I need a good reliable consistent scale to weigh on. Which

The numbers on my scale change everytime that I get off and back on. By several pounds! I know that new batteries would help, but my scale is old and I would really like to have a new one. Which one do you trust to be accurate most of the time? Thanks for your help!


  • Katrina1223
    Katrina1223 Posts: 10 Member
    I use the Weight Watchers scale, the cheaper of the models. Works well. Just make sure you keep it in the same place and don't move it around, and to weigh yourself at the same time of day--to promote accuracy. I have had no issues with this scale at all. I find it to be dead on. It also calculates your BMI, body fat %, among other measurements. Therefore, you have to be at least barefoot, if not out of your clothes.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    Scales are the best and worst friends... If you are spending on a scale I would recommend you get an analysis scale which would also help determine BF% and water weight along with weight. One brand which I really liked was Soehnle. Withings could be expensive but people do sear by it.