer). Avocado is also a good fat, and I am all for the peanut butter!