Weight loss isn't happening!!

I am 22, 5'9', 140lbs and trying hard to lose weight. I was 170 at my highest, but I seem to have dead-stalled at 140. I need to get down to at LEAST 120 for runways. I've been allowed to do most of the runways so far, but I've also already lost jobs for being too large. I typically eat 1500-1600 calories per day, then burn off 300 to bring it it down to 1300. I've been doing that for two months and not lost one lb. I have a huge event on April 5th and promised to be at 130, but it's just not happening. I've resorted to atkins induction to try to lose weight quickly, but I hate it. HELP!!!

My measurements are:

34 Bust
26 Waist
37 Hips

Thanks everyone!


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Honestly, it sounds like you are trying to get to an unhealthy weight. I understand that if you are a model, you need to do that........but I'm not sure there is any healthy way to do it.
  • sunlily2003
    sunlily2003 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with IveLanded, I'm shorter than you by 2 inches and a healthy weight determined by a doctor is 140-150lbs, but if you are a model you must be tall and thin...Maybe burn more than 300 calories...or cut your calorie intake down?? I'm assuming that would be unhealthy to do though...do your workouts involve muscle toning or any weight lifting? If they do, you may be gaining muscle weight, not actual fat weight. Maybe the best option is to burn more calories...hope you are able to get to your ideal weight and stay healthy!
  • sunlily2003
    sunlily2003 Posts: 4 Member
    I forgot to ask, are a lot of the foods you are eating high in salt? Salt will cause your body to retain water, which will give you water weight...if you do eat foods with a lot of salt (processed foods), try cutting those down or out, only eat fresh, unprocessed foods...that will help as well...
  • dancin2011
    dancin2011 Posts: 92 Member
    I agree with the above posters in that you are trying to get to an unhealthy weight. I am not a fan of BMI but for what it's worth, 120 pounds at your height is underweight.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Kailauli, how long have you been dieting for without taking an extended break (at least one week)? It is possible that a diet break (two weeks at maintenance calories) will help restore some hormones. Once this is done, move back to your cutting calories and everything should progress smoothly. I've implemented this when I've plateaued for too long and it's worked every time. That would be my recommendation since you cannot really cut calories any further. I promise this will work. You may increase weight initially by 1-5lbs but this is not fat. It's weight that will go away once you go back to lower calories.

    Also, ignore this nonsense about unhealthy weight. I don't think it's unhealthy to get to 130 @ 5'9". My girlfriend is 5'8" and she weighs 132lbs.
    I forgot to ask, are a lot of the foods you are eating high in salt? Salt will cause your body to retain water, which will give you water weight...if you do eat foods with a lot of salt (processed foods), try cutting those down or out, only eat fresh, unprocessed foods...that will help as well...

    On salt:
    "Adding to that is that is the fact sodium only causes water retention when folks move from very low to very high sodium. This is why that piece of pizza you snuck on your diet caused you to bloat like crazy. You see, when you reduce sodium too much, the body increases levels of a hormone called aldosterone which is involved in water balance (causing water retention).

    When you throw sodium back into the mix, the body holds water. But guess what happens when you increase/maintain sodium at reasonable levels? The body decreases aldosterone. So sodium no longer causes any problem with bloating. Read through that again: sodium only causes bloating when you make the switch from low to high sodium, a few days on a higher sodium intake and everything will normalize anyhow."

    I have no idea why everyone suggests cutting sodium.
  • Fenra
    Fenra Posts: 1
    I'm your height, and about your weight ATM, around 3 lbs heavier than you as we speak. I'm also trying to get back to about 120. When I was racing (10K & 1/2 marathon) I was around 118-120lbs. I don't think that's an unhealthy weight for girls our height. It's slender, for sure, but it's not bad if you are athletic and otherwise healthy.
    I really feel your pain though, it seems like I've been stuck in the 140's forever (hence why I signed up so I can keep perfect track of myself, lol)

    Since you need a quick-fix to drop the weight, you could try what I'm doing. Your exercise sounds good, so I'd keep that constant. Drop your calories to 1200 for a week or so, and make them really good calories, with optimal nutrition. Remember, most calories & good carbs in the morning, and taper off towards evening with much more water rich food for dinner.

    For example, for breakfast, have a bit of fresh fruit in oatmeal, or an egg-white omelet. Lunch - maybe some fresh salad veges & tuna wrapped in a tortilla (I like La Tortilla Factory 50 cal ones), and Dinner go for fresh (non-starchy) veges - steam/grilled or raw. Throw in a little grilled skinless chicken or fish (I'm a herbivore, so I sub in mushrooms, lite tofu or Quorn).
    If you're super hungry in between grab a few carrot/celery sticks as well. Add (a little!) peanut butter if you need the protein boost, it also keeps you full forever, just use it sparingly :)

    As always, watch out for (& don't add) sugar, extra fats & oils. High sodium things will make you bloat, although things like bouillon (for soups and such) and soy sauce, even though they are notorious for being high in sodium, are actually very low calorie, they'll just make you retain a lot of water weight.

    Keep drinking plenty of water. I think I read somewhere that about 1/2 or your body weight in fl oz is good, so if you're 140lbs, try to drink 70oz of water a day.

    Good luck, let us know how you go ^_^
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    Here is the forewarning- I get that you have made a commitment that will be hard to reach if you dont do this. What I will tell you is tough to maintain but will most likely work since Its for a short time. Avoid gluten, dairy, soy, egg, corn, artificial sweeteners and nuts. JJ Virgin is a nutrition expert that goes into food allergies and how it affects your body. I made an honest effort to do this and went from 137 to 130 in a week. However, as soon as I introduced the foods back into my diet I then gained it all back. It is very difficult to live this way and most likely you will gain it back but it will work for the time being.
  • kaitlynnrogers
    kaitlynnrogers Posts: 142 Member
    eat more girl!! i had the same problem..NET above your BMR..set your calories to about 1800..if you burn 300 calories and eat 1800 you'll net around 1500..a bunch of my friends on here are doing it and it worked to break that plateau so i'm trying it and so far i feel great and my stomach feels slimmer already!!

    my BMR is 1450 so i have my calories to 1800..burn around 400-500 calories a day and end up eating 2000-2100 calories which leaves me a NET around 1600..NEVER net below your BMR stays NET around 200 above it! hope this helps..you can friend me or message me with questions if ya need any(:
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, but I weigh a bit more and I'm shorter, so I know how you feel. My D - Day should have been the 1st but it's not the 6th and I don't see anything happening. Luckily it's not for work. :)

    Good luck!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    With such a small amount of weight to lose I would focus on losing body fat instead of 'weight' on the scales.

    Do some strength training and eat 15% less than your TDEE. You will get there :)