Diet Pills (Pros Only)

I have not taken diet pills to this point, however I am considering them.
Any suggestions on pills that have worked for you??


  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    Hi I have taken diet pills and they can help with weight loss but you can not totally depend on them. If you watch your intake and exercise with them they will help. Some types work others dont. It depends on the indivivual. Health issues etc. Some ppl can not take them. OTC can be scary especially if you the person does not follow the recommendations and directions to the tee. Rx diet pills can monitored by a doctor and that is always best. But I have tried both. I have used Green Tea extract barely worked. An all natural supplement called Insane Amp'd that worked for 2 wks and after that I did not see anymore results. i also tried Xenadrine it worked great but when they took the Ephedra out of it ... it did not work for me. I took Hydroycut and it worked but you have to take a lot of capsules and I hate taking pills. Then I tried Stacker 2 several yrs ago and lost about 25lbs and two sizes was very satisfied. So, now I am ready to loose weight again bc last yr I lost abt 23 lbs naturally but I got lazy at the end of the year and gained it back. I am taking Stackers 3 OTC and they are reasonably priced. I also like Stackers bc you take them only after you eat. If you don't eat you don't take it. I like that bc that is a way to be sure of lessening side effects.

    For someone like me a night worker, I love diet pills bc they give more energy and I need that. Also, I love to eat so I dont eat bc I get hungry I eat bc the food tastes good. I am also making better choices bc I have cut out sodas all together. Avoid lots of sweets. I eat more fiber and watch my intake of calories. I have just started this year to drink water like I should have been doing. I just have a hectic schedule and being 42 yrs old I need that metabolism boost. So I like fat burners or thermogenic pills better. When I get back down to 190 or below I think exercising will be easier for me. Sometimes we just need a lil help to get to where we need to be. Diet pills can help but one must be careful and aware of what is going on in and with their body. Hope this helps. God Bless.
  • The only pill that has helped me or anyone I know in any way was Jillian Michael's Ultimate Fat Burner. It gives you a nice energy boost before a work out and then supposedly cracks down on places with too much fat in them.
  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    I have never taken Oxylite. But I heard they are very good from one the salesman in GNC and it is part of his regimn and he looks great with his diet program and getting his muscles in shape. But when I looked into they were too much an I was not willing to spend that much on a diet pill at that time.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    but when they took the Ephedra out of it ... it did not work

    This is what makes diet pills useless now ^^ Big waste of money
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    But you can still buy them online with ephedra (ma huang).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • skinnimarink
    skinnimarink Posts: 5 Member
    Dexedrine. Start with 5 mg's 2x day, and move up to 10 mg in the am and 5 after noon, then 10 and 10, then 15 and 10, then 15 and 15, and so on. You will most likely not need to go beyond 10 and 10.
  • skinnimarink
    skinnimarink Posts: 5 Member
    Are Ma Huang and Ephedra the exact same thing?
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    Don't take prescription diet pills, they make you feel horrible! And long term they're so so bad for you.

    Stick with an over the counter fat burner, something to rev up ur energy. And L-Carnitine is good for burning fat, get it in liquid form and have it before training.

  • I have taken them for years, the ones I took were like an anthetimine (sorry cant spell that)!! with water retention pills. They had me biting my lips continually, awake all night!!

    They worked when I was on them yes, lost loads of weight because I didnt want to or have the need to eat!!...

    Thats all well and good until you come off them.... then the weight goes back on faster than the speed of light and even more than I weighed before. I thought that was the only way I could lose weight!!

    Since January, I have lost 27lbs, through exercising and eating healthy and I am so proud that I have finally done it without the help of a pill. I realise now that it is not a quick fix that I need but a healthier lifestyle.

    You dont need pills, they just muck up your body and its natural way of losing weight... this way works!!
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    But you can still buy them online with ephedra (ma huang).

    NOT in Australia! I WISH!!!
  • kaiteboo
    kaiteboo Posts: 141 Member
    Pro: the placebo affect may occur, and you might actually work out a little harder, causing you to lose some weight and therefore buying diet pills that don't actually work will not have been a complete waste of your money.
  • I can't take any of that stuff. I have too many medical problems that they could exacerbate. We got a call 2 weeks ago for a kid who overdosed on over the counter diet pills so we fixed him up as best we could and took him over to the ER.....not good........ :(
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I have taken them for years, the ones I took were like an anthetimine (sorry cant spell that)!! with water retention pills. They had me biting my lips continually, awake all night!!

    They worked when I was on them yes, lost loads of weight because I didnt want to or have the need to eat!!...

