Picky Eater!!!! HELP ME!`

OK I have asked soooo many people and no one ever answers me. My Name is .......... And I'm a Picky Eater. Yes u read that right. I'm a Picky eater. I don't like fruit. its the texture. There are only certain veggies i will eat. Hello.....those are the main staples of this whole diet thing. I have made myself believe that this is why i can't lose the weight. ITS DRIVING ME INSANE. Some one please give me some guidance. I'm a pasta nut. got to love those carbs...UGH :[ my worst thing lately is sitting in front of the TV and being LAZY. i need that motivation to get back on and lose this last 20 lbs..i want this fat gone and i need my energy back. Oh and would love some Motivation Friends. :]


  • wisisu
    wisisu Posts: 14
    i'm a newbie here, but how did you lose the first 28 pounds? can't you continue on that path? is it raw or cooked veggies you hate? not all fruit has the same texture, so that excuse doesn't make sense to me. i'm playing devil's advocate with you since you said no one answers you and everyone deserves to be heard. can you take help and helpful criticism from your friends on MFP?
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    What kind of texture is it that you dont like? Hard to help without more info. Have you tried smotthies? I have kind of a hard time with leafy greens so I buy them in bulk, weight them and freeze em, then just add them into smothies every other day. Do you like frozen fruits? I like to eat frozen mango cubes and frozen pineapple, and really love frozen green grapes. Mabey dried fruit without sugar? I also love chopped fruit in oatmeal and yogurt. Veggies you can mince and throw in soups, chop fine and toss into an egg scramble, or toss some with pasta. I also like veggies like zucchini and squash sauteed in a little low sodium broth till tender, then drain toss with a pack of pesto seasoning and a little bit of live oil or brommel and brown.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I personally can't stand the texture of raw strawberries or apples - but, if blended into a shake or smoothie, I love the flavors of them. Perhaps you could try something like that? Try a bit of low fat frozen yogurt, whatever kind of fruit you feel like experimenting with, maybe some veg, almond milk, and blend it up until it's really smooth in a food processor or blender. That's also how I found out how I could incorporate Greek yogurt into my diet. LOL I hate the taste, but in a smoothie it can easily be disguised. :)
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    have you tried the pastas made out of veggies? try making smoothies or use a juicer to incorporate veggies hidden in fruit juice mixture. How about stuffing pasta with a mixed veggie mixture
  • Veggies are great chopped up really fine and added to anything for meals. I hide them in meatloaf, pasta sauce and just about anywhere I can think of. Also muffins. That is if you're making them yourself and not from packages or boxes. Fruits are also great in breakfast muffins and can be pureed into any kind of topping or smoothies. Good luck!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    eat food you like and count the cals ..... you dont have to eat what you dont like .... but you do have to monitor how many cals you eat ...... but I agree with the first poster, you have lost 28lbs already (according to your ticker) so continue what you done there

    or are you looking for recipe ideas?
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I am the most picky person EVER!!! I know that my body needs nutrients from fruit and veggies so I tried juicing. It is fabulous!!! I put everything I should be eating into my juicer and taaaaa daaaaa! Some of the combos I have tried are really good. Give it a try..... Plug and chug if you have to!!