    ... ... .. rave on.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I can't take any of that stuff. I have too many medical problems that they could exacerbate. We got a call 2 weeks ago for a kid who overdosed on over the counter diet pills so we fixed him up as best we could and took him over to the ER.....not good........ :(

    Yeah, this frightens me. I don't ever want to feel doped up/drunk/hungover/on drugs again, so no diet pills for me. Why not just do it the healthy way?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I can't take any of that stuff. I have too many medical problems that they could exacerbate. We got a call 2 weeks ago for a kid who overdosed on over the counter diet pills so we fixed him up as best we could and took him over to the ER.....not good........ :(

    Yeah, this frightens me. I don't ever want to feel doped up/drunk/hungover/on drugs again, so no diet pills for me. Why not just do it the healthy way?

    If you use them as the instructions say... you don't have to worry about it.

    *disclaimer* I've only ever used one for a few weeks total. lol not a big diet pill user here either.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    By pros only do you mean people in favour of taking them?

    I'm guessing you don't want to be confused by the facts?
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    I`ve used these...And they work ok..

    Atom Eph 30+ The Ultimate Replacement for Eph HCL
    Atom Eph 30+ has been created by Atom Labs to serve as the ultimate replacement for Eph HCL weight loss supplements which have now been banned.

    Eph 30mg, was a very popular supplement with those looking to lose weight quickly, and as this product could help even those who had really struggled with losing weight in the past, it enjoyed immense popularity for a good number of years.

    Eph HCL was widely regarded as a very effective fat burner, and it was also known for boosting energy. This made Eph 25+ equally as popular with those looking to shed pounds with minimal effort and those looking to shed pounds and tone up with rigorous gym workouts alike.

    When combined with caffeine and aspirin, Eph HCL formed something which was known as an ECA stack. When consumed as part of an ECA stack, Eph HCL could produce even more impressive results in those looking to burn fat, build muscle and generally just up their efforts in the gym.

    Some of the benefits of Atom Eph 30+ include:
    •Superior fat burning
    •Increased metabolic rate
    •Up to 30% increase in energy
    •Fantastic thermogenic properties
    •Suppressed appetite

    If superior fat burning and superior weight loss is what you’re looking for, and you’re not looking to take any health risks, purchase Atom Eph 30+ today.

    Per Tablet
    Activ-Hcl 30mg
    Trimethylxanthine 30mg
    L-Tyrosine 15mg

    Recommended Dosage.
    1 Tablet can be taken 3 times per day with an 8 ounce glass of water. To boost energy take 30 minutes before a workout.

    Do not exceed 3 tablets per day.

    Side Effects:
    The main effects of Atom Eph 30+ is weight loss and increased energy. However, some people may experience side effects such as dry mouth, sleeplessness or irritability. These side effects are usually short term and cease as the body adjusts to Atom Eph 30+. If these symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.

    Do not exceed the recommended dose. Atom Eph 30+ is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, or individuals taking prescription drugs. Discontinue immediately if sleeplessness or nausea occur. Do not take Atom Eph 30+ if you have a known medical condition including high blood pressure, diabetes, any cardiovascular disorder, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, or are taking antidepressant medications. Atom Eph 30+ contains stimulants such as caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate such products from their diet. If you have questions about the advisability of taking Atom Eph 30+, consult your physician prior to use.

  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    I lost fifty pounds on ephedra when it was sold over the counter years ago. Only little problem i thought my heart was going to explode. I would get light headed quite frequently. Don't think either of those things are very good.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    yeah they can make you a little jittery...You can still get it in the UK, in the form of DoDo decongestants..Or `chesteeze`
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Do you mean pro, like "I'm a diet pill taking pro" or you only want the pros - and not cons - of diet pill taking?

    I was a diet pill pro. I took everything from OTC green tea supplements, to the trendy metabolife-type products, to prescription phentermine I bought online.

    I can tell you that in my personal experience:
    - All results are temporary
    - The pills are expensive
    - We don't know exactly how the herbs work together, or with other things you may be taking
    - While the FDA is not perfect, there is a reason they won't back the claims of the manufacturers
    - Every time I quit taking them (whichever of the dozens I tried) I gained back all the weight, plus some
    - The side effects of the last kind I took landed me in the doctor's office and I finally decided to knock it off

    I would lose sleep, have dry mouth, feel nauseous, jittery and *****y. But I'd keep taking the next kind once the current one either seemed to stop or once I'd gained weight back after stopping one or another. Huh. Not too smart!

    I think you can put that money you'd spend into a little reward fund for yourself once you acheive your goals the good old fashioned (and safe) way - good food and exercise!

    Best of luck and be careful...


    p.s. Who was it that said "If weightloss came in a pill, everyone would be skinny"